Softbank Honcho [ Wye Mobile Agency ] - Osaka

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Softbank Honcho [ Wye Mobile Agency ]

住所 :

3 Chome-1-2 Honmachi, Chuo Ward, Osaka, 541-0053, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 541-0053
Webサイト :

3 Chome-1-2 Honmachi, Chuo Ward, Osaka, 541-0053, Japan
【にゃんこ3兄弟】殿と坊と伯 on Google

スタッフさん達の対応が良かったです。 予約なしで行ったので待ち時間はかかりますが、ケータイショップなので致し方ないと思います。 事務的ではなく親身に見て頂いて助かりました。
The staff's response was good. I went there without making a reservation, so it will take some time to wait, but I don't think it can be done because it is a mobile phone shop. It was helpful to have the person look at me rather than the office work.
田中あいこ on Google

個人情報を家族構成まで書かされ、その紙を見て見える場所で紙をつつきながらヘラヘラ笑われました。 また、説明を受けていない項目について、説明を受けました☑︎にマークしろと言われたので、説明を受けてないのになぜチェックしなければいけないのか聞くと、「今回の契約に関係ないんです。だからこちらにチェックしてください。」とだけ説明され、どう関係ないのか説明すべきじゃないですか、と言うまでこちらの意図を理解してくれませんでした。 下請けが受付をしているのか、ソフトバンクの正社員なのか知りませんが、上から目線で一体何様なのかと思う態度でした。 勤務先まで聞かれ、個人情報の紙を見て笑うような店員に教えたくなかったので、任意か必須か聞いたらわざわざ確認に引っ込み、5分ほど待たされ結局任意だったので大丈夫ですだと 何が大丈夫や、まずはすみませんて言葉がでないのか いちいち確認する意味がわからないし、またその確認にどんな時間かかっとんねん 言葉の端々に、あの店員の頭と性格の悪さが滲み出ていて、私も接客メインの仕事なので本当に反面教師として役立つ女でした。 ボブのニキビだらけの偉そうな女に気をつけましょう。
Personal information was written down to the family structure, and I was able to laugh while holding a piece of paper in a place where I could look at the paper. In addition, I was told that I received an explanation about an item that I did not receive an explanation for, so I asked if I had to check it even though I did not receive an explanation. So, just check it out here, and it just explained, and you should not explain what it doesn't matter, until I said that I did not understand this intention. I don't know if the subcontractor is accepting, or if I'm a Softbank full-time employee, but I was in a position to think from the top how it looks like. I didn't want to tell a clerk who would ask me to laugh and look at the paper for personal information, so I asked if I asked if it was optional or essential, I was forced to go into confirmation and wait for about 5 minutes and it's all right as I ended up with it. What's all right, I'm sorry at first but there are no words I do not know the meaning to confirm one by one, and it takes time for the confirmation again At the end of the word, the badness of the head and character of the store clerk exudes, and I was a main customer service, and I was a woman who really worked as a teacher on the other hand. Beware of a boisterous woman full of Bob's acne.
shizuka ito1 on Google

I will not go back for more than 3 weeks to send it for repair. The store isn't bad, but it doesn't go well. There was no special service, and it took a lot of time for reception, but I didn't drink like other stores. Backup and data migration were self-serving. It takes 30 minutes, but it's hard to wait without touching my cellphone, so when I tried to leave my seat, it seemed like a nuisance. I was a female clerk.
M O on Google

