
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact メダカのたかだ

住所 :

Shimoakasaka, Kawagoe, 〒350-1155 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8999
Webサイト : https://www.instagram.com/medakanotakada/
街 : Saitama

Shimoakasaka, Kawagoe, 〒350-1155 Saitama,Japan
髙木聖 on Google

I was attracted by the personality of a couple, a friendly aunt and a gentle uncle, who are always friendly and healed by various kinds of medaka. Every time, different varieties are received, so you can enjoy it ? Thank you for all the services such as aquatic plants and giant Daphnia!
金子浩之 on Google

一年振りに 二週続けてお邪魔しました。 先週は琥珀ラメ、東天光、黄身三色、ミジンコを 今週は夜桜、緑光、彩りラメを 購入しました。 お店の方の対応がとても良く、 楽しい時間を過ごさせていただきました。 またすぐに行きたいと思います。 ありがとうございました。 コーヒーご馳走さまでした。
For the first time in a year I visited you for two weeks in a row. Last week we had amber lame, eastern light, three colors of yolk, and daphnia. This week we have cherry blossoms at night, green light, and colorful glitter I bought it. The correspondence of the shop staff is very good, I had a good time. I want to go again soon. Thank you very much. Thank you for your coffee treat.
山田彰一 on Google

宇都宮より転勤で川越に来ました。少し環境にもなれ1人なので生きもでも飼いたいなと思い、またかわいく手間が、係らず生きもメダカと思いお店をのぞかせてみました。 やさしい奥さんが対応して頂き親切でした。 また、お邪魔したいと思いました。?
I came to Kawagoe by transfer from Utsunomiya. I was able to get used to the environment a little, so I wanted to keep it alive, and I thought it would be a medaka to live regardless of the cute effort, so I took a look at the shop. It was kind to have a kind wife respond. I also wanted to bother you. ?
さる on Google

人柄も良く楽しくメダカを見れた! 買う予定は無かったけど、つい買いたくなり買ってしまいました?
I had a good personality and enjoyed watching killifish! I didn't plan to buy it, but I just wanted to buy it ?
- yoko on Google

I was very disturbed to start breeding killifish. It's a shop for very nice people. Please tell me various things and even a bonus ... I would like to take care of you again
荻野康高 on Google

兄弟で、初めて行きました。 気さくなお母さんと、優しいお父さんの居る、とても親しみやすい所でした。 メダカ選びや、お母さんとのお喋りで、気がつけば2時間もお邪魔してました! とても楽しく過ごせ、また近い内に行きたいと思います。 オマケありがとうございました。
I went there for the first time as a brother. It was a very friendly place with a friendly mom and a kind dad. By choosing killifish and talking with my mother, I noticed that I was bothered for 2 hours! I have a lot of fun and I hope to go there again soon. Thank you for the bonus.
コッペパン on Google

最近ビバホームでは一番安かったヒメダカは売っていません。 仕方なくこちらに初訪してみたら、なんとまぁ気さくな奥さんが・・・ こちらにもヒメダカのみは販売していませんでしたが、多種混泳している水槽から自分で好きなのを網ですくって10匹千円+2匹おまけ。 2千円分買って帰りました。 こちらはメダカ専門店で高くても1匹2千円までのしか置いてないそうです。以後メダカ買うならこちらで決まり!
Recently, I don't sell the cheapest Himedaka at Viva Home. When I had no choice but to visit here for the first time, what a friendly wife ... I didn't sell only Himedaka here either, but I scooped up what I liked from the aquarium where various kinds of swimming were done with a net, and got 10 thousand yen + 2 extra. I bought 2,000 yen and went home. This is a medaka specialty store, and it seems that you can only put up to 2,000 yen per animal at the highest. If you want to buy killifish after that, it's decided here!
高橋MSYS on Google

Kindly explain to beginners. I don't rip off at all. Shachihoko with a curved spine is a famous medaka fish here and is cheap.

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