手作り 弁当 じゃんぼ

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 手作り 弁当 じゃんぼ

住所 :

Shinkitajima, Suminoe Ward, 〒559-0024 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89779
街 : Osaka

Shinkitajima, Suminoe Ward, 〒559-0024 Osaka,Japan
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1つご飯大盛りで買ったのに全部お米同じ量でした。 トンカツ弁当を頼みましたが、豚の獣臭が凄くて美味しくなかった... また出来上がるまでに時間がかかるなら○分お時間かかりますって一言声掛けて欲しかったです。 待たされて10分以上待ちました(他の客は0)
I bought one with a large serving of rice, but all the rice was the same amount. I ordered a pork cutlet lunch box, but the pork's animal smell was so bad that it wasn't delicious ... Also, if it takes time to complete, I wanted you to say that it will take ○ minutes. I've been waiting for more than 10 minutes (0 for other guests)
たかりぽぽ on Google

職場近くのトンカツお弁当屋さん。 お知り合いなので行かせていただきました! お店もわかりやすいところにあります! トンカツ弁当食べました! ボリューミー過ぎて! お腹空いてたので食べれる!と 思っていたのですが、トンカツが大きすぎて自宅に持ち帰り食べることとなりました? サクサクでお肉も味があり美味しいです! コロッケも頂きました! トンカツも、コロッケも冷めても美味しいです!
Tonkatsu lunch shop near my workplace. I'm an acquaintance, so I went there! The store is also easy to understand! I ate Tonkatsu lunch! Too much volume! I was hungry so I can eat it! When I thought, but the tonkatsu was too big and I decided to take it home and eat it ? The meat is crispy and delicious and delicious! I also got croquette! Tonkatsu and croquette are delicious even if they are cold!
mmn k on Google

【ソースカツ丼500円】 の日替わりランチメニューをいただきました! 店主お一人でされてる、お弁当屋さん。 12月にオープンしたみたいです。 めちゃくちゃ大きいカツが熱々のご飯にのっていて、温かいお弁当っていいですね? その他にも豚ステーキやチキンカツのお弁当もあったのでまた買いに行こうかなとおもいます?
[Sauce cutlet bowl 500 yen] Had a daily lunch menu! A lunch shop where the shop owner is alone. It seems to have opened in December. Insanely big cutlet is on hot rice and it is good to have a warm lunch There were also pork steak and chicken cutlet lunch boxes, so I'm going to buy them again.
Takahide Toguchi on Google

うまーぁいぃぃ♬ 三元豚のトンカツ弁当 600円 結構でかいこのトレーから、さらにはみ出てるし(笑) サックサク衣をがしっっと噛みしめると 三元豚のいいかほりが鼻の奥をついーんとくすぐる 揚げ油にも工夫があるのかな〜スッキリしてる 何もつけなくても程よい下味がつけてあってソースなしでもどんどん食べてしもた(笑) 6種類のソースから自由に選べます 定番トンカツソース 濃厚みそあんかけ たまごやさんの特製マヨネーズ 洋食屋さんのデミグラスソース たまごやさんの特製タルタルソース あっさりさっぱりおろしポンズ おすすめ入れてって言うたら定番のトンカツソース入れてくれてたよ〜ちょっと甘めでさすが定番よく合います おいしー かなりお腹いっぱいです もう一個はヘレカツ弁当 800円 ソフトなヘレカツの食感はもちろん 薄めにスライスしてて女子でも食べやすい感じです カリって軽くかじると旨味が強く うんうんいいながらどんどん進む〜 ほんま美味しいっすね 弁当じゃなくてお店開いたらいいのに♬ ほんま採算度外視(笑) 原価すれすれちゃうかな? 一人でやってるらしくて大変そう 袋詰めもセルフでしたよ(●´艸`) こんな感じ好きっす〜 今度はたくさん連れて行きますから お身体大切にしてくださいね
Umah Sangen pork tonkatsu lunch ¥ 600 It's even bigger out of this big tray (laughs) When I bite my crispy clothes The goodness of Sangen pork tickles deep inside the nose I wonder if the frying oil also has some ingenuity Even if you don't put anything on it, it has a good taste and you can eat it without sauce (laugh) Choose from six different sources Classic tonkatsu sauce Thick soup Tamagoya's special mayonnaise Demigrass sauce of Western restaurant Tamagoya's special tartar sauce Grated pond If I told you to put it in, it was a classic tonkatsu sauce, it was a bit sweeter, but it goes well with the classic delicious I'm quite full Another one is herekatsu lunch ¥ 800 Of course the texture of the soft herekatsu It's sliced ​​thin and it's easy for girls to eat If you bite it lightly, it has a strong umami Yeah, it ’s good and it ’s going on It's really delicious I wish I opened a shop instead of a lunch box. Real profitability outlook (laugh) Will the costs be overwhelmed? It seems to be difficult to do it alone Bag stuffing was also selfish (● `´``) I like this feeling ~ I'll take a lot this time Please take care of your body
LeelawadeeTokyo on Google

