Shim-Matsudo Station - Matsudo

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shim-Matsudo Station

住所 :

Kōya, Matsudo, Chiba 270-0017, Japan

Postal code : 270-0017

Kōya, Matsudo, Chiba 270-0017, Japan
kousyou yamasita on Google

武蔵野線の開業により新設されたため、常磐緩行線のホームが急曲線上に設置されているため、レールの偏摩耗が見られます。 また、武蔵野線ホームでは貨物列車通過があるので、注意してください 流山線の幸谷駅が近いが、連絡運輸規定では、馬橋駅が接続駅に指定されています。
Since it was newly established with the opening of the Musashino Line, the platform of the Joban Line is installed on a sharp curve, so uneven wear of the rail can be seen. Also, please note that there is a freight train passing at the Musashino Line platform. Koya Station on the Ryutetsu Line is near, but Mabashi Station is designated as the connecting station by the Liaison Transport Regulations.
ミサキケイコ on Google

「新松戸駅」は 「千代田線&武蔵野線」・飲食店(呑み屋を含む)&病院が あります。駅前は・賑やかですが1本2本・奥行くとちょっと静かになります。
"Shin Matsudo Station" has "Chiyoda Line & Musashino Line", restaurants (including drinking shops) & hospitals I have. The front of the station is lively, but it gets a little quieter when you go to the back.
土屋国峰 on Google

JR常磐線各駅停車(常磐緩行線)と武蔵野線が乗り入れる、千葉県松戸市内にある駅です。両路線は交差していて、常磐緩行線が2階ホーム(島式ホーム)、武蔵野線ホーム(相対式ホーム)が3階になります。改札口は1階で1ヶ所のみです。各ホームを結ぶエレベーターもあります。 ※当駅の近くには流鉄流山線の幸谷駅がありますが、連絡運輸が無い為、公式の乗換駅ではありません。当駅から徒歩2分程度。 人口50万都市の松戸市において中心駅となる松戸駅と並ぶ、交通の要所となっており、江戸時代頃から国道6号線(水戸街道)の宿場町として栄えた「松戸宿」と「小金宿」の間に位置します。 当駅にも常磐線特急「ときわ号・ひたち号」の指定席券売機があります。 武蔵野線は当駅から、西船橋方面もしくは府中本町方面へ乗換無しで行けます。 ※西船橋方面行の一部列車は京葉線の東京駅 or 海浜幕張駅まで直通。全て8両編成です。 常磐緩行線(各駅停車)は、2021年(令和3年)3月のダイヤ改正で、休日ダイヤのみ取手駅乗入れが廃止され、全列車我孫子駅折返しとなります。全列車10両編成です。※一部は柏駅止まり。 12月19日(日)の始発より、ホームドアが設置されて使用開始となります。当駅は柏駅と同様に、従来型のホームドアです。 当駅周辺には、ドラッグストア(薬局)チェーンの大手企業である、㈱マツモトキヨシの本社がある他、流通経済大学の新松戸キャンパス、居酒屋や飲食店等が多数あります。ビジネスホテルもあり、ビジネスや観光拠点にピッタリです。
This station is located in Matsudo City, Chiba Prefecture, where the JR Joban Line stops (Joban Line) and the Musashino Line. Both lines intersect, and the Joban Line is on the 2nd floor platform (island platform) and the Musashino Line platform (relative platform) is on the 3rd floor. There is only one ticket gate on the first floor. There is also an elevator that connects each platform. * There is Koya Station on the Ryutetsu-Ryuyama Line near this station, but it is not an official transfer station because there is no contact transportation. About 2 minutes walk from this station. "Matsudo-juku" and "Kokin" have prospered as post towns on National Highway No. 6 (Mito Kaido) since the Edo period, along with Matsudo Station, which is the central station in Matsudo City, which has a population of 500,000. It is located between "Yado". There is also a reserved seat ticket vending machine for the Joban Line limited express "Tokiwa-go / Hitachi-go" at this station. The Musashino Line can be reached from this station in the direction of Nishifunabashi or Fuchuhonmachi without changing trains. * Some trains bound for Nishifunabashi go directly to Tokyo Station or Kaihin Makuhari Station on the Keiyo Line. All are 8-car trains. For the Joban Line (local trains), due to the timetable revision in March 2021 (Reiwa 3), the entry to Toride Station will be abolished only for holiday timetables, and all trains will return to Abiko Station. All trains are 10-car trains. * Some stop at Kashiwa Station. From the first train on December 19th (Sun), platform doors will be installed and use will begin. This station is a conventional platform door like Kashiwa station. Around this station, there is the head office of Matsumotokiyoshi Co., Ltd., a major drugstore (pharmacy) chain company, as well as the Shinmatsudo Campus of Ryutsu Keizai University, izakaya and restaurants. There is also a business hotel, which is perfect for business and sightseeing.
Furano Express on Google

常磐線の快速電車が止まらないこと以外は完璧な駅です。 常磐線、武蔵野線と共に撮影地ですので珍しい列車が来るとかなりの撮り鉄が集まります。
It is a perfect station except that the Joban Line Rapid Train does not stop. Since it is a shooting location along with the Joban Line and Musashino Line, a considerable amount of shooting iron will gather when a rare train arrives.
Binod Bidari on Google

Averages place
Daniel K on Google

Very central location
Hoàng Phương on Google

Nice view
Ram_ Bohara on Google

The station is Good nice and clean .. station masters were attentive.. in front of station there is a police booth station ... there were 2 train stations the Joban local line and the mushashino line .. so the station looks croudy.. this is the second city of matsudo district..

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