
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact すし屋の源さん

住所 :

Shibadaimon, Minato City, 〒105-0012 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : http://www.cyp-jp.com/store/sushigensan.html
街 : Tokyo

Shibadaimon, Minato City, 〒105-0012 Tokyo,Japan
星野義久 on Google

There is a revisit. It was crowded
日本人 on Google

処理、開きが丁寧で青魚が美味しい。 タコも新鮮で、味わいがある。 まぐろの赤身も美味しい。本鮪だと思う。
Processing, opening is polite and blue fish is delicious. The octopus is also fresh and tasteful. Tuna red meat is also delicious. I think that's the real story.
N H on Google

Salmon Negitoro bowl 650 yen, it was fresh and delicious. The cost performance is better than the surroundings, so I got 5 points.
小満田裕樹 on Google

I often use it for lunch. Compared to a chain seafood bowl restaurant near my home, I use it well because both rice and spices are delicious in the same price range. If you accumulate 10 stamp cards, you will get a rice bowl.
グルメグルメ on Google

家族で寿司のゲンさんに毎月お世話になっております。 何度も通わせて頂きました。 空間、料理、接客どれも素晴らしく、何度行っても飽きません。 新しいものへの探求心、お客様への心遣い全てが大満足。 一つ一つ手の込んだ料理に毎回行くのが楽しみでなりません。 ゲンさんオリジナルのお重も大好きです。 これからも末永く通いたいと思います。
My family is indebted to Gen-san for sushi every month. I went there many times. The space, the food, and the customer service are all wonderful, and you won't get bored no matter how many times you go. I am very satisfied with my quest for new things and my consideration for customers. I can't wait to go to each and every elaborate dish. I also love Gen-san's original weight. I would like to continue to attend for a long time.
onigiri miyan on Google

月に1回は、駅向こうに仕事があって ここのお店の前を通ったりするんだけど 気分は、アジアン弁当のはずが お姉さんの元気な声に反応しちゃって ちょっと通り過ぎたのに戻って買っちゃいました アボカドとサーモンのどんぶり 量は、たっぷりで550円だっけかな? 美味しかったぁ 元気に販売してると、つい足が止まっちゃうよね メニューもわかりやすかったし お寿司のテイクアウトならおすすめだわ
Once a month, I have a job over the station I pass in front of the shop here The mood should be an Asian bento I have reacted to my sister's cheerful voice I passed by a little, but I went back and bought it Avocado and salmon bowl Is it a generous amount of 550 yen? It was delicious If you sell it well, you'll just stop. The menu was easy to understand Recommended for sushi takeaway
Mくま on Google

海鮮丼系のお弁当のお店。 大体500円から800円。いいお店だと思うけど、汐留にある丼丸との差別化が難しい。量は丼丸。僕は丼丸いっちゃうかな。
A seafood bowl-based lunch box shop. About 500 to 800 yen. I think it's a good restaurant, but it's difficult to differentiate it from the bowl-maru in Shiodome. The amount is bowl-maru. I wonder if it's a bowl.
Theophilus Amara on Google

Great and delicious dishes

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