12月下旬訪問。 日替わりだったチキンカツ弁当を注文。 袋詰めは基本セルフ。 カツとご飯と千切りキャベツのみのシンプルな構成。チキンカツは大きくて食べ応えあり。 店主さんおひとりで色々頑張ってるのが伝わってくるので応援したいけど、ご飯が柔らかすぎるかなぁ… 最近トンカツは三元豚になったそうです。
Visited in late December. Ordered the chicken cutlet lunch that changed daily. Bagging is basically self-contained. Simple configuration consisting only of cutlet, rice and shredded cabbage. Chicken cutlet is big and worth eating. It seems that the owner alone is doing his best, so I want to support him, but maybe the rice is too soft ... It seems that Tonkatsu has recently become a Sangen pig.
34 1 on Google

住之江店に来訪。休みの日は唯一の揚げ物を食べて良いルールなのでとんかつ弁当を注文。 住之江区は美味しいとんかつ出す店が多くそれらがR26より東に位置していこちらのお店はR26より西。 なるほどなぁと(笑) 味の方はわざわざR26超えて来る価値かなり有り! ソースも選べるし油もしつこくない! 注文したら○分ぐらい掛かりますと説明もあるし次回は何をどのソースで食べるか楽しみな店!
Visited the Suminoe store. I ordered a pork cutlet lunch because it is a good rule to eat only fried food on holidays. In Suminoe Ward, there are many delicious pork cutlet shops located east of R26, and this shop is west of R26. I see (laughs) The taste is worth coming over R26! You can choose the sauce and the oil is not too persistent! There is an explanation that it will take about ○ minutes if you order, so I'm looking forward to what to eat next time with which sauce!
かずやん on Google

There was a leaflet, so I bought a pork cutlet lunch box. It was a big pork cutlet and it was soft and delicious. I just wanted a little more sauce. I didn't have enough sauce to turn into cabbage. I also bought horumonyaki, but I didn't like the hormones.
みやたん長距離トレーラー運転手 on Google

3日間毎日 お弁当買いに行きました。とんかつが柔くて甘みがありめちゃくちゃウマイ! ご飯が止まらない?バクバク行けます! 会社の仲間と良く お弁当買いに行きます。 とんかつジャンボの豚かつは 最強やで(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ ご飯も メガ盛りとかギガ盛りとか 食いしん坊の方も絶対腹いっぱいなる事間違い無しや! 店長いつもお世話になってます! これからもヨロシクお願いいたします??YouTuberみやたんより
I went to buy a lunch box every day for 3 days. The pork cutlet is soft and sweet and messed up! I can't stop eating ? I can go crazy! I'm going to buy a lunch box. Tonkatsu jumbo pork cutlet The strongest (๑ • ̀ ㅂ • ́) و✧ There is no doubt that even those who are gluttonous, such as mega-sized or giga-sized rice, will definitely be full! The store manager is always indebted! Thank you for your continued support ?? From YouTuber Miyatan

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