株式会社エイブル 新川崎鹿島田店

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社エイブル 新川崎鹿島田店

Shimohirama, Saiwai Ward, Kawasaki, 〒212-0053 Kanagawa,Japan
Yu Hana on Google

インターネットと電話から問い合わせをしましたが、とても感じが悪いです。希望条件もほとんど聞かず「探して見つかったら連絡しますから。」と言い放ちました。なにか機嫌でも悪かったのかな?と思うほどの感じの悪さ。客商売をやっている人からしたら信じられません。 6ヶ月前の投稿にお店から「スタッフは反省しています」と上辺の言葉が書かれていますが、改善はしていないようです。 ここの営業の方にお願いしようとは、少なくとも私は思えませんでした。電話でそれがわかったことだけが唯一の幸いです。
I made inquiries from the internet and the phone, but I feel very bad. He almost didn't ask for his desired conditions and he said, "I'll contact you if I find it." Did you feel bad about something? Bad feeling that I think. I can't believe anyone who does business. A word from the store saying "Staff is remoring" was written in a post six months ago, but it seems that it has not been improved. At least I didn't think of asking the sales people here. The only good news is that you know it on the phone.
ジェントル麺 on Google

女性担当者が逆ギレとかありえない。 二度と行きません。 今更ながら騒ぎ立てる気はありません。 本来なら裁判沙汰になってもおかしくない事象です。 実際本社にもクレームしましたが、その時点でどうすることもできず、単なる八つ当たりになってしまうと思って諦めました。 今後は即座に改善していただきたいと思います。
There is no such thing as a female person in charge. I will never go again. I have no intention of making a fuss about it. Originally, it is an event that can be brought to justice. In fact, I made a complaint to the head office, but at that point I couldn't do anything about it, and I gave up thinking that it would be just eight hits. I would like you to improve it immediately in the future.
原田祥 on Google

予約等なしの飛び込みで訪問。男性の方に説明していただきましたが、地域についての特徴などから丁寧に説明していただきました。飛び込みなので内見はしていません。 他店だと訪問後に営業電話をたくさんかけてきたりしますが、この店舗はしつこくない。店員さんも押しが強いカンジではないので印象が良かった。
Visit by diving without reservation. I had a man explain it, but he explained it carefully because of the characteristics of the area. I'm not looking inside because I'm diving. At other stores, I make a lot of business calls after visiting, but this store is not persistent. The clerk wasn't too strong, so I was impressed.
rin piro on Google

The customer service is too terrible. I don't like only the 1st floor, so I asked him to introduce other properties, even though I told him in advance by phone or on the spot, the properties on the 1st floor came out mixedly and said, "This is the 1st floor, isn't it?" When I asked, "Yes, that's right?", I forgot even a few prerequisites. When I thought that I was a newcomer, I thought that I was acting as a store manager, and I rounded it up early and eventually introduced it to another real estate agent. You can see that there is no motivation. I also felt sorry for the property owners who are charged brokerage fees and management fees by ABLE. People who can't work aren't good at acting store managers or Able itself.
kkk on Google

