焼き芋専門店 維新蔵 ならまち店 - Shimomikadocho

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼き芋専門店 維新蔵 ならまち店

住所 :

Shimomikadocho, 〒630-8365 Nara,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 630-8365
Webサイト : https://oimo.co.jp/shop-list/
街 : Nara

Shimomikadocho, 〒630-8365 Nara,Japan
まかお on Google

I ate a soft serve ice cream sprinkled with sweet potato honey in the shopping district near Kintetsu Nara Station, but it was really delicious ☺️
miigoro 5656 on Google

ならまちにあるオシャレなコーヒーと焼き芋のお店です。 こちらは鹿児島から来られたそうで、焼き芋は『安納芋』と『さつまミライ』がありました。 その他にもさつまいもを使ったスイーツが色々と取り揃えられていて、お芋好きにはパラダイス♡ イートインのお席もあるので、コーヒーと焼き芋をゆっくり楽しめますよ〜♬ 私はさつまミライを頂きましたが、めちゃくちゃ甘くてびっくり‼️ 目から鱗の衝撃の美味しさの焼き芋でした? スタッフさんもとても丁寧で親切です。 しかも美人さんでした✨ ならまち散策の折には立ち寄ってみてはいかがですか?
It is a fashionable coffee and baked sweet potato shop in Naramachi. It seems that this came from Kagoshima, and there were "Anno potato" and "Satsuma Mirai" for roasted sweet potatoes. In addition, there are various sweets using sweet potatoes, and it is a paradise for potato lovers ♡ There are also eat-in seats, so you can enjoy coffee and roasted sweet potatoes slowly ~ ♬ I got Satsuma Mirai, but I was surprised at how sweet it was! ️ It was a roasted sweet potato with the impact of scales from the eyes ? The staff are also very polite and helpful. Besides, it was a beautiful woman ✨ Why don't you stop by when you take a walk in Naramachi?
やまぐちかよ on Google

お芋が美味しすぎて、写真を撮るの忘れました。というくらい蜜がたっぷりでおいしかったです コーヒーも、蜜芋にピッタリの少し酸味のあるコーヒーでほっこりできました。 店員さんも皆さん親切なのでとってもおすすめです
I forgot to take a picture because the potatoes were so delicious. It was delicious with plenty of honey. The coffee was also made with a slightly sour coffee that is perfect for honey potatoes. The staff are all kind, so I highly recommend it.
高本大成 on Google

昨年5月にオープンした焼き芋専門のカフェにお邪魔しました? お店の看板メニューである焼き芋は『100日熟成濃密焼き芋維新蔵さつまミライ」!? 焼き芋専門と言いながらも焼き芋のお菓子やクッキー、スコーン、コーヒーなどもあってスタイリッシュな焼き芋カフェといった雰囲気☕ ソフトクリームもあるって事前情報やってんけどメニューにあったのか分からんかったわ? 焼き芋は『濃蜜やきいもさつまミライ』『安納芋』の2種類。 焼き芋は絶対食べるつもりで来たし、やっぱり〝さつまミライ〟は食べときたいよね~? グラムによって値段が決まるんやけどほぼ200gの焼き芋をGETや! 小さいのは100gくらいからあったかも。 ◆カプチーノ 表面にはきめ細やかな泡で覆われていて、その上にはココアパウダーかな!? 焼き芋やスイーツの甘みとカプチーノの苦みがいいコントラストやね☕ ◆焼き芋サンド しっとりとしたクッキー生地に 甘さ控えめのサツマイモクリーム♪ カプチーノにもめっちゃ合うやん? ◆濃蜜やきいもさつまミライ 半分に割ったらピカピカの蜜がたっぷりな感じでテンション上がるで! 甘味を最大限に引き出す2度焼き製法で糖度は50~60度とスイーツ並みなんやと? 食べてみたらねっとり濃厚で、ホンマにめっちゃ甘いやん♪ 砂糖不使用でここまで甘みが出せるのはスゴいな?‼️ 皮ごとかぶり付いて食べたけど トロトロやからスプーンで食べていいと思うで。 ◆焼き芋チョコパイ チョコ&サツマイモのクリームで、チョコは風味くらいでやっぱりお芋さんがメインて感じやね? サクサクっとしたパイ生地も美味しかったな♪
I visited a cafe specializing in roasted sweet potatoes that opened in May last year ? The shop's signature menu, Roasted Sweet Potato, is "100-day aged dense baked sweet potato Ishinzo Satsuma Mirai"! ? Although it is said that it specializes in roasted sweet potatoes, it has a stylish atmosphere like a roasted sweet potato cafe with sweet potato sweets, cookies, scones, coffee, etc. ☕ I'm doing advance information that there is also soft serve ice cream, but I did not know if it was on the menu ? There are two types of baked sweet potatoes, "Dense honey and Kimo Satsuma Mirai" and "Anno potato". I definitely intended to eat roasted sweet potatoes, and after all I want to eat "Satsuma Mirai" ~ ? The price is decided by the gram, but you can get almost 200g of roasted sweet potato! The small one may have been from about 100g. ◆ Cappuccino The surface is covered with fine bubbles, and cocoa powder is on top of it! ?? The sweetness of roasted sweet potatoes and sweets and the bitterness of cappuccino are a nice contrast ☕ ◆ Roasted sweet potato sandwich For moist cookie dough Sweet potato cream with modest sweetness ♪ It goes really well with cappuccino ? ◆ Rich honey and sweet potato Mirai If you divide it in half, the shiny honey will give you plenty of tension! It is a double-baked method that maximizes the sweetness, and the sugar content is 50 to 60 degrees, which is comparable to sweets ? When I tried it, it was soggy and rich, and it was really sweet. It's amazing that you can get this sweetness without using sugar ?‼ ️ I ate it with the skin on it I think it's okay to eat it with a spoon. ◆ Roasted sweet potato choco pie It's a chocolate and sweet potato cream, and the chocolate has a flavor, so I think it's mainly potatoes ? The crispy puff pastry was also delicious ♪
プリンセスシンデレラ on Google