iPhone12に変えるついでにdocomoから乗り換えてみようかと先週相談にいくと、いろんな割引適用でdocomoより安くなると言われ乗り換えを決意。ついでに家のWi-Fiも変えると安くなると、Wi-Fiも変えることに。しかし、今月末までは今のWi-Fiがあるにもかかわらず当日ソフトバンクAirもすぐ契約したほうがいいと言われる(半月はダブルの契約になるにもかかわらず)。理解に苦しむ営業。 そして今週携帯乗り換え手続きの契約。割引は半年や一年で切れていくため、結局1年後にはdocomoのままのほうが安くなることが契約手続き後、自宅に帰ってから分かり、その説明がなかったことを電話で伝えると、来年からは携帯料金も下がるかもしれないので…と、どこのキャリアでも下がるだろうに言い訳をされる。クーリングオフは面倒なのでしない予定だが、不信感しか残らない。
When I consulted last week about switching from docomo while switching to iPhone 12, I was told that it would be cheaper than docomo due to various discounts, so I decided to switch. By the way, if I change the Wi-Fi at home, it will be cheaper, so I decided to change the Wi-Fi. However, until the end of this month, it is said that it is better to sign up for SoftBank Air on the day of the event despite the current Wi-Fi (even though it will be a double contract for half a month). Sales that are difficult to understand. And this week we have a contract for mobile transfer procedures. Since the discount expires in half a year or a year, I found out that it would be cheaper to stay at docomo one year later after returning home after the contract procedure, and when I told by phone that there was no explanation, next year From now on, mobile phone charges may go down, so I'm excused that it will go down in any carrier. I don't plan to do the cooling-off because it is troublesome, but only distrust remains.
Junichi Takai on Google

素人集団ですね。 電話で手続きができると名言しておきながら、わざわざ予約を取って時間を割いて足を運んだにもかかわらず、できないという回答。 労力と時間返せこの給料泥棒どもめ。
It's an amateur group. He said that he could do the procedure over the phone, but he said he couldn't do it even though he took the time to make a reservation and took the time to visit. Return labor and time This salary thief.
たまちゃん on Google

病気の関係で基本料金が割引対象となったため、その手続きをしに行ったところ、現在使用しているXRから11にした方がいい、の一点張り。 つまりこちらとしては費用を抑えるために店に行ったのに、余計にお金がかかるプランを提示された。 11に変更する予定はなかったので、急いでいるため、今回はやめておくと伝えると次回の来店予約をさせられる。 同日に別のソフトバンクショップに行ったところ、機種変更は必要なく、割引適用のみ対応して下さり、とても好感の持てる対応をしてくれた。 このショップを利用することは今後ない。
Because of my illness, the basic charge was discounted, so when I went to the procedure, it was better to change from the XR I am currently using to 11. In other words, I was offered a plan that would cost more money even though I went to the store to keep costs down. I didn't plan to change it to 11, so I'm in a hurry, so if I tell him to stop this time, I'll be asked to make a reservation for the next visit. When I went to another SoftBank shop on the same day, there was no need to change the model, only the discount was applied, and he responded very favorably. I will not use this shop anymore.
ひらさわりさ on Google

この日12:00ごろに社員の方に道を訪ねたところ対応がきちんとされておらず、携帯を扱うサービスをしてらっしゃるのにもかかわらず、ご自身で調べてください。といわれました。 かなり失望しました。その後近くのドトールコーヒーの方に聞くと、かなりきちんと対応され行く道をどう行くか端的に丁寧にして下さりました。おそらくこの社員の方は携帯を売ることしか頭にないのでしょうね。 恐らく仕事の内容は知りませんが、流れ作業のように仕事もされてるのでしょうね。 小さな仕事にもいい加減されていて人としてどうかと思います。 運営しないでいただきたいです。 それくらい最悪でした。
I visited an employee around 12:00 on this day and the response was not taken care of properly. Even though you have a service that deals with mobile phones, please do your own research. Was said. I was very disappointed. After that, when I asked a nearby Doutor Coffee, he was very well taken care of, and he kindly politely explained how to go. Perhaps this employee is only interested in selling mobile phones. Probably I don't know the details of the work, but I think they are also working like a flow work. I think it's good for a person because I am moderately adjusted to small jobs. ‥ I would like you not to operate it. That was the worst.
松本ゆうき on Google

予約せずに名義変更で伺ったところ、今日は手続きできないから明日以降でお願いします。 と、予約も取ろうとせずに態度も悪かった。 そのあと5分後に、電話で機種変更したいと伝えたら17時から空いてますとのこと。 完全に用件で分けてますよね。 最低です。自分たちの利益のことしか考えてませんね。一生行きません。
When I asked for a name change without making a reservation, I cannot complete the procedure today, so please do so after tomorrow. He didn't even try to make a reservation and had a bad attitude. Five minutes later, when I told him that I wanted to change the model by phone, he said that he would be free from 17:00. It's completely divided according to the requirements. It's the worst. You're only thinking about your own interests. I won't go for the rest of my life.

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