Soba noodle shop - Kawaguchi

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Soba noodle shop

住所 :

567-1 Nishiaraijuku, Kawaguchi, Saitama 333-0833, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88888
Postal code : 333-0833

567-1 Nishiaraijuku, Kawaguchi, Saitama 333-0833, Japan
Lusty on Google

Nabeyaki udon was delicious. The noodles of Udon are thin but chewy and have a strange texture. Ebi-ten is delicious, and the fuji and shiitake mushrooms are so good that they are soaked in the taste. I want the fried food to have a taste similar to that of dough.
j_ ichimura on Google

石挽き自家製粉 北海道産玄蕎麦粉の手打ちそば処である。 昼時に近くを走行中大きな”手打ち蕎麦”の看板を見て思わず引き寄せられて駐車場へ。 店内は通路両脇に小上がりの掘りごたつ席があり一人用のカウンター席も設えてある。 一番奥はテーブル席でそこへご案内頂いた。 ランチタイムには、鴨汁セット、鮪丼セット、カツ丼セットなど品数豊富で、 地元の植木職人さん達が満足できるような按配ですなぁ。 他にも、越前おろしそば、茗荷蕎麦などもありそそられる。 お願いしたのは鴨汁セットで小振りの鴨せいろに、茶碗蒸し、サラダ、ご飯、香の物と充実している。 蕎麦を一口手繰ると、蕎麦のかをりを充分に味わうことが出来旨いそばですなぁ。 かなり細打ちで、コシや噛み応えが有る蕎麦が好きな人には物足りないかもしれないが、蕎麦の風味と出汁のバランスは抜群である。 次回はセットでなく、蕎麦だけたっぷりと頂きたいですなぁ。 さらに、ハキハキした仲居さんの対応でさらに気持ち良くいただけました。
Stone grinder homemade flour It is a hand-made soba noodle shop made from Hokkaido soba noodles. When I was driving nearby at noon, I saw the big "handmade buckwheat noodles" sign and was suddenly drawn to the parking lot. Inside the store, there are small digging table seats on both sides of the aisle, and there is also a counter seat for one person. The innermost part was a table seat, and I was guided there. At lunchtime, there are a wide variety of items such as duck soup set, tuna bowl set, katsu bowl set, The distribution is so that the local gardeners can be satisfied. Besides, Echizen grated soba, and soba noodles are also popular. I ordered a duck soup set with a small amount of duck sardines, steamed egg custard, salad, rice and pickles. If you take a bite of buckwheat noodles, you can fully enjoy the soba noodles. It may be unsatisfactory for those who like soba, which is fairly thin and has a firm texture and chewy texture, but the balance of soba flavor and soup stock is outstanding. Next time I would like to have plenty of soba instead of a set. In addition, Mr. Nakai, who was thrilled, responded even more comfortably.
ふるのり on Google

There is a calm atmosphere and it is good to enjoy meals. The Kamo Nanban soba I got this time has a rich duck taste and goes perfectly with handmade soba. It is a dish that you can enjoy a sense of satisfaction.
yoshida mitsugu on Google

The annual seasonal oyster Nanban soba soba. I want to eat it asexually. I have come again this year. 5 large oysters. It goes well with sweet soup.
コロちゃん on Google

とても美味しいお蕎麦でした^ ^ 次は丼物も頂いてみたい。 お店の雰囲気もいいですね。
It was a very delicious soba ^ ^ Next time I would like to have a bowl. The atmosphere of the shop is also nice.
Youhei K on Google

2021.05訪問 以前からちょこちょこ利用させてもらっているお蕎麦屋さんです。 テーブル席と座敷席(掘りごたつ)があり、昔ながらのお蕎麦屋さんの雰囲気です。 以前はかも南蛮蕎麦をいただいたらとても美味しかったのですが、今回はとても暑かったので冷たい茗荷そばをいただきました~ 茗荷と大葉がキリッとしたそばつゆに良く合ってうまい! 嫁さんはそば&うどんと小天丼という欲張りセットにしていました(笑)どれも美味しい美味しいと食べていましたが、味噌汁は薄くて好みではないと言っていましたね。 サイドメニューでマイタケの天ぷらとカリカリごぼうを注文しましたが、カリカリごぼうは必ず頼む大好きなメニューです。 この独特な衣はどうやっているんだろう?他店でもあまり見ないし、自分でやろうと思っても同じようにはならないんですよ! 天ぷらもとても美味しくいただきました~ グリーンセンターのすぐ隣ですので、遊びに来たついでに寄ってみるのもいいですね。 川口市情報サイト:川口なびっ!
2021.05 visit This is a soba restaurant that I have been using for a long time. There are table seats and tatami mat seats (digging), which gives the atmosphere of a traditional soba restaurant. It used to be very delicious when I had Nanban soba, but this time it was so hot that I had cold soba noodles ~ The Japanese ginger and perilla go well with the crispy soba soup! My wife had a greedy set of soba, udon, and small tendon (laughs). I ate them all because they were delicious, but I said that miso soup was thin and I didn't like it. I ordered Maitake tempura and crispy burdock from the side menu, but crispy burdock is my favorite menu. How is this unique garment done? I don't see much at other stores, and even if I try to do it myself, it doesn't look the same! The tempura was also very delicious ~ It's right next to the Green Center, so it's a good idea to stop by when you come to play. Kawaguchi City Information Site: Kawaguchi Navi!
魔女ひーちゃん on Google

久しぶりに伺ったのですが、やはり混んでいました。 相変わらず安定した美味しさでした。 初めて天重セットを頂いたのですが、女性には丁度いい量だと思います。 ミニ丼には海老、なす、れんこん、ピーマン、 お蕎麦も二段重ねですが 多分一人前は無いと思います。 あと、茶碗蒸しも付いてました。
I visited after a long time, but it was still crowded. It was as stable and delicious as ever. I received the Tenju set for the first time, and I think it's just the right amount for women. Shrimp, eggplant, lotus root, peppers, etc. The soba is also double-layered, I don't think there is a full serving. Also, it came with chawanmushi.
Woan Hoon Heng on Google

Chewy hand made soba with buckwheat with fresh ingredients!

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