ほけんの窓口 仙台新田東店

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ほけんの窓口 仙台新田東店

住所 :

Shindenhigashi, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, 〒983-0039 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Webサイト : https://www.hokennomadoguchi.com/shop/sendai_sindenhigasi
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6:30PM
Sunday 10AM–6:30PM
Monday 10AM–6:30PM
Tuesday 10AM–6:30PM
Wednesday 10AM–6:30PM
Thursday 10AM–6:30PM
Friday 10AM–6:30PM
街 : Miyagi

Shindenhigashi, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, 〒983-0039 Miyagi,Japan
K T on Google

He listened carefully to this request and suggested the plan as desired.
M K on Google

After confirming the family situation, we asked them to do future simulations, etc., and they were very kind to us. I was very satisfied with the fact that I was able to explain the contents and mechanism of insurance, which I did not understand so well, in an easy-to-understand manner.
山口真美 on Google

保険の見直しでお店にきました。 保険の知識がわからない私でも一つひとつ丁寧に教えて頂き保険のこともわかったように感じます。 親身になって聞いて頂けて自分にあった保険がみつかって良かったです。 ありがとうございました
I came to the store to review my insurance. Even though I don't know about insurance, I feel that I learned about insurance by teaching me one by one. I'm glad that you were kind enough to listen and find the insurance that suits you. Thank you very much
S T on Google

自分が何の目的でどのような保険に入りたいのか、担当者の方とお話している中で明確になりました。 保険の基礎知識から始まり、現在加入済みの保険と組み合わせるならどういったタイプの保険が良いかなど、具体的なアドバイスをいただきました。 保険の相談に乗っていただいただけで、何か保険の勧誘をされるわけでもなく、これで無料というのが申し訳ないほどでした。
It became clear when I was talking with the person in charge about what kind of insurance I wanted to get for what purpose. Starting from the basic knowledge of insurance, we received specific advice such as what type of insurance should be combined with the insurance currently enrolled. I was just taking out an insurance consultation, and I wasn't solicited for any insurance, so I'm sorry that it was free.
s t on Google

その時々で保険会社が販売したい商品を勧めてくるのかなと、当初は半信半疑で相談に伺ったのですが 希望に沿った提案を丁寧にしてくれるので、安心して相談できます。 自身で保険の情報や各社資料を集めたりする時間や手間も省けるし、契約時の書類手続きやアフターフォローも丁寧に対応してもらえます。 結婚を機に夫婦で保険の相談に伺いましたが、担当の方がとても人柄がよく、無理にすすめるようなことはないので、安心して相談に乗っていただいています。 希望に沿った形の商品を複数提案してくださるので、身の丈にあった商品を選べるのも支払い面で安心できます。 クーリングオフや契約時の最終意思確認などもしっかり説明してくれるのも、とても好印象でした。 家族で入っている保険がバラバラでも資料をまとめたりしてくれるので、見直しの際に一度相談してみるのをおすすめしたいです。 必要最低限の保険には入りましたが、全く知識がないためこれからも都度相談させてもらいたいと思います。
At first, I was skeptical about whether the insurance company would recommend the product I wanted to sell at that time. You can feel free to consult with us as they will carefully make suggestions according to your wishes. You can save the time and effort of collecting insurance information and materials of each company by yourself, and you can carefully handle the document procedure and after-sales follow-up at the time of contract. When I got married, my husband and wife asked me for insurance consultation, but the person in charge is very personal and I don't force myself to recommend it, so I feel at ease when I consult with them. We will propose multiple products that meet your needs, so you can rest assured that you can choose the product that suits your height. It was a very good impression that he explained the cooling off and the final confirmation of the intention at the time of contract. Even if the insurance that your family has is different, it will put together the materials, so it is recommended that you consult once when reviewing. I have the minimum insurance required, but I have no knowledge at all, so I would like to continue to consult with you each time.
いたま on Google

I was able to think of the best insurance because I was able to answer even the smallest questions politely. Not only until the contract, but also the support system after the contract was solid, so I was able to ask with confidence. I look forward to working with you.
tommy g on Google

I was able to make various insurance contracts in one place, and it was good to propose the insurance that suits me.
笹千夏 on Google

I also asked because my father and grandfather were indebted to me when I took out insurance. I asked him to consult with me without knowing anything, but he taught me the details carefully and I was able to assemble with great peace of mind.

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