灘浜緑地 - Himeji

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 灘浜緑地

住所 :

Shirahamacho, Himeji, 〒672-8024 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 672-8024
Webサイト : https://www.city.himeji.lg.jp/kanko/0000002825.html%23index-1-29
街 : Hyogo

Shirahamacho, Himeji, 〒672-8024 Hyogo,Japan
久保山賀津雄(ヒゲじいじ) on Google

とにかく広い! 駐車場からかなり歩く事を覚悟して下さい。 突堤の周りはテトラが入ってるのでサビキをするなら少し長めの竿がおすすめなか。
Anyway wide! Please be prepared to walk considerably from the parking lot. There is a tetra around the jetty, so if you want to sabiki, a slightly longer rod is recommended.
Carbee25 on Google

散歩するには最高です。 トイレは…行く気になれないかなw
Great for a walk. I don't feel like going to the bathroom ...
中島謙一郎 on Google

In the old days, I used to catch small fish in a little-known spot for rocky shore fishing, but it was no good because the fishermen and the fishermen's union with bad manners got rough.
Mickelson Pihil on Google

特に夏場は、外国人がBBQや夜中まで花火やカラオケなどしており無法地帯と化す。 夜に子供などを連れて行くのはオススメしない
Especially in the summer, foreigners have BBQ and fireworks and karaoke until midnight, making it a lawless zone. I don't recommend taking children at night
焼き鳥太郎 on Google

天気次第ですが、散歩に最高です。 元旦には初日の出が朝7時ごろに拝めます。
It depends on the weather, but it's great for a walk. On New Year's Day, the first sunrise can be worshiped around 7 am.
TAK on Google

The weather was good and there were many anglers ?
T&K on Google

色んな想いでここに来られる方がいますが、 向こうに淡路島を臨み、天気が良ければ明石海峡大橋も見えます。 播磨灘の長閑な風景と人懐っこい猫たちに何も考えずただただのんびりしてください。フナムシ多いのは気になさらず・・・。
There are people who come here with various feelings, You can see Awaji Island over there, and if the weather is nice, you can see the Akashi Kaikyo Bridge. Just relax without thinking about the quiet scenery of Harima Nada and the friendly cats. I don't mind that there are many Ligia exotica ...
赤澤健司 on Google

運転中の中途休憩に最適です みなさんも近くまで来たら寄ってみては?いつも来てますが 満車は平日ならまず見てませんよ
It's perfect for a break while driving. Why don't you stop by when you come close? I always come, but I don't see it full on weekdays.

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