Go Go Auto - Chita District

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Go Go Auto

住所 :

Shimoyamanota, Taketoyo, Chita District, 〒470-2305 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898977
Postal code : 470-2305
街 : Aichi

Shimoyamanota, Taketoyo, Chita District, 〒470-2305 Aichi,Japan
小笠原まさと on Google

この店では走行距離はかさんでいる為か、ずいぶんと安い車が目につく。購入した帰り道にエンジン警告灯が点灯。カーショップへ持ち込んだところエンジンの部品で数カ所不具合があり修理代に20万円かかった。やはり安いものは安いものなりの価値しかない。購入してからは基本、保証もないので中古車の宿命だと諦めるしかない。 きちんと保証のついている店で購入価格+修理代の値段の車を買えばよかったと今更ながら後悔している。
At this store, because of the large mileage, a lot of cheap cars are noticeable. The engine warning light lights up on the way back from the purchase. When I brought it to a car shop, there were several problems with engine parts, and it cost 200,000 yen for the repair. After all, cheap things have a reasonable value. After purchasing it, there is no guarantee, so I have no choice but to give up as the fate of a used car. I still regret that I should have bought a car with the purchase price + repair price at a shop with a proper warranty.
ノアキル on Google

Since it is a cheap used car, I think that there is of course a loss, it can not be helped, there are people who write badly about the owner, but it is not good to judge by appearance. Correspondence was good. When I bought the car, I didn't have a leg and went to see it by train, but on the way back, I took the trouble to take it to the station. I bought Zest for commuting to work.
山原水鶏 on Google

何故、この様な店がやっていけるのか? 近くの市場で、見た目だけそこそこの激安ノークレム車を買って利益を上乗せして売ってるから。いわゆる売り切り車。 店長はヤカラ? 従業員は自動車の知識全く無し。 なんてったって、ブースターケーブルを繋いでもエンジンさえ始動させれませんから。爆笑ものです。 実車を見ただけで不具合が分かる人はプロにもいません。ある程度乗ってみないと、何処を治せばよいか分かりません。 不具合無く乗れれば当たりかもしれないし、 すぐ壊れるようならハズレということ。 自動車に関して素人を自覚するなら、こういう店には行かないことです。 激安の裏にはリスクがある事を理解しましょう。
Why can such a store be opened? At a nearby market, I buy a reasonably priced no-crem car and sell it with a profit. So-called sold-out car. Is the store manager Yakara? Employees have no knowledge of automobiles. After all, even if you connect the booster cable, you can't even start the engine. It's a laugh. No professional can tell the problem just by looking at the actual vehicle. If you don't ride to some extent, you won't know where to cure. If you can ride without problems, it may be a hit, If it breaks immediately, it means a loss. If you are an amateur about cars, don't go to these stores. Understand that there are risks behind the discount.
坂井信幸 on Google

Very energetic and crunchy ? The president who is kind and in-law. ? Very beautiful female staff. ?? I bought Honda Vamos and have been riding it for 2 years without any major trouble. Thanks to all the staff. thank you. ? Next time, ? Thank you for your purchase. ? GOGO Auto is the best. ✌️ Please do your best. ?
M JS on Google

やられました…? 車の契約をしてからここのクチコミを読んだのですが、これはやっちまったか!と不安に駆られながら車を取りに店まで行きました。 第一関門の店主ですが、思ったより普通。女性の方も、まあ悪くない対応でした。車の外観はこの時初めて肉眼で確認しましたが、聞いていたより傷が多く、タッチアップペンで雑に塗ってある感じ。まあこの程度は想定内。手続きを終え、無事に帰宅できることを祈りつつ、車を走らせました。 途中、空が暗くなってきたのでライト(HID)をつけたところ、どうも明るくならない。確認すると、ライトがつかないではないか!え?この車、車検取りたての2年付きだよね? なんとか家に帰り、整備記録をチェックしてみる。前の所有者は、車検をすべてディーラーで取っており、1年点検も欠かしていない。状態はそれほど悪くないはず…。 その後、ライトがつかない旨を店に電話して女性に伝えると、ライトがつかなきゃ車検は通らないのだからそんなはずはないとのこと。それはこっちのセリフだよ!実際つかないのだからなんとかしてくれと言うと、後日めんどくさそうに、新しいバルブを送るという連絡が来ました。バルブの問題か? そこでディーラーに車を持ち込むと、変圧しているシステムそのものが故障しており、修理費、というか交換費用約20万円の宣告。突然壊れるようなものでもないらしく、恐らく元からだろうという話でした。 店と争ってもどうせ言い訳して逃げられるだろうことは想像に難くなかったので、諦めました。車両価格20万円台なので修理もせず、なんとか乗っています(ライトがつく時もある)。前所有者は、この故障が原因で車を手放した可能性が高いですね。他は調子いいです。 この店の車はほとんどが何らかの訳ありなのではないでしょうか。いくら安くても手を出さない方が無難です。
I was killed ... ? I read the reviews here after signing a car contract, but have you done this? I went to the store to pick up the car while being anxious. The owner of the first barrier, but more normal than I expected. The women were not too bad. I checked the appearance of the car with the naked eye for the first time at this time, but there were more scratches than I had heard, and it felt like it was roughly painted with a touch-up pen. Well this degree is within expectations. After completing the procedure, I ran the car, hoping that I could return home safely. On the way, the sky became dark, so when I turned on the light (HID), it didn't brighten. When I check it, the light doesn't come on! picture? This car has been inspected for 2 years, right? I managed to go home and check the maintenance record. The previous owner has taken all the vehicle inspections at the dealer and has not missed a year's inspection. The condition shouldn't be so bad ... After that, when I called the store and told the woman that the light could not be turned on, it was not possible because the car inspection would not pass unless the light was turned on. That's this line! When I asked him to do something because he couldn't actually use it, he later contacted me to send a new valve, which seemed to be annoying. Is it a valve problem? When I brought the car to the dealer, the transforming system itself was out of order, and I was sentenced to repair costs, or replacement costs of about 200,000 yen. It didn't seem to break suddenly, it was probably from the beginning. It wasn't hard to imagine that even if I argued with the store, I would be able to escape with excuses, so I gave up. Since the vehicle price is in the 200,000 yen range, I managed to get on without repairing it (sometimes the lights come on). The former owner is likely to have let go of the car because of this breakdown. Others are in good shape. I think most of the cars in this store have some reason. No matter how cheap it is, it is safer not to touch it.
大介 on Google

中古車なので リスク有りますね。3月にホンダのゼストを購入して翌日よく見るとキズも有り、よく見たら左右色違いときたもんだ。あちゃやっちゃいました❗️色盲だから仕方無いよねガックリ???エンジンは、最高に気に入ってます、コンパンドで磨いてキズも気にならずになり、プラグ、イグニションコイル、タイミングベルト 交換して大事に、乗ってます。
Since it is a used car, there is a risk. When I bought the Honda Zest in March and looked closely the next day, there were scratches, and when I looked closely, the left and right colors were different. I've done it ❗️ I can't help it because I'm colorblind ??? I like the engine the best, I polish it with compound and I don't mind scratches, plugs, ignition coils, timing belts I exchange it and take good care of it.
vidura niroshan on Google

Great place
eiji koon on Google

Thank you so much.

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