私はオーナーの立場でここに管理をしてもらっていますが、いつも対面はもちろん電話対応が横柄で感じ悪く、私が関わったスタッフは仕事ができない人しかいません。 言付けはしてくれないし、一度言った事を電話や来訪してきて同じ人物が1日に何度も聞いてくる、バカにしたように笑いながら話すスタッフが多い、向こうに非があっても謝らない、謝っても口だけで何も伝わらない、電話は基本的に向こうが先にガチャ切りする、退去者が出ても鍵を返してくれないので部屋のクリーニングが出来ない、などまだまだ書ききれないほど今までありえない対応をされてきました。 ここのスタッフは言われないとまずやらないし、もし言っても必ずやるとは限らない、なのに言ってないことを勝手にやって余計な問題を起こすという社会人として、人としてどうかと思う対応をします。 本当にびっくりするくらい仕事が出来ません(やりません)。 毎月家賃の5%を払っていますが、ハッキリ言ってそれ相当の仕事をしてくれません。自己管理の時は煩わしいことも多く、そんな時に営業で何度もここの人が来て「うちに管理させてもらえたら楽になりますよ、後悔させませんよ」と熱心に言われ頼むことにしましたが、この時の営業が契約後に1番問題を起こしたり態度が悪い人物で、ここに頼んで良かったとまだ一度も思ったことがありません。 逆にここに頼んだことで起きたトラブルやストレスが多すぎて割に合いません。 契約した途端掌を返されました。 管理会社を変えることは入居者の事を考えるとそんなに頻繁にはできない為慎重に考えなければいけませんが、近い将来変えます。 オーナーだから、もしくは私だからこんな態度をとられるのかと思いましたが他のお客さんとして関わった方の口コミが酷いものばかりで、あの人達は大事なお客さんにも同じように振る舞ってるのかとびっくりしました。 オーナーの立場からいうと、大家さんはここに管理を頼むとろくでもないことしか起きないとお伝えしたいです。
I am managed here from the owner's point of view, but it is always arrogant that the telephone response is arrogant as well as the face-to-face contact, and the staff I am involved with is the only person who cannot work. I don't say anything, the same person hears what I once said by phone and visits many times a day, there are many staff who laugh and talk like a fool, even if there is something over there Don't apologize, even if you apologize, you can't tell anything with your mouth, the phone basically cuts the other side first, even if the evacuee comes out you can't clean the room because you can't return the key etc. It has been possible to deal with something that has never been possible before. The staff here do not do unless they are told, and they do not necessarily do it, but as a member of society who does not say what he says and causes extra problems, I think what I think as a person To do. I can't really work (I don't do it). I pay 5% of my rent every month, but to be clear, it doesn't do the equivalent work. When self-managing, it is often annoying, and at that time people come here many times in sales and enthusiastically ask that "I will manage it, it will be easier, I will not regret it" However, the sales person at this time was the person who caused the most problems and had a bad attitude after the contract, and I have never thought that it was good to ask here. On the contrary, it is not worth the trouble and stress caused by asking here. The palm was returned as soon as I made a contract. Changing the management company can not be done so often considering the tenants, so we have to think carefully, but we will change it in the near future. I was wondering if I could take such an attitude because I was the owner or myself, but the reviews of those who were involved as other customers were terrible, and I am surprised that those people behave in the same way for important customers. Did. From the owner's point of view, I would like to tell you that the landlord asks for management here and that only bad things happen.
小山淳義 on Google

他の不動産屋では希望の条件だとほとんど無くて妥協するか悩んでたのですが、エイブルさんに行ったら私に合った物件を親身になって探してくれて、とても良い部屋を見つける事が出来ました。担当の方や店長さんも親切だったので、知人も部屋探しをしてたので紹介しました!管理してる物件だったみたいなので、これからも宜しくお願いします^ ^
At other real estate agents, I was worried about whether to compromise because there were almost no conditions I wanted, but when I went to Mr. Able, he kindly searched for a property that suits me and found a very good room. it is complete. The person in charge and the store manager were also kind, so my acquaintance was also looking for a room, so I introduced it! It seems that it was a property that I manage, so I look forward to working with you ^ ^
飯嶋拓未 on Google

条件設定がやや厳しい中での物件探しでしたが、豊富な物件量で根気強く探していただけて、理想に近い部屋を契約することが出来ました。 契約までの流れも丁寧な対応で、初めての一人暮らしでしたが、度々の質問も丁寧にお答えいただけて、安心して契約出来ました。
I was looking for a property while the conditions were set a little strict, but I was able to make a contract for a room that was close to the ideal because I was able to search patiently with a large amount of properties. The flow up to the contract was also polite, and it was my first time living alone, but I was able to answer the questions politely and I was able to sign the contract with confidence.
y s on Google

メールにて来店予約をしましたが前日までに他社様にて契約が決まってしまったため、お詫びとキャンセルの連絡を入れたところ、 「家主様へ鍵の手配までさせて頂きましたが他社様にてご契約とのことでしたのでご内見キャンセルの旨を家主様へお伝えさせて頂きます。」 というだけの大変気分の良くない返信がありました。 本当にこれが営業、接客をしている人間の言葉なんでしょうか。 この一通のメールがこういった口コミに繋がるということすら想像できないのかと呆れます。 他社様ではきちんと「またお引越しの機会の際にはお気軽にお問い合わせくださいませ。 ご連絡ありがとうございました。」という返事がありましたよ。 他の方の口コミも酷いものだったので他社様で決めて本当によかったです。 1年前の口コミに3日前に返信されてますが バカにしてるんですか? 改善する気ないのが見え見えです。 絶対におすすめしません。
I made a reservation by e-mail, but the contract was decided by another company by the day before, so I apologized and contacted the cancellation. "We even arranged the keys for the landlord, but since it was a contract with another company, we will inform the landlord that the preview has been cancelled." I received a very unpleasant reply. Is this really the word of a person who is doing business and serving customers? I'm wondering if I can even imagine that this one email would lead to such reviews. For other companies, please feel free to contact us when you have the opportunity to move again. Thank you for your contact. There was a reply. The reviews of other people were also terrible, so it was really good to decide by another company. I was replied to the review 1 year ago 3 days ago Are you stupid? I can see that I don't feel like improving. I definitely do not recommend it.

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