
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 麺屋小林

住所 :

Shiratoridai, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒227-0054 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : https://facebook.com/menyakobayashi/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Shiratoridai, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒227-0054 Kanagawa,Japan
K A on Google

青葉台駅と十日市場駅の中間やや青葉台よりくらいにあるラーメン屋さんです。駅から徒歩で行くには結構遠い感じです。 日曜日11時半くらいに訪問しました。 注文したのは濃厚力麺です。食券をわたす際に無料で麺と野菜を大盛りにできるとの案内と、ニンニクを入れるか否かの確認があり、麺と野菜は普通、ニンニク有りでお願いしました。 その他色々ラーメンのメニューはありますが、この濃厚力麺は気持ち二郎系を意識した感じのような感じで、二郎インスパイアかというとそうでもないのでしょうが、二郎をライトというかマイルドにした感じで、それはそれでかなりいい感じでした。麺量は普通盛りは特に多いわけでもないです。
This is a ramen restaurant located between Aobadai Station and Tokaichiba Station, slightly above Aobadai. It is quite far from the station on foot. I visited around 11:30 on Sunday. I ordered thick noodles. There was a guide saying that you can make a large serving of noodles and vegetables free of charge when giving out a meal ticket, and there was confirmation as to whether or not to add garlic, and noodles and vegetables were usually requested with garlic. There are various other ramen menus, but this thick noodle feels like feeling conscious of feeling Jiro, it may not be Jiro inspired, but it is Jiro's light or mild feeling, it is So it felt pretty good. The amount of noodles is usually not particularly large.
nami nami on Google

つけ麺をいただきました。 味は濃いがしつこくなく食べやすいです。 辛い系やさっぱり系のゆず塩ラーメンも有るようで、どんな方でも満足できると思います。 料金は800円〜900円のメニューが多く、普通です。 コロナ対策は徹底されているようで、食事以外でマスクを外さないように店員が注意してました。
I had tsukemen. The taste is strong but not persistent and easy to eat. There seems to be spicy and refreshing yuzu salt ramen, so I think anyone can be satisfied. Most of the menus cost 800 to 900 yen, which is normal. The corona measures seemed to be thorough, and the clerk was careful not to remove the mask except for meals.
sat智 on Google

I thought it was more delicious than the one I saw. I ate Yuzu Shio Ramen, but I thought there were a lot of Yuzu ❗. There was ramen like Jiro, but a large serving of vegetables and noodles was free.
n nasu on Google

