
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 水沢整形外科

住所 :

Shonai Higashimachi, Toyonaka, 〒561-0831 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Webサイト : https://mizusawa-seikei.com/
街 : Osaka

Shonai Higashimachi, Toyonaka, 〒561-0831 Osaka,Japan
kuu “kuu” kimi on Google

I went to various orthopedics and treated it as it was, and I was saved! When I was always looking for an excellent orthopedic surgery, I found this hospital with a good evaluation and went to try it for the first time, but it became surprisingly good and the teacher's explanation and palpation were very easy to understand and I can trust from the bottom of my heart. I felt that I was able to meet. I wanted to go all the time.
5151 Ram on Google

箕面の某整形外科であまりにも適当な診察と、フィットネスジムを紹介され、不安になり、セカンドオピニオンを求め受診しました。 画像データや実際の状態を元に丁寧に説明を受け安心させてもらえました。 医師をはじめ看護師、事務の方にも子を思う親の気持ちを分かっていただけたように感じます。 心配する親を安心させようとして話される口調や、分かりやすく説明してくださる姿勢に感銘を受けました。 ありがとうございます。
At a certain orthopedic surgery in Minoh, I was introduced to a fitness gym and an appropriate medical examination, and I became anxious and went to see a second opinion. I was relieved to receive a detailed explanation based on the image data and the actual condition. I feel that doctors, nurses, and clerical workers can understand the feelings of parents who think of their children. I was impressed by the tone of the conversation and the attitude of explaining it in an easy-to-understand manner to reassure the worried parents. Thank you very much.
久夏 on Google

朝早くから行きましたが、結構混んでいました。 ただ、大半はリハビリ通いの方のようで、 それ程待ちませんでした。 全体的に皆さんテキパキとしていて、 それでいて丁寧で、良い感じでした。 持病の関係上、腰をやりやすいのですが、 また何かあれば、行かせてもらおうと思います。
I went early in the morning, but it was quite crowded. However, most of them seem to be rehabilitation enthusiasts. I didn't wait that long. Overall, everyone is very responsive Still, it was polite and felt good. Because of my illness, it's easy to sit down, If there is anything else, I will let you go.
あきら on Google

椎間板ヘルニアで訪れました。 姿勢の改善、ストレッチ、トレーニングで様子を見てほしいと言われたが、痛みはなくならず、再度訪れた際には姿勢が悪いと言って薬を出されて診察終わり。 その場凌ぎの痛み止め出して終わりました。もう来ません。
I visited with a herniated disc. I was asked to improve my posture, stretch, and train, but the pain did not go away, and when I visited again, I was told that my posture was bad and I was given medicine and the examination was over. It ended with the pain relief on the spot. I won't come anymore.
ジェットまんきち on Google

酷い五十肩に悩まされてこれまであちこち行ったのですがイマイチ納得のいく治療を受けれず、治る様子もなく途方に暮れていたところ、こちらの病院の存在を知り伺ってみました。 水沢先生の説明は丁寧でとても納得がいくもので、施術もリハビリも他でしていただいことのないことをしていただきました。 実際、良くなる気配の無かった五十肩がその日のうちに明らかに改善の兆しを感じたのです。 院内もとてもキレイでスタッフの皆さんも優しく丁寧で、控えめに言って最高でした。 遠くても通います。 (追記) その後、週1通院で4週目くらいには鉄棒にぶら下がることができるレベルまで回復しました。後はもう自分のリハビリだけでも、なんとかなる状態です。(実はこの病院に来る前には他の所で「ここまで拘縮していたら完治まで数年かかりますよ」と脅されていたくらいガチガチでした…) 先生が素晴らしいのはもちろんですが、理学療法士さんの施術もまた絶妙で「痛くてもいいのでガッツリお願いします」と言った私の希望通りにやっていただき、その際に稼動域が劇的に広がりました。
I had been suffering from a terrible frozen shoulder, but I couldn't get a satisfactory treatment, and I was at a loss without any signs of healing, so I asked him about the existence of this hospital. Dr. Mizusawa's explanation was polite and very convincing, and he did not have any other treatment or rehabilitation. In fact, the frozen shoulders, which did not seem to improve, clearly felt signs of improvement that day. The hospital was very clean and the staff were kind and polite, and to say the least, it was awesome. I go even far away. (postscript) After that, I went to the hospital once a week and recovered to a level where I could hang on the horizontal bar around the 4th week. After that, I'm in a state where I can manage with just my own rehabilitation. (Actually, before I came to this hospital, I was so stiff that I was threatened elsewhere, "If I had contracture so far, it would take several years to recover completely ...") Of course, the teacher is wonderful, but the physiotherapist's treatment is also exquisite, and he did what I wanted, saying, "It's okay if it hurts, so please give it a try." Spread to.
kenzaburo shimada on Google

腰痛が酷かったので来院しました! 先生の診察と説明が非常に丁寧です。 受付スタッフさんの対応も良かったです。 リハビリルームが併設されており、最新の牽引機器などが導入されています。リハビリルームのスタッフさんも非常に丁寧に説明してくれます。 感染予防対策もバッチリされていました◎
I had a bad backache so I came to the hospital! The doctor's examination and explanation are very polite. The correspondence of the reception staff was also good. A rehabilitation room is attached, and the latest traction equipment is installed. The staff in the rehabilitation room will also explain very carefully. Infection prevention measures were also perfect ◎
とうまゆうが on Google

初めて行きましたが、入ってまず院内が凄く綺麗って思いました✩.*˚ 受付の方も言葉遣いが丁寧で明るい感じだったのでとても良かったです? 先生も丁寧に説明してくれましたし、凄く丁寧に診て下さりました✨ 患者に対して負担があまり無いように選択をする先生なんだなと思いました?✩.*˚ 私は、足首に水が溜まってしまったので来院したんですが、骨に異常はないので、時間は結構かかるけど湿布と足首への負担を無くせば治るとの診断だったので先生から正座禁止ね??!と禁止令が出ました??笑? ついつい正座してしまうんですが?? 今回は注射での水抜きを覚悟していたのでしないで済んで良かったです✩.*˚ 幾つか候補の病院はあったんですが此処の病院を選んで正解だったと思いました!✩.*˚ 今後はここをかかりつけにしようと思います(*^^*) 後、院内処方をしていたのでお薬を会計時に渡して頂けるのもオススメポイントだと思いました✩.*˚
I went there for the first time, but when I first entered, I thought the hospital was very beautiful ✩. * ˚ The receptionist was also very nice because the wording was polite and cheerful ? The teacher explained it carefully, and he examined me very carefully ✨ I thought he was a teacher who chose not to put too much burden on the patient ?✩. * ˚ I came to the hospital because water had accumulated in my ankles, but since there was no abnormality in my bones, it took a long time, but it was diagnosed that it would be cured if the compress and the burden on my ankles were removed, so I was prohibited from sitting upright by the teacher. Hey ??! ??lol? I just sit upright ?? I was prepared to drain the water by injection this time, so I'm glad I didn't have to do it ✩. * ˚ There were some candidate hospitals, but I chose this hospital and thought it was the correct answer! ✩. * ˚ In the future, I'm going to take care of this (* ^^ *) Later, since I was prescribing in the hospital, I thought it would be a recommended point to hand over the medicine at the time of accounting ✩. * ˚
guri pera on Google

The finger was injured with a knife and hemostasis could not be stopped. Teachers, nurses, receptionists, everyone are always kind and polite, so you can rest assured. The scratches are recovering smoothly and it is a word of gratitude ?

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