
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact そば処是庵たみ吉

住所 :

Shiobara, Nasushiobara, 〒329-2921 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://www.tochinavi.net/spot/home/%3Fid%3D4999
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Tochigi

Shiobara, Nasushiobara, 〒329-2921 Tochigi,Japan
かんの on Google

Soba is thin noodles. The tempura was also delicious and I liked it.
小林育夫 on Google

I got the seasonal menu mushrooms. The mushroom stock was good and delicious. The atmosphere in the shop is also good. Fukinotou tempura was added because it was early spring, but it was delicious and delicious.
Y Ryota on Google

ひっそりとお蕎麦が頂けます。 店内の雰囲気良し。 オススメメニューは天ぷらのついたメニューです
You can get soba and soba. Good atmosphere in the store. The recommended menu is a menu with tempura
さくさくたっつん on Google

落ち着いた雰囲気の店内でした。従業員さんには暖かい対応をしてもらいました。ご当地ならではのためになる話を聞けたので勉強になりました。 今回は暖かいつけ汁の天ぷらそば大盛りを頂きました。すごく美味しかったので、ぺろりと頂きました。 ただ、一点改善していただきたい点が、、 それは天ぷらがつけ汁にインした状態で出てきたので、できれば天ぷらは別皿に持って欲しいかなと思いました。
It was a calm atmosphere. We asked our employees to give a warm response. I was able to study because I was able to listen to stories that could be useful only in this area. This time I had a large serving of tempura soba with warm soup. It was so delicious that I got it. However, the point that I would like to improve one point is: It came out with the tempura in the soup stock, so I thought I would like to have tempura on a separate plate if possible.
Shinya Ishii on Google

何でも美味しい。 いつも酒と料理で満足して肝心の蕎麦は食べた事ありません。 たぶん、蕎麦も美味しいと思います。 鴨抜きが美味しかったから。
Everything is delicious. I've always been satisfied with sake and cooking and never ate soba. Maybe soba is also delicious. Because the duck was delicious.
mone coco on Google

以前行き当たりばったりで伺ったたみ吉さん。 民家を改装した店内は落ち着いた佇まいでゆっくりお食事出来ました。 お蕎麦も喉越しがよく、天ぷらの海老やイカの具材もしっかりとしたものをお使いのようで美味しかったです。 店主夫妻も感じの良い方々でした。 ご馳走様でした。
Mr. Tamikichi, who I visited on a random basis before. The interior of the renovated private house had a calm appearance and I was able to eat slowly. The soba noodles were smooth and delicious, as if you were using tempura shrimp and squid ingredients. The owner and his wife were also nice people. It was a treat.
三石洋 on Google

(Translated by Google) I ate it for the first time but it was really good (๑> ؂ ؂<๑) #冬季限定 #きのこそば #1200円 #きのこたっぷり と書いてあったが野菜もたっぷりだったー(o´罒`o)ニヒヒ♡ 那須塩原のお蕎麦屋さんで今のとこダントツに旨いかもლ(´ڡ`ლ) #那須塩原 #そば #そば好き
Hiroki Akutsu on Google

お店まえに駐車場がありますが、3台程しか停められません。 別場所にあるかは不明! 店内は8人は使える長い無垢のテーブルが目立つ。 小さめのテーブルが幾つかあり座敷もある模様 天ぷらと冷たいそばを注文しました。 天ぷらですが、油が古いのか少し黒い感じがしました。 大好きな舞茸が小さくガッカリ また、個人的に海老の尻尾を食べるので、?尻尾が開いてないのも残念でした(それでも食べましたけど) そばは美味しく頂きました, 評価 星⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
There is a parking lot in front of the shop, but only about 3 cars can be parked. Not sure if it's in another location! Inside the store, a long solid table that can be used by eight people stands out. It seems that there are some small tables and a tatami room I ordered tempura and cold soba. It's tempura, but I felt it was a little black because the oil was old. My favorite Maitake mushroom is small and disappointing Also, I personally eat the tail of shrimp, so it was a pity that the tail wasn't open (although I still ate it). The soba was delicious, Evaluation star ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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