
2.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact オーパみらい平店

住所 :

Shihogaoka, Tsukubamirai, 〒300-2359 Ibaraki,Japan

街 : Ibaraki

Shihogaoka, Tsukubamirai, 〒300-2359 Ibaraki,Japan
木村一彦 on Google

The setting is too bad. Not the number of times. Just hit the table just by the state. There is no data or shit. Blocking out with Holcon and rolling up gold is the worst and worst ???
野本裕美 on Google

It is well disinfected. The slot ends at 10:45. Pachinko can be played for up to 50 minutes. 90 slots were borrowed for 1000 yen, and 100 slots were exchanged for 1000 yen. So, 1000 sheets costs 10,000 yen. It was nice to play cheaply. It's 1 pachinko and 10 slingshots, so it's cheap to exchange, but I think it's good to play. The chair is not comfortable to sit on, but I wonder if I will become a regular (laughs)
北澤一幸 on Google

つくばの店を色々見ましたが、1パチはここの店が1番釘を開けてますね。 低貸し専門じゃ無かったら、星4はつけたい店ですね☺️
I've seen various shops in Tsukuba, but this shop has the most nails open for 1 pachinko. If you're not a low-rental specialist, you'll want to add 4 stars ☺️
クレイモア on Google

ゴミ 100パー何かしらイカサマしてます ここまでひどい店はない ここまで当たらない店はない エヴァ15 毎回1000ハマリ 一度も確率分母内で当たったことなし レイ背景10回以上外れ 金シャッターも7~8回連続外れ 何かやってる
garbage 100 par I'm crazy about something No store is so terrible There is no store that does not hit this far Eva 15 1000 hamari every time Never hit in the probability denominator Ray background missed 10 times or more The gold shutter also comes off 7 to 8 times in a row I'm doing something
こぬめか on Google

パチンコ、スロット業界はかなり厳しい時代となりましたがちゃんと出す気のあるお店。 低貸専門なので時間潰しに最適な印象です。
The pachinko and slot industry has become quite difficult, but it is a store that is willing to open properly. Since it is a low-rental specialty, it is the best impression for killing time.
十六夜 レイ on Google

特定日がありません。 店全体で高設定が多く入るというのはありませんが、クラセレやアレックスで6が入るという珍しい店です。 1番台数の多い番長3のメイン島は据え置き多めのイメージ 客層のレベルも低いため、エナ狙いは有効 バンバンクロスもCをよく使ってます。 傾向読めれば勝てる店だと思います。 並びで6、同一機種で6とかは入りません。並び打ちには向かない店です(2021年7月くらいまで 最近は全然設定入らないため、行かなくなりました。 エナが多い、設定入らない、店員の対応があまり良くない、という部分があります。 若者の民度が低すぎます。
There is no specific date. There aren't many high settings in the entire store, but it's a rare store where you can get a 6 in Klasere or Alex. The image of Bancho 3's main island, which has the largest number of cars, is deferred. Since the level of the customer base is also low, aiming for energy is effective Bang Bang Cross also uses C a lot. I think it's a store that you can win if you can read the trends. 6 in a row and 6 in the same model cannot be entered. It is not suitable for line-up (until July 2021) Recently, I haven't entered any settings, so I haven't been able to go. There are parts such as a lot of energy, no setting, and the clerk's response is not very good. Youth people are too low.
カナちゃん時々ハナちゃん共同アカ on Google

低貸しなので出玉は期待できない、立ち回りの一つと言ってもエナ乞食が多すぎて鬱陶しい。 低貸しだし全ツッパするくらいの金は持ってきてる。良台捨てるわけないだろ、初めて来たけど次の来店は機会があればって感じですね。
It's a low-rent, so you can't expect to get a ball out. I'm lending it low and I've brought enough money to make all the money. You can't throw it away, it's your first time to come to the store, but it feels like you have a chance to come to the store next time.
Guilty is Pretty on Google

釘は台により違うが、低貸し専門なので玉はまぁまぁ遊べる。 ただ、シンフォ2の右のアウトポケット周りの釘、アウト行きやすくあからさまに曲がってたのは普通に駄目。 他の台は全部見たわけじゃないけど目に見えては曲げてない。 店員に指摘したがまぁ劣化でとかで済まされました。 ・総合 低貸しで遊べる台はあるが、釘は確実に良くない。
The nails are different depending on the table, but since it is a low-rental specialty, you can play balls. However, the nails around the right out pocket of Symfo 2 are easy to go out, and it is usually useless to bend overtly. I haven't seen all the other stands, but I haven't bent them visibly. I pointed out to the clerk, but it was done because of deterioration. ・ Comprehensive There is a platform that you can play on a low loan, but the nails are definitely not good.

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