美味旬菜 みずどり。

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー




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Contact 美味旬菜 みずどり。

住所 :

Shinsaibashisuji, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0085 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.mizu-dori.com/
街 : Osaka

Shinsaibashisuji, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0085 Osaka,Japan
小林博 on Google

really delicious. The best sea urchin pasta.
Satoru Shimizu on Google

I entered the shop by jumping on Saturday night, but it seems better to make a reservation. The food is classy and delicious, but it is reasonably priced, so would you like to be entertained?
Shusaku Sawa on Google

【名店】 極美味和食屋さん 酒と魚、肉全て美味しい 〆のウニスパは日本で一番美味しい〆 つまみ美味いしすぎるので飲み過ぎ注意店
[Famous store] Extremely delicious Japanese restaurant Sake, fish and meat are all delicious 〆Uni Spa is the most delicious in Japan〆 The knobs are too delicious, so be careful not to drink too much
ぴゅう on Google

A Japanese restaurant with a nice Showa chic and nostalgic interior. The sashimi was delicious, but the menu, such as skewered cutlet and duck loin, is quite wide. I would be glad if I could give a bit more attention to matching wine and food.
すぎちゃんTS on Google

今宵 大先輩の聖誕祭✨? まず生ビールで乾杯? 心斎橋の『みずどり』さんで 空豆と鯛の子からのスタート 高知の のれそれ 穴子の稚魚ですが、高知じゃ 酒はノレソレ女は、それノレとか? 刺身盛り合わせは、宮城県産本鮪のトロ 愛媛産真鯛 穴子の焼き霜 ここで日本酒 十四代超特? 精米度合い35%のヤバい酒? 大先輩リクエストの鰤の照り焼きと、銀ダラ西京焼き ご飯が欲しくなる? 大先輩が、そろそろワインにしようと? 日本で入手しづらいコシュデリの1991年物 恐ろしい価格みたいな? ヤバい位の旨さ? 赤ワインは、店の大将にチョイスして頂きラグレインの2012? 口直しにアメーラトマト? えっ これトマト⁉️ ムチャ甘いやん? その後は、赤ワインに合わせて、蟹クリームコロッケ 生麩の揚げ出し ハンバーグを注文ヤバ過ぎる旨さ? 〆は、雲丹のパスタで❗
Tonight's big senior's birthday festival ✨? First toast with raw beer ? At "Mizudori" in Shinsaibashi Start from Sora Bean and Taiko Kochi's Noreso is a fry of Anako, but in Kochi, sake is nore sore woman, it's nore ? Assorted sashimi is Toro from Miyagi prefecture, Madai from Ehime, grilled frost of Anako, and Japanese sake here, 14th generation super special ? Dangerous sake with a rice polishing degree of 35% ? Teruyaki of 鰤 and Gin Dara Saikyoyaki requested by a big senior ? A big senior is about to make wine ? Koshdeli's 1991 product, which is hard to obtain in Japan ? It looks like a terrible price ? It's a dangerous taste ? Red wine was chosen by the store's general, Lagurain 2012 ? Amera tomato ? Eh this tomato ⁉️ Mucha sweet yan ? After that, I ordered a crab cream croquette fried raw hamburger to match the red wine ? 〆 is too dangerous ? 〆 is Untan pasta ❗
mana8850 moana on Google

会社の会食で利用させて頂きました。 心斎橋駅から少し歩いたところにあり、少し急な階段を下りるとお店があります。 店内はカウンターとテーブルが数個あり もとても上品な感じで、落ち着いた雰囲気がありました。 松山直送のお造り盛合せ、かまやき、いぶりがっこ、どれも美味しかったです。 個人的には蓮根まんじゅうがお気に入りです♪ お酒の種類も豊富でした。
I used it for a company dinner. It is a short walk from Shinsaibashi Station, and you can find a shop by going down the steep stairs. There are several counters and tables in the store It was very elegant and had a calm atmosphere. Assorted sickles sent directly from Matsuyama, sickle, and Iburi-gakko were all delicious. Personally, I like lotus root manju ♪ There was a wide variety of sake.
Helo Wei on Google

First meal since I arrived Japan, totally awesome!!
Robbie Sims on Google

Very good food and memorable, delightful hosts! My boyfriend and I were recommended here by a local from a bistro we visited. Their menu was only in Japanese, but they asked our preferences and how hungry we were and made us the perfect combination of sashimi, steak, tempura and other traditional treats. They’re also an award winning restaurant for their Napa wine by the glass supply! The couple who owns the place are such a delight. 10 out of 10, will be recommending to anyone I know visiting Osaka!

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