東日本三菱自動車販売株式会社 浦和店

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 東日本三菱自動車販売株式会社 浦和店

住所 :

Shirahata, Minami Ward, 〒336-0022 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Webサイト : https://www.east-mitsubishi-motor-sales.com/tenpo/HK/
街 : Saitama

Shirahata, Minami Ward, 〒336-0022 Saitama,Japan
萩原敏子 on Google

車やさんは何処でも親切 丁寧ですが 以前は 他社の車のメーカーでしたが ここの 担当者はご年配の方でしたが とっても 私にも分かりやすく丁寧でした ホンの小さなサービスでしたが 他社にはなかったと思いました。 ところ 人 変われば と ちょっぴり違った感じ でした。
The car is kind and polite everywhere Formerly it was maker of car of other companies The person in charge here was an elderly person, but it was very easy for me to understand and it was a small service of Hong. I thought that there was no other company. It was a little different feeling if people changed.
yoshiyuki nakajima on Google

Previously, I was indebted to Mitsubishi Motors (dealer) for 23 nights for many years, but the sales person here got sick and was introduced earlier this year, and Mitsubishi Motors Sales Co., Ltd. And inspection will be taken care of.
桑畑美佳 on Google

The work clothes were very polite and kind to the customers.
I exist on Google

We always have a polite response.
しらたまかぼす on Google

車検見積もりを頼んだらオプションメニュー山盛りで出してきました。計算したら最低限の車検費用+50000円分ついてました。洗車も洗い残しが多いです。洗車機を使った方がキレイになります。 結局ここで車検を受けましたが、車を受け取った帰り際、店員から「まだ乗るならあちこち直さないとダメですね」と言われました。なぜこのタイミングで言ってくるのか謎です。ちなみに+50000円の見積もりを出してきた店員です。気分が悪いです。
When I asked for a car inspection estimate, it came out with the option menu heaping up. Once it was calculated, it was about the minimum vehicle inspection cost + 50,000 yen. There are many leftovers in the car wash. It is better to use a car wash machine. After all, I received a car inspection here, but when I received my car, a clerk told me, "If you still get on, you have to get around here and there." It is a mystery why you say at this timing. By the way, it is a clerk who has put out an estimate of +50000 yen. I feel bad.
嶋貫絹子 on Google

Correspondence is good. However, we ask for vehicle inspections and inspections, but there are many cases where the ashtray is not thrown away, screws are dropped, and the room is not properly cleaned. I like the car now, so I'm thinking about what to do in the future.
あやこ1789 on Google

Since I am a Mitsubishi car rider, I also read blogs other than the stores that I am indebted to, but the Urawa store blog is the most fun and educational! If possible, I would like to take care of him at the Urawa store in the future. I think I'll make an errand next time. There are also people like this, so please do your best (^-^)
渋谷貴博 on Google

They will always respond in good faith. A reliable partner!

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