平日の11:30頃訪問。以前から評判の良いお店という認識でしたがなかなか訪れる機会がありませんでした。紫の看板と暖簾から濃い系醤油ラーメン推しの店だと勝手に思ってたんですよね。 ところが、店の前の看板にはとても多種多様なメニュー。醤油、ゆず塩、つけ麺、味噌、力麺、辛味、カレー。丼もいろいろ揃ってバリエーション豊富です。 店の外でしばらく迷って、赤鬼力麺のみそに決定。店内は牛丼店のように店員の動線を囲むカウンタータイプ。入り口に消毒液。隣の席との仕切りはありませんが、店員さんが間隔を開けて座るよう促す差配型。券売機がありますがpaypayもok。口頭で頼んでスマホで先払いします。 力麺系は、麺と野菜の大盛りが無料。さらにランチタイムはライスも無料ですが、お腹いっぱいになりすぎて午後のMTGで眠ってしまいそうなのでライスはナシにしました。 ラーメンは、もやしの盛りとその上の辛味噌が視覚的にインパクトあり。海苔、卵、チャーシューなど抑えておきたい具がしっかり盛り付けられています。 驚いたのは麺。これはどこから仕入れているのでしょう。西山製麺? 札幌ラーメンの特徴でもある黄色の縮れ麺を関東でこのボリュームで食べられる喜び。 山盛りのもやしを食べながら、なぜかふと父と何度か行ったことのある札幌琴似の「ふくべ」のラーメンを突然思い出しました。もう閉店してますが思い出深いあの味。ずっと忘れていたのに、不思議な感覚です。 客観的にはメニューが多くて何が売りなのかわかりにくいです。でも、そこから自分好みの一品を見つける喜びはありそう。自分はたまたま記憶を刺激される稀有な体験がありました。また行きます。ごちそうさまでした。
Visited around 11:30 on weekdays. I had always recognized that it was a well-received shop, but I didn't have a chance to visit it. From the purple signboard and the noren, I thought that it was a shop that recommended dark soy sauce ramen. However, the signboard in front of the store has a very wide variety of menus. Salty sauce, yuzu salt, tsukemen, miso, power noodles, spicy taste, curry. There are many variations of rice bowls. After getting lost for a while outside the store, I decided to use the red demon power noodle miso. The inside of the store is a counter type that surrounds the flow line of the clerk like a beef bowl store. Disinfectant at the entrance. There is no partition from the seat next to it, but it is a differential type that encourages the clerk to sit at intervals. There is a ticket vending machine, but paypay is also ok. Ask verbally and pay in advance with your smartphone. For the power noodles, a large serving of noodles and vegetables is free. In addition, rice is free at lunch time, but I didn't use rice because I was so full that I was likely to fall asleep at MTG in the afternoon. The ramen has a visual impact on the bean sprouts and the spicy miso on top. The ingredients you want to keep in mind, such as seaweed, eggs, and char siu, are well presented. What surprised me was the noodles. Where do you get this from? Nishiyama Seimen? The joy of eating the yellow curly noodles, which is a characteristic of Sapporo ramen, in this volume in the Kanto region. While eating a heap of bean sprouts, I suddenly remembered the ramen of "Fukube", which resembles Sapporo Koto, which I had visited several times with my father. It's already closed, but that taste is memorable. I've forgotten it for a long time, but it's a strange feeling. Objectively, there are many menus and it is difficult to understand what is for sale. However, there seems to be the joy of finding a dish that you like. I happened to have a rare experience that stimulated my memory. I will go again. Thank you for the meal.
竹道 on Google

Akaoni Riki Noodles 900 yen including tax + free large serving of vegetables + free large serving of noodles. I ate it with less spiciness and less garlic. The noodles were large and weighed 225g. I ate the same amount of noodles as the pre-meal, so I thought it would be an easy win, but I went to the 9th minute with plenty of ingredients. It was good because the spiciness was modest and I couldn't throat. Contrary to its appearance and name, the taste was gentle with natural ingredients. It was a pity that the char siu was streaked. I was full because the soup stock was weak, but I was a little unsatisfied. I think that the balance will be better if you take the plunge and add a large amount of chemical seasoning or Japanese-style soup stock. CP is 5, the taste is good overall, but soup and char siu are 3? It's really a waste.
SHOTA on Google

赤鬼力麺(900円)の麺大盛り、野菜大盛り(大盛無料)にしました! 独自の辛さって事で期待しての注文 はい!スープは美味しいです!花山椒がきいてるので好みは分かれるかもです! けど、麺が少し残念でした。 スーパーの良い生中華麺くらいな感覚でした。 スープが美味しかったので、少しショックでした! ランチは小ライスが無料です!本当に小なので、ぺろりいただきました?
バエイ on Google

駅からは遠いため、近所のファミリー層や学生さんがメイン顧客層でしょうか? 日曜の13:30に行きましたが、何組か家族で来られていました。 コロナ対策はかなり努力されていると思います。 力麺の4種、つけ麺は大盛無料でした。力麺は野菜増も無料! 赤鬼力麺の麺、野菜増、ニンニク有りで注文。味も量も二郎系ほどではありませんが、お父さんにはちょうどよいくらいの量かと。 推しはカレーラーメンだそうです。
Since it is far from the station, are the families and students in the neighborhood the main customer base? I went there at 13:30 on Sunday, but some families came. I think that measures against corona have been made considerably. The four types of power noodles, tsukemen, were free of charge. Rikimen is free to add vegetables! Ordered with Akaoni Riki noodles, vegetables, and garlic. The taste and quantity are not as good as Jiro's, but I think it's just the right amount for my dad. The recommendation is curry ramen.
David Noumonvi on Google

Awesome service"""Delicious Ramen

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