Shimodate Golf Club

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shimodate Golf Club

住所 :

Moda, Chikusei, 〒308-0811 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト :
街 : Ibaraki

Moda, Chikusei, 〒308-0811 Ibaraki,Japan
川窪進吾 on Google

朝一は小雨でしたが、プレー中は晴れておりやりやすかったです。 平面が多く、スコアほ出やすいコースかと思います。 スループレイであれば、1ラウンド半は回れると思います。
It was a light rain in the morning, but it was sunny and easy to do during the play. I think it is a course with many flat surfaces and easy to get a score. If it's through play, I think I can go around one and a half rounds.
Takeyuki Shindo on Google

受付の方の笑顔も素敵で、好印象。 クラブサンド、美味しかったです! コースも各ホールに色があって面白いです。 グリーンが速くなってくると、さらに面白くなりそうです。
The smile of the receptionist is also wonderful, which gives a good impression. The club sandwich was delicious! The course is also interesting because each hole has its own color. The faster the green, the more interesting it will be.
go ts on Google

Although it is a flat forest course, there are many trees that overhang the fairway, probably because trees have grown recently, and there is a feeling of oppression. Therefore, if you bend all the tee shots and put them in the forest, you have to give up the good score.
S. Mura on Google

I happened to be free on the day I went, and I was able to make a slow round without worrying about the front and back teams. The fairway was wide and well maintained and beautiful. Thanks to that, I didn't have to lose the ball. The staff are also very happy with the reception! I would like a card navigation system if possible.
ほしのらむね on Google

基本のカートは2人乗りでリモコン無しコース乗り入れNGです。 たくさん歩きたい方には問題無いでしょうが、冬場は泥でべとべとにになる覚悟が必要です。 歩きはホール間の移動が一番大変です。
The basic cart is a two-seater and it is NG to enter the course without remote control. There is no problem for those who want to walk a lot, but in winter you need to be prepared to become sticky with mud. Walking is the most difficult to move between halls.
knj “knj” on Google

カートが古く二人乗り前提、四人乗りの場合追加カートフィーがかかるが、ツーサム割増がないのは嬉しい。 2回行ったが、食事も美味しくまた行きたいと思えるゴルフ場。 ただ、グーグルマップの道案内がおかしい。常磐自動車道方面から向かった際、ヒロサワシティの裏手の農道から入るように案内されたが、長めの砂利道でタイヤが傷む。また、砂利道はスピードが出せないため普通に表から入ったほうが早い。 帰りも裏手に進むよう案内された。
The cart is old and premised on two-seater, and if it is four-seater, an additional cart fee will be charged, but I am happy that there is no two-sum surcharge. I went to the golf course twice, but the food was delicious and I wanted to go there again. However, the directions on Google Maps are strange. When I headed for the Joban Expressway, I was instructed to enter from the farm road behind Hirosawa City, but the tires were damaged by the long gravel road. Also, it is faster to enter from the front normally because the speed of the gravel road cannot be increased. I was instructed to go behind the scenes on my way home.
シューさん on Google

4~5年ぶりにお邪魔しました。 お出迎え、バック降ろし、とても丁寧です。 フロントの方も、親切でフレンドリー、とても心地良い対応です。 マスター室の皆さんもキビキビして感じが良いです。 コースは、フラットで短いですが、隠れた罠が沢山有り、漫然と打ってしまうとなかなかパーは取れません。 グリーンは、早くは無いが良い転がりをし、ラインの正否がハッキリ出ます。 平日という事も有り、サクサク回れて、追加ハーフも快く了解頂きました。最後は貸切状態になってしまい、恐縮してしまいました。 有り難う御座いました。 食事も美味しかったです。 インターから遠い事を除けば、いつかまた行きたいコースです。
I visited you for the first time in 4-5 years. We are very polite to welcome you and take you back. The front desk is also kind, friendly and very comfortable. Everyone in the master room is also squeaky and feels good. The course is flat and short, but there are many hidden traps, and if you hit it carelessly, you will not be able to get a par. The green rolls well, though not quickly, and the correctness of the line is clear. Since it was a weekday, I was able to go around quickly, and I was happy to understand the additional half. At the end, I was in a chartered state, and I'm sorry. Thank you very much. The food was delicious. Except for the fact that it is far from the interchange, it is a course that I would like to go to again someday.
ボルなみ平 on Google

First of all, there is no navigation system or remote control in the cart. Moreover, since it is a 2-seater cart, a 5-seater cart can be charged 1000 yen separately. Lunch time was actually 25 minutes. Sunday seems to be pretty tough. There is no iced tea. The courses and greens aren't too bad.

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