絶品の焼き芋をお土産にしよう! \(^o^)/ 昨年6月ならまちに焼き芋専門店が出来ていました。 めちゃめちゃよく通る商店街の入り口に新しくてモダンな建物に、あれよあれよと人が吸い込まれていくではないですか。 店内でもお芋スイーツとコーヒーが楽しめるようでしたが、ならまち豆腐庵こんどうさんでお豆腐料理のランチしたばかりだったので、お土産として買って帰る事にしました。 一番人気だという100日熟成の【さつまミライ】これはお店の人が絶対に間違いないとおすすめでした。 100g/240円なので選ぶお芋によって値段が違いますよ。 焼き芋ワッフルも1個、買って。 焼き芋ドーナツも1個買いました。 焼き芋ドーナツめっちゃ美味しかった。もっと買ってくればよかった。 焼き芋は開けてみると・・・・ まるでハチミツがかかっているかもような甘さ、しっとり感。 こ〜れは確かに絶品です。 大人気なはずですね。 今度はもっと違う種類も買って帰ろ〜っと。 \(^o^)/ お時間のある方はプリンセスシンデレラのブログにも遊びに来てね♪
Let's take a delicious roasted sweet potato as a souvenir! \ (^ O ^) / In June of last year, a roasted sweet potato specialty store was opened in Naramachi. People are sucked into the new and modern building at the entrance of the shopping street, which goes through very often. It seemed that I could enjoy sweet potato sweets and coffee in the store, but I had just had a tofu lunch at Naramachi Tofuan Kondo-san, so I decided to buy it as a souvenir. The most popular 100-day-aged [Satsuma Mirai] was definitely recommended by the shop staff. Since it is 100g / 240 yen, the price will vary depending on the potato you choose. I also bought a roasted sweet potato waffle. I also bought one roasted sweet potato donut. The roasted sweet potato donuts were really delicious. I should have bought more. When I open the roasted sweet potato ... Sweetness and moist feeling as if honey was applied. This is certainly exquisite. It should be very popular. Next time, buy a different kind and go home. \ (^ O ^) / If you have time, please come visit Princess Cinderella's blog ♪
HAN BUN on Google

焼き芋専門店のカフェです。店内はきれいでテイクアウトもできます。 焼き芋は安納芋、さつまミライとあともう一種類忘れましたが3種類あってねっとり系は安納芋、さつまミライとの事。安納芋は食べた事があったのでさつまミライにしました。 店を出てすぐ食べたのでもちろん冷めてましたが本当にねっとりで蜜が滲み出てます。皮ごと食べられて甘くて本当に美味しかったです。 あと大学芋もいただきましたがカップに入ってて食べやすく、これもまた大変美味しかったです。 これは奈良に来たらまた行かないといけないと思ってます。
It is a cafe of a roasted sweet potato specialty store. The inside of the store is clean and you can take out. I forgot one more type of roasted sweet potato, Anno potato and Satsuma Mirai, but there are three types, and the sticky type is Anno potato and Satsuma Mirai. I had eaten Anno potatoes, so I chose Satsuma Mirai. I ate it right after I left the store, so of course it was cold, but it was really sticky and the honey was oozing out. It was sweet and really delicious to eat with the skin. I also got Daigakuimo, but it was easy to eat in a cup, which was also very delicious. I think I have to go again when I come to Nara.
蘇我馬子 on Google

The sweet potato was so delicious that it died! As soon as I ate one, I ordered an additional one. The latte and roasted sweet potato go very well together and it was delicious as a Brunch. The price was just right. The atmosphere of the shop was also very comfortable.
キョロK on Google

奈良に来て町並みを見ながら、歩いていると美味しそうな看板を発見! 出来たばかりなのか、店内はキレイ 焼き芋大好きな私にとっては、大好きな店です。 でも今日は少し暑かったので、どろあめソフトをチョイスしました。 カップは少し小さめですが…上にかかってる水飴?が芋の甘味があり、めちゃくちゃ美味しかったです。もうちょっとサイズが大きければ、★5でした。
While coming to Nara and looking at the cityscape, I found a signboard that looked delicious when I was walking! The inside of the store is beautiful, maybe it was just completed For me, who loves roasted sweet potatoes, this is my favorite restaurant. But it was a little hot today, so I chose Doroame Soft. The cup is a little small, but the starch syrup on top has the sweetness of potatoes, and it was insanely delicious. If the size was a little bigger, it was ★ 5.

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