割烹 月映

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 割烹 月映

住所 :

Shironesuidocho, Minami Ward, 〒950-1224 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : Niigata

Shironesuidocho, Minami Ward, 〒950-1224 Niigata,Japan
AAA Nissy on Google

とても広い部屋だった。ストーブがファンヒーター 一つで寒かった お料理は 数が多く美味しかった
It was a very large room. The stove was cold with one fan heater The food was delicious with many dishes.
kasou kk on Google

Thank you for the other day. I think the children also had good memories! Corona measures were perfect and I was able to use it with confidence!
Kaz Ark on Google

ご飯がうまい! 素材がいいのはもちろんのこと料理もこだわりを感じてとても美味しいです!
The rice is good! Not only the ingredients are good, but the food is also very delicious!
マツコ on Google

法事などで伺いますがいつもお料理は美味しいです。私個人的には胡麻豆腐が大好きです✨ 県外から来るおばさん達はだいたい『この鮭はお土産にするの』と折りに詰めて持って帰ってます。大きな切り身で脂ものってて美味しいので『あら、あなた食べないなら私にちょうだい✋』と横取りされることも? お部屋は広くてきれいです。
We ask for legal matters, but the food is always delicious. I personally love sesame tofu ✨ Aunts from outside of the prefecture usually bring them back in a fold, saying, “I will make this potato a souvenir”. The large fillet and the fat are delicious, so it can be taken as "Oh, if you don't eat it, I'll give you a bowl" The room is large and clean.
てつやさん on Google

コロナでなかなか行けないけど月映に行きました。 入店前に検温やアルコール消毒、席の間隔も離れており安心しました。 部屋の窓も定期的にお店の方が換気をしてくれてたのでとても安心しました。 お店の料理も美味しく、スタッフの方々の心遣いに感謝します。
I couldn't go to Corona, but I went to the moonlight. Before entering the store, I was relieved that the temperature was measured, alcohol was disinfected, and the seats were separated. I was very relieved that the windows of the room were also ventilated by the shop on a regular basis. The food at the restaurant is delicious and I am grateful to the staff for their kindness.
tae k on Google

初めて行きました! コロナ対策がきちんとされていて安心しました。 お料理が美味しいと聞いていたので、 すごく楽しみでした。 本当にどれも美味しかったです♪ 大満足でした!また行きたいです。 ありがとうございました。
I went there for the first time! I was relieved that the corona measures were in place. I heard that the food is delicious, so I was really looking forward to it. Everything was really delicious ♪ It was a great satisfaction! I want to go again. Thank you very much.
流しの名無し on Google

Since it has been remodeled once, the inside of the store is clean and the food is delicious.
ツヨ隊員 on Google

とても美味しいです。 色んな割烹料理屋さんにお世話になってるけど白根ではここと金長さんが大好きで、一つ抜けてると思います。
It is very tasty. I'm indebted to various Japanese-style restaurants, but in Shirane I love this place and Kincho, and I think I'm missing one.

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