日本料理レストラン 静香庵

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 日本料理レストラン 静香庵

住所 :

Shimookawamaedori, Chuo Ward, 〒951-8052 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://www.ni-grand.co.jp/restaurant/seikoan/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Monday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM
街 : Niigata

Shimookawamaedori, Chuo Ward, 〒951-8052 Niigata,Japan
桃姫号のパパ(桃姫号) on Google

一次会がグランドホテルでしたので、二次会をこちらでお世話に成りました。貸し切り26名で楽々出来ました。まぁーリーズナブルですね?。街へでるより楽でした。 夜景は、見れません。つまみは、簡単な乾きものだけでした。
The first party was a Grand Hotel, so I took care of the second party here. It was possible to do it easily with 26 reserved lodgers. Well it is reasonable ね ?. It was easier than going out into town. I can not see the night view. The knob was only an easy dry thing.
渡辺みや子 on Google

I had a delicious lunch. It's quiet and spacious. Mr. Nakai is also good with a calm feeling.
M T on Google

You can have a fine dish of Niigata.
アベススム on Google

As a private celebration, I received dim sum in the summer. Very satisfied with both quantity and seasoning. Alcoholic beverages are expensive ...
中山達也 on Google

いつでもサービス、商品質共に満足してます。 ランチがコスパが良く、お勧めです。 付け合わせの小鉢、漬け物もおいしいです。 個室は限りがあるので、客人を招く時は予約をお勧めします。夜のすき焼きコースは絶品ですが…値段が… 庶民的ではないのですが…、晴れの日には良いのではと。
We are always satisfied with both service and product quality. Lunch is good at cospa and is recommended. Garnished small bowls and pickles are also delicious. Private rooms are limited, so it is recommended to make a reservation when inviting guests. The sukiyaki course at night is excellent, but the price is ... It's not commonplace, but it's good on a sunny day.
硯水乱蔵 on Google

ここ三年ほど、定期的にイベントで利用させていただいています。(参加者としてですが…) 毎回、イベントに合った料理が提供されていて大満足です。
I have been using it at events regularly for the past three years. (As a participant ...) I am very happy that the food that suits the event is served every time.
ワン on Google

All the dishes were delicious, the shop was spacious and the clerk was very nice!
環萬芭貴院 on Google

此方のお弁当 本日戴きました! 超 超 超 美味しかったです! お店に食べに行きたいです! 是非行かせてください。 本当に全ての食材がそれぞれに 最高に美味しかったです。 お肉も美味しかったですが お魚も最高! 4種類位ありましたが 全て味付けも違い 一つ一つの魚がそれぞれに 凄く美味しかった。 ゴマ豆腐も最高です。 みんなみんな美味しかった。 是非 お店で温かいお料理食べたくなりました。 ありがとうございました!
I got this lunch today! It was super super super delicious! I want to go to the store to eat! Please let me go. Really all the ingredients are in each It was the best. The meat was delicious too The fish is also the best! There were about 4 types All seasoned differently Each fish is different It was very delicious. Sesame tofu is also the best. Everyone was delicious. I'd love to I want to eat hot food at the store. thank you!

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