
3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ブールミッシュ庄内店

住所 :

Shonai Higashimachi, Toyonaka, 〒561-0831 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.boulmich.co.jp/
街 : Osaka

Shonai Higashimachi, Toyonaka, 〒561-0831 Osaka,Japan
ともか on Google

Although the price was high, the sponge had the same texture and taste as the ones sold at supermarkets. Strawberries are not sweet and sour. The cake was a little crushed when I got home even though I didn't lie down.
田中佐代子 on Google

I've always liked Boulmish. Especially, the truffle cake of the royal road is more delicious than the raw cake. And because it's affordable, I buy it as a souvenir or for home use. It goes well with coffee and alcohol.
k-y-y-h k-y-y-h on Google

銀座や阪急百貨店などにお店を構えていらっしゃいます。 お店は、阪急宝塚線庄内駅から、176号方面へ徒歩2分の所にあります。お車の方は176号線沿いに停めて購入されています。オープンが17日だったので、お客様がとぎれることなくいらっしゃっていました。 出入り口が二ヶ所あり、清潔で高級感あふれる店内は、いるだけで幸せ? オススメは、定番の2020年モンドセレクション最高金賞15年連続のトリュフケーキですね。こちらは、マロン?入りとのセット売りが人気で460円。coffeeとの相性? 茨木にある工場から、冷凍されて運ばれてくるシブースト(アントルメ-オ-シブースト)は、一度食べてみてほしい。 冷蔵庫にいれて3時間の自然解凍で食べ頃になります。長方形と円形があります。 子供向けの甘くて頭が痛くなるタイプのケーキでは、なく上品な味わいです。ダージリンティーなどと相性が合うかとおもいます。 庄内には、美味しいケーキショップがありませんので、大歓迎です。 ケーキの予約販売もされているので、今年のクリスマスは混雑しそうです。 今日も緊急事態宣言が発令されたというのに、ショーケースの商品は午前中のうちに、ほぼ完売の状態でした? マカロンは、次回4月27日入る予定だよ。
You have stores in Ginza and Hankyu Department Store. The shop is a 2-minute walk from Shonai Station on the Hankyu Takarazuka Line toward Route 176. Cars are purchased by stopping along Route 176. Since it was opened on the 17th, customers were coming without interruption. There are two entrances and exits, and the clean and luxurious interior is happy just to be there ? We recommend the classic 2020 Monde Selection Gold Award for the 15th consecutive year of truffle cake. This is a popular set with marron ? for 460 yen. Compatibility with coffee ? Please try the frozen chiboust (Entremets-O-chiboust) that is brought from the factory in Ibaraki. Put it in the refrigerator and let it thaw naturally for 3 hours before it is ready to eat. There are rectangles and circles. It's not a sweet and headache type cake for children, but an elegant taste. I think it goes well with Darjeeling tea. There is no delicious cake shop in Shonai, so you are welcome. Cakes are also available for pre-order, so this Christmas is likely to be crowded. Even though the state of emergency was issued today, the showcase products were almost sold out in the morning ? Macaroons are scheduled to enter next April 27th.
ことまる on Google

It wasn't as delicious as I expected. I wanted the cream to be a little richer and smoother, and the dough was a bit like a convenience store cream. Perhaps it was just opened, a long line, waiting for about 5-10 minutes, it was not the level to wait until then to buy.
あき on Google

色々な種類のケーキを買い、マカロンも5種類買って、お誕生日祝いが出来た? お洒落な店内でした?
I bought various kinds of cakes and 5 kinds of macaroons, and I was able to celebrate my birthday ? It was a fashionable store ?
樋由利 on Google

本日、夜、御供のお菓子を買いにいきました。 雨降っているのにビニールのカバーしてくれず、紙袋で渡され、そのまま自転車で帰りました。せっかく仏さまにお供えするものなのに、ベチャベチャになり最悪でした。せっかく包装して頂いたのにこんな感じでは意味ないです。結局、濡れて包装紙やぶかないといけないのですから… しかも、人にお渡しするお供えもの。買い直しですね… お金の無駄でした。 自宅用のシュークリームを2つ買いましたがこちらも箱までベチャベチャ。 愛想もよくないし、開店したときは愛想めちゃめちゃよかったのに残念でしかたありません。ブールミッシュの焼き菓子好きで百貨店行かずに庄内で買えるからありがたかったのですが。
Today, I went to buy some sweets to accompany me at night. Even though it was raining, he didn't cover it with vinyl, so he was handed it in a paper bag and went home by bicycle. Even though it was offered to the Buddha, it was messy and the worst. It doesn't make sense to have it wrapped like this. After all, you have to get wet and hit the wrapping paper ... Moreover, it is an offering to give to people. I bought it again ... It was a waste of money. I bought two cream puffs for my home, but they are also sticky to the box. It's not very amiable, and it's a shame that I was so amiable when the store opened. I'm grateful that I like baked goods from Boulmish and can buy them in Shonai without going to a department store.
オルフェーヴル大吉 on Google

Buy cream puffs and chiboust. The cream puffs aren't as sweet as they look, and although they look mature, they're not enough for me. I think chiboust is luxurious and delicious.
カニヘンダックス on Google

店内のスタッフ髪の毛長い女性 通路で作業されていて通りにくい。商品のブラックチョコの確認して頂いたのに自宅で開封したらやっぱブラック!この女性愛想も悪いし最悪! 配慮が全くなし!店長?男性も愛想良くなかったです。 いつも阪神デパ地下でヴィタメールを好きで購入しているのですが こちらのお店は次はないです!
The staff in the store is a long-haired female It is difficult to pass because it is working in the aisle. I had you check the black chocolate of the product, but when I opened it at home, it was black! This woman's amiability is also bad and the worst! No consideration at all! Store manager? Men weren't very friendly either. I always like to buy Wittamer in the basement of Hanshin Depachika. There is no next shop here!

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