
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact すし園

住所 :

Senoo, Minami Ward, 〒701-0205 Okayama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
街 : Okayama

Senoo, Minami Ward, 〒701-0205 Okayama,Japan
23 TonTon on Google

Parking is behind FamilyMart. The shop has a beautiful one-plate counter and a private room. At lunchtime, there are plenty of great lunch menus available and you can't decide what to eat. The sushi is a little small, but the moderate squeeze and the wasabi scent that comes out of the nose enhance the story. I want to come again.
licorice T on Google

It is always stable freshness and deliciousness.
ハチミツ on Google

いいモノ仕入れて出してますね? ランチもお得です
I buy good things and put them out ? Lunch is also great
k 1 on Google

I visited the store after searching for PayPay's Okayama City campaign. We ordered Setouchi set meal (above) and salmon salmon roe bowl. It was delicious because it contained thick salmon sashimi. The Setouchi set meal was delicious with sashimi and shrimp tempura. There were a lot of squids and squid stew, sashimi, and squid, but it seems that it has been a while since I made it, so it was not good for 1600 yen. The take-out-only menu seemed better. Cold tea was served only at the time of entering the store, and he didn't add it after that, so I didn't have enough hospitality during this hot day. In addition, I could not use PayPay for payment, so the discount did not work. I contacted PayPay, but it was the worst because it was a sincere response with only one place where I subscribed. It was disappointing because it felt a little expensive as a cospa and also because of PayPay.
【まるごと岡山食べ尽くし日記】で検索 on Google

お刺身や海鮮丼ランチを食べれるお店です。 わたしは海鮮丼が食べたくて、 海鮮丼ランチを注文。 海鮮丼、蛤のお味噌汁、お漬物、白和えのセットで登場。 海鮮丼には蟹、サーモン、いくら、ウニ、鯛、マグロなどが乗っています。 どのお刺身も新鮮で、ウニも臭みがなくて食べやすくて美味しかったです?? 天・刺御膳(2100円)は てんぷらもお刺身も両方食べれちゃう欲張りなセット。 こちらにもお味噌汁とお漬物と白和えがセットでありました。 カウンターのある本格お寿司屋さんの新鮮なお魚をいただける大満足ランチでした。 ごちそうさまでした。
It is a restaurant where you can eat sashimi and seafood bowl lunch. I wanted to eat kaisendon, I ordered a seafood bowl lunch. Appeared as a set of seafood bowl, clam miso soup, pickles, and white sauce. Crab, salmon, salmon roe, sea urchin, sea bream, tuna, etc. are on the seafood bowl. All the sashimi was fresh and the sea urchin had no odor and was easy to eat and delicious ?? Heaven and sashimi set (2100 yen) A greedy set where you can eat both tempura and sashimi. This was also a set of miso soup, pickles and white sauce. It was a very satisfying lunch where you can enjoy fresh fish from an authentic sushi restaurant with a counter. Thank you for the meal.
703 on Google

カウンターと、6名までの個室のお座敷が3部屋(間を取って広間にもなる)あるお店です。 久々に5人で集まる事があり利用させていただきました。 土曜の12時半に予約で行きましたが、予約だけでお客様一杯とかで、外には"準備中"の札が。後で来られたお客様が断られていました。 全て美味しくいただきました。翌週だったらコロナの関係で行けなくなっていたかも知れないので、良かったです。
It is a shop with a counter and 3 private rooms for up to 6 people (which can also be a hall). It's been a while since we had 5 people gathering, so we used it. I made a reservation at 12:30 on Saturday, but the reservation was full of customers, and there was a "preparing" tag outside. Customers who came later were refused. Everything was delicious. It was good because I might not have been able to go the next week because of Corona.
Takeshi-Metal on Google

岡山といえば、大好きなシャコを食べたい!どーしても食べたい!! 何年か前に、岡山出身の友人に連れて行ってもらった、こちら、すし園さん♪ ずっと忘れられずに、ようやく落ち着いたコロナ禍の隙を狙って、香川のうどん巡り後に訪れました。 とにかくお寿司が綺麗 にぎり8貫と、シャコ酢、茶碗蒸し、どれも美味しい! しかも、これでめっちゃリーズナブルなんて、岡山県民は反則です…羨ましい シャコは寿司もシャコ酢も、さっくりした食