ビッグ・エー 我孫子柴崎台店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ビッグ・エー 我孫子柴崎台店

住所 :

Shibasakidai, Abiko, 〒270-1176 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Webサイト : http://biga.co.jp/
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Shibasakidai, Abiko, 〒270-1176 Chiba,Japan
Kiwon Kim on Google

Basically, sweets, sake and milk, and topvalu products are cheap. Recently, it has become easier to pay and pay. I often go to buy sake and milk. The store is spacious enough to be seen carefully. Although it can't be helped, because there are many people using cars, the parking lot is always very crowded around noon and on typhoon or rainy days. Sometimes there are parking problems, so if you just improve the use of parking, I think it will be more convenient for consumers. I think that it is practically difficult to increase the parking space, so I think that it will be easier to use if you tell the store in advance about the time zone that is not mixed from the store.
吉川みかりん on Google

It's easy to see, it's cheap, and if you adjust the time, it won't be so dense, and the clerk will be happy.
TAKA SHIGE on Google

It takes about 10 minutes to walk from the station, but it's almost like a supermarket. Many of our products are sold at great prices. Also, many discount products are available in the morning.
偽ゃま下達郎 Byこーすけ on Google

親切な店員さんが沢山いてとても良いです。また 毎日食べるものが安いのも魅力ですね!納豆、豆腐、第三のビールはどこよりも安いですね。??
It is very good that there are many kind clerk. It's also attractive that the food you eat every day is cheap! Natto, tofu, and third beer are cheaper than anywhere else. ??
マリンドッグ on Google

常磐線 天王台駅近くにある24時間営業のスーパーです 近くにはスーパーやドラックストアがありますが、なんといっても24時間営業しているので、急に何かが足りないって時にもなんとかなります 店内は少し小さめなですが、これだけあれば十分ですね 駐車場もありますので、車でのお買い物もできますね
A 24-hour supermarket near Tennodai Station on the Joban Line There are supermarkets and drugstores nearby, but it's open 24 hours a day, so even when something suddenly runs short The store is a bit small, but this is enough. There is also a parking lot, so you can also shop by car
albelt T on Google

Small supermarket, low price, basic 24 hours business, payment can be paid in addition to cash, and the parking lot is wide and easy to enter.
Sat Aung on Google

need to improve service
Slim Daddy on Google

Good sales, nice product and affordable

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