
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact イエステーション金町店

住所 :

Shibamata, Katsushika City, 〒125-0052 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89899
Webサイト : https://yesfuji.com/
街 : Tokyo

Shibamata, Katsushika City, 〒125-0052 Tokyo,Japan
T M on Google

I rushed in for the time being while I didn't know whether to buy or sell or rent. Nevertheless, he sincerely counseled me about my situation for a long time and suggested it for the customers. It's a real estate agent who is happy to be nearby. I'm glad I went.
kazuteru on Google

とても丁寧にご対応して頂きました。 買うかを悩んでいたのですが、月々のローンやその他にかかる費用、物件毎のメリットデメリット等をわかりやすく説明して頂きましたので安心して物件を購入することができました。 店舗が広くて綺麗でした。
Thank you very much for your kind attention. I was worried about whether to buy it, but I was able to purchase the property with confidence because I was able to explain the monthly loan and other costs, the advantages and disadvantages of each property in an easy-to-understand manner. The store was large and beautiful.
梨子 on Google

今回一軒家を購入するに辺り、出産を控えていたため時間もないなか、とてもいい物件を購入することがありました。 子供をと一緒にお伺いすることも多かったのですが、皆さんとても親切にしていただいてありがたかったです。
When I bought a house this time, I was about to give birth, so I didn't have much time, so I sometimes bought a very good property. I often visited with my children, but I am grateful to everyone for their kindness.
久松H on Google

葛飾近辺の家を探してる時に発見。まだ一戸建てにするかマンションにするかも決めておらず、何の知識も無かったので、土地のことやら税金、購入の流れまで、妻とかなり長い時間質問しまくったのに、ニコニコと凄く丁寧に教えてくれた。結局他の不動産屋も行ったけど、ここが一番説明がわかりやすかったし、話し込んだおかげか「リビングが広い駅から徒歩10分以内の一戸建て」という条件を叶えてくれた。本当に感謝。同じようにとりあえず説明聞きに不動産屋行ってみようかなという人にはかなりオススメかも。 ちなみに金町店だけど柴又駅の方が近かった。
Discovered when looking for a house near Katsushika. I hadn't decided whether to make it a single-family house or an apartment, and I didn't have any knowledge, so I asked my wife about the land, taxes, and the flow of purchase for quite a long time, but with a smile, I was very polite. told me. After all, I went to other real estate agents, but this was the easiest to understand, and thanks to the conversation, they fulfilled the condition of "a detached house within a 10-minute walk from a station with a large living room." I really appreciate it. In the same way, it may be highly recommended for those who want to go to a real estate agent to hear the explanation. By the way, it was the Kanamachi store, but Shibamata station was closer.
田辺健太 on Google

All the staff at the Yestion Kanamachi store are polite and kind, and it is easy to consult with them, and after-sales care after purchasing a house is also recommended!
鹿晃徳 on Google

現在の家を購入するにあたり、大変お世話になりました。 購入後のアフターサービスも丁寧、しっかりとしたスタッフの方たちでとても満足しています。 また機会があれば必ずイエステーションさんにお願いする事は間違い無しでしょう!
Thank you very much for your help in purchasing your current home. The after-sales service after purchase is also polite, and the solid staff are very satisfied. There is no doubt that you will definitely ask Mr. Yestion if you have the opportunity!
山本麻未 on Google

家を購入するにあたって色んな不動産屋さんに行きましたがイエステーションさんはとても親身にしてくれて分からない事も丁寧に詳しく教えてくれました。家を購入したのですがその後も定期的に状態などを相談させてくれて心強いです。 イエステーションさんで購入させてもらって良かったです。
I went to various real estate agents to buy a house, but Mr. Yestion was very kind and taught me in detail what I didn't understand. I bought a house, but it's encouraging to be able to consult with me about the condition on a regular basis. I'm glad I bought it at Yestion.
美香鹿 on Google

家の住み替え見積もりで1番早く来てもらいました。その後も色々な業者とお話しをしてみましたが、家ステーション金町の方が1番分かりやすかったです。その後も、どんどん相談に乗ってもらい最善の策を常に探してくれました。 そして、ほとんど時間をかけないで私達家族にとって本当にベストな新しい家を探してきてくれました。売却も上手で得させてもらい感謝でいっぱでした。 スタッフも皆さん気さくでとっても話しやすくて 遠慮なく色々と相談出来て良かったです。
I got the earliest to come by the estimate of relocation of the house. After that, I talked with various vendors, but the house station Kanamachi was the easiest to understand. After that, he continued to consult with me and always searched for the best solution. And he took almost no time to find the really best new home for our family. I was grateful that I was able to sell it well. It was good that all the staff were friendly and very easy to talk to, and I was able to consult with them without hesitation.

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