
4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 篠崎つばさ整骨院・鍼灸院

住所 :

Shinozakimachi, Edogawa City, 〒133-0061 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88988
Webサイト : https://shinozaki-tsubasa.com/
街 : Tokyo

Shinozakimachi, Edogawa City, 〒133-0061 Tokyo,Japan
Y Kuma on Google

I think that the arm is good, but I think that it is unsuitable for the inside of a child who is full of figures of one piece and the person who wants to be calmly treated calmly with a story about a staff of the director or a loud story.
*ネク* on Google

つばさ整骨院の9年目ユーザーです! 週一の体のメンテナンスで通ってます。つばさに通うようになってからぎっくり腰にならなくなったことももちろんですが、篠崎の魅力も沢山知ることが出来ました!そして、顔と名前をすぐに覚えちゃうところも尊敬してます。おかげで人見知りの私も安心して通うことが出来てます! 施術でわからないことも何回聞いても丁寧に教えてくれますし、キッズスペースもあるので小さいお子さんがいるママさん達も見かけます。夕方は部活帰りの学生さんが多いのかな? いつも笑顔で迎えてくれてありがとうございます!これからも私の体のメンテナンスよろしくお願いします!
It is the ninth year user of Tsubasa Orthopedic clinic! I go through the maintenance of the body one week a week. Of course, I ceased to become cranial since I came to wear Tsubasa, but I was able to know plenty of Shinozaki's charm! And I admire the place to remember face and name soon. Thanks to my shyness I am able to pass with confidence! Even if I do not understand what you do not understand, I will tell you carefully and I also see moms with small children because there is kids space. Is there a lot of students returning to club activities in the evening? Thank you for always greeted me with a smile! From now on I will take care of my body maintenance!
M B on Google

Very polite and well-skilled, he gives us fun talks every time.
今泉良夫 on Google

It is an excellent osteopathic clinic that has won in the fierce battlefield of Shinozaki. Correction is recommended.
田名陽平 on Google

篠崎に住みはじめた約8年前からずっとお世話になっています ここの先生たちに出会わなければ、今の仕事をリタイアしていたかもしれません 本当にありがとうございます これからもよろしくお願いします
I have been indebted to him for about 8 years since I started living in Shinozaki. If I hadn't met the teachers here, I might have retired from my current job. thank you very much I look forward to working with you
アニマルTAKEO on Google

慢性の腰痛で通っていますが、施術を受けるととても楽になります。 また格闘技の練習で故障をした時も、的確な治療をして頂いてます^ ^
I go through with chronic low back pain, but getting a treatment makes it much easier. Also, if you have a breakdown during martial arts practice, you will be treated appropriately ^ ^
on Google

凄く雰囲気も良くて、通いやすい。通い出してから3人とも無事に出産する事ができました。 子連れの方でも安心して通えるのが良いですよ。
The atmosphere is very good and it is easy to go. All three were able to give birth safely after going out. It is good that even people with children can go there with peace of mind.
遠藤利之 on Google

曜日などでイベントがあったり、年間の行事ごとにイベントがあったりと患者さんにお得なイベントがたくさんあります! 先生方は、皆さん優しく楽しい方です! フィギャや漫画がたくさんあり、混雑時の待ち時間がなっても苦に感じません‼︎
There are many great events for patients, such as events on the day of the week and events for each yearly event! The teachers are all kind and fun! There are a lot of figurines and manga, so I don't feel any pain even if I have to wait for a busy time! ︎

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