Soba Yashio - Nasushiobara

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Soba Yashio

住所 :

844-41 Itamuro, Nasushiobara, Tochigi 325-0111, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Postal code : 325-0111
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–9PM
Sunday 11AM–9PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–9PM

844-41 Itamuro, Nasushiobara, Tochigi 325-0111, Japan
Nana on Google

10年以上通っていて大好きなお蕎麦屋さん!❤️ 揚げ湯葉そばは初めて食べました!美味しかったです!
A soba restaurant that I have been attending for over 10 years and love! ❤️ I ate fried yuba soba for the first time! It was delicious!
K1600GTL “K1600GTL” BMW on Google

とても美味しかったです! メニューに「たぬきそば」は無かったのですが、ご厚意でかけそばに天かすを入れて出して頂き感動しました。 また必ず行きます。
It was very delicious! There was no "tanuki soba" on the menu, but I was impressed by the kindness of the kake soba with tenkasu. I will definitely go again.
Takayaman Mr on Google

とっても美味しいそばと巡り合えてとても幸せな気持ちになれました。 私の好きな舞茸の天ぷら。 なぜ山間の舞茸はおいしいのでしょうか? 蕎麦はもちろんデザートのプリンまで一切のスキのない完璧な布陣。 とってもご馳走でした。
I was very happy to meet the delicious soba noodles. My favorite tempura of Maitake mushrooms. Why is the mountain dance mushroom delicious? A perfect lineup with no gaps, not only soba but also dessert pudding. It was a very good treat.
とちぎのキタキツネ on Google

地元民でも中々足を伸ばす事が少ない、板室温泉にあるお蕎麦屋さんです。何気に立ち寄ったお店で、美味しいそばに出会えました。 天付け三種そばをオーダー。付けダレが三種類付いていて、三種の味変が楽しめます。とろろ、胡麻、大根おろし、食べる順番を考えるのも楽しいですね! 粗めに挽いた蕎麦粉を使っているようで、適度な歯応えと蕎麦感が味わえます。北海道産の蕎麦粉を使用しているとの事です。今後は地元産の蕎麦粉も使っていきたい、とご主人がおっしゃってました。 また、寄らせてもらいます(^^)
It is a soba restaurant in Itamuro Onsen, where even locals rarely go out. At the shop I stopped by, I was able to meet delicious soba noodles. I ordered three kinds of soba noodles. There are 3 types of sauce, and you can enjoy 3 types of taste change. It's fun to think about the order of eating tororo, sesame seeds, grated radish, and so on! It seems that it uses coarsely ground buckwheat flour, and you can enjoy a moderate texture and buckwheat texture. It is said that it uses buckwheat flour from Hokkaido. The husband said that he would like to use locally produced buckwheat flour in the future. Also, I will drop by (^^)
リンリン on Google

今日は ググッて 板室の 美味しい お蕎麦屋さんへ… 足を 運んでみました。 皆さんが おっしゃる通り なかなかな お勧めの お蕎麦屋さんですね?? お蕎麦から 始まり 絶品の 炊き込みご飯!サッパリ いくらでも 食べられそう❤️ 売りの 味噌おでんは 鹿沼こんにゃくを 愛する私達には 市販の こんにゃくの 舌触り ちょっと 残念? ですが 箸休めの お漬け物が たぺたことのないくらい またまた 絶品!!! 素材も 確かなのですね〜✌️ デザートの 杏仁豆腐も 美味しかったです。 また 行きたい お店になりました。
Today is Gugutte in the board room To a delicious soba restaurant ... I went to visit. As you say It's a very recommended soba restaurant ?? Beginning with soba, exquisite cooked rice! Refreshing You can eat as much as you want ❤️ Miso oden for sale is for us who love Kanuma konjac The texture of commercially available konjac A little disappointing ? However, the pickles with chopsticks rest I've never eaten Excellent again! !! !! The material is also certain ~ ✌️ Dessert almond tofu It was delicious. It's the shop I want to go to again.
萬枚 on Google

It's a tourist spot fee. Zaru soba 825 yen. When I ordered two colanders, they came out as they were. That's why it costs 1650 yen for two pieces. In addition, miso konjac, fried juvenile sweetfish, assorted tempura, kenchin soba, pumpkin pudding, and two beers cost about 7,500 yen for two people. I think it's a shop that goes out to eat.
Marius “Mars” Van Der Westhuizen on Google

Ordered soba set. Came with a variety of tempura vegetables​and prawn. Pumpkin pudding tart was very delicious. Nice atmosphere, very relaxing. Staff friendly.
moto on Google

Went there after kayak activity just near by. Cosy space and Yummy stuff there. Super nice I like.

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