品川美容外科 千葉院

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Contact 品川美容外科 千葉院

住所 :

Shinmachi, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0028 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://www.shinagawa.com/clinic/clinic_chiba.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Shinmachi, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0028 Chiba,Japan
asa on Google

The woman was good, but the teacher in charge didn't feel good, so I didn't want this person to do it, so I decided to change to another clinic.
わたなべさちこ on Google

定期的にボトックスやレーザーで利用します。 スタッフの方は丁寧でいい人です。 先生は大抵いい人ですが、1人やばい人がいました。 処置室に入ってくるなり、顔の筋肉の着き具合なども確認せず、いきなり注射を打たれました。 ただただ驚いていると、看護師さんもだれもいないのに、そのまま何も言わずに処置室を出て行こうとしました。 少々お待ちください、の一言もなしです。 何度も利用しているので、その後の流れは分かっていましたが、流石にイラっとしたので、去りゆく背中に"終わりですか?このまま帰っていいんですか?"と聞いたら慌てて"看護師を呼びますのでそのまま待っててください"と言われました。 その日は休日で混み合っていて忙しいのはわかりますが、流石に触診も十分に行わないとは…クレーム入れようかと思いましたが、一刻も早く帰りたかったのでやめました。次は別の方にお願いしようと思います。 後、これは系列の院にも言えることですが、処置室の床が汚いです。 必ず床に綿埃が落ちています。白っぽい床なので目立ちます。 オペ室では無いですし、そこまで掃除の頻度が多く無いのは理解できますが、平日、休日、午前午後関係なく、何度いっても必ずなのでもう少し綺麗にすればいいのに…と思ってます。体にかけてくれるブランケットとか、いつ洗濯したんだろう?とか毎度不安になります。 お手頃価格なので、多少の事は仕方ないと思い、注射などではリピートしていますが、 オペはちゃんと清掃が行き届いた別の美容外科を利用すると思います。
It is used regularly with Botox and laser. The staff are polite and nice. The teacher is usually a good person, but there was one bad person. As soon as I entered the treatment room, I was suddenly given an injection without checking the condition of the facial muscles. To my surprise, I tried to leave the treatment room without saying anything, even though there were no nurses. Please wait a moment, without a word. I've been using it many times, so I knew the flow after that, but I was frustrated by the stones, so when I asked "Is it the end? Can I go home as it is?" I'll call a nurse, so please wait. " I understand that the day is crowded and busy on holidays, but I thought I wouldn't do enough palpation to the stones ... I thought I'd make a complaint, but I wanted to go home as soon as possible, so I stopped. Next time I would like to ask another person. Later, as with affiliated hospitals, the floor of the treatment room is dirty. There is always cotton dust on the floor. It stands out because it has a whitish floor. It's not an operating room, and I understand that it's not cleaned so often, but it's always a matter of weekdays, holidays, and mornings and afternoons, so I thought it would be better to make it a little cleaner. increase. When did you wash the blanket that hangs on your body? I get anxious every time. It's reasonably priced, so I think it can't be helped, so I repeat it with injections, etc. I think the operation will use another well-cleaned cosmetic surgery.
森岡日向子 on Google

I went to have my pierced earrings drilled. The left ear was opened smoothly, but the right ear failed once and I had to try again.
七ツ森天音 on Google

I came to the store to remove stains, but the staff was a little pressured, and I was presented with an amount different from the amount written on the site, and it was said that the amount on the site was just for reference. When I learned that I couldn't pay a lot of money, my attitude got worse and I felt like I was being treated appropriately. Even so, I asked for a treatment within the budget, but I was in a bad mood until the end and it was extremely unpleasant. I don't recommend it because I only see customers as money.
pico ‼︎ on Google

受付の方は丁寧で優しく対応してくださいました。 ただ、先生のカウンセリングが酷かったです。 (院長ではない方だと思います) 初めての施術でまだ迷っていたので、肌を見てもらったり説明をしてもらえるのかと思ったら、「どうします?やります?」だけ(笑) こちらから質問すれば最低限のこと答えるっていう感じでした。 看護師さんも丁寧に対応してくださって施術自体に問題はありませんでしたが、もう行かないと思います。
The receptionist was polite and kind. However, the teacher's counseling was terrible. (I think he is not the director) I was still at a loss for the first treatment, so when I was wondering if I could see my skin and explain it, I just asked, "What are you going to do?" (Laughs) I felt that if I asked a question from here, I would answer the minimum. The nurse also responded politely and there was no problem with the treatment itself, but I don't think I will go anymore.
y ttt on Google

別の方も書かれているようにスタッフさんの感じは良かったです。シミ取りレーザーが終わり、『一年は保証があります』と先生に言われ、2週間でかさぶたが取れシミも綺麗になったのも束の間、戻りシミに。。 元のシミより5倍以上濃くなりました。 それはまだ仕方が無いとして、電話でどうしたら良いか問い合わせたところ、『今回の施術は保証がないものになります』びっくりしました。他の医院でシミ用の塗り薬で治療中です。 銀座院に通っていましたが、引越して千葉院に初めて伺いましたが、こんな事になるとは… 保証があるなしってかなり重要なことだと思うのですが… とりあえず二度と伺うことはないです。
The feeling of the staff was good as another person wrote. After the stain removal laser was finished, the teacher said, "There is a one-year warranty," and the scab was removed in two weeks, and the stains became clean. .. It is more than 5 times darker than the original stain. I asked him what to do by phone, saying that it couldn't be helped yet, and I was surprised that "this treatment is not guaranteed." I am being treated with an ointment for stains at another clinic. I used to go to Ginza-in, but when I moved to Chiba-in for the first time, what happened ... I think it's pretty important to have a guarantee ... For the time being, I will never ask again.
M M on Google

I removed the stains on my face a year ago. The counseling and explanation women were very polite. The office work and nurses felt like robots, doing their jobs in a straightforward manner. The treatment was done without disinfection, the metal lid was put on the eyes, and the laser was applied to the stains. When I got up because of "the end", I said "Oh, a little more! I put a metal lid on one eye and struck the laser again. I had internal bleeding there, but a doctor said, "It will take half a year, so stay away from the sun. If you can't get rid of the stain even after a year, if you say "I couldn't get rid of it", I'll give you the same treatment again. I was told that I paid 100,000 yen. And after a year, I will review it, but one stain has become so thin that it doesn't bother me, but the part of internal bleeding that I hit twice, which I was worried about the treatment method, does not become thin. But I won't go there anymore.
tsm yt on Google

I made a reservation visit to remove moles. Since I am a man, I was reluctant to do cosmetic surgery, but the counseling woman responded very well. I was relieved to hear that there are many men. After that, if you wish on the day, you will be treated to remove moles. The doctor will explain to you and follow the procedure. While I was waiting, I waited in a waiting room separated by a partition like a semi-private room. At the time of surgery, I was a little surprised that there was such an operating table in an urban building in Chiba. The mole removal surgery was successfully completed. I was satisfied with the explanation after the treatment and the guidance to the powder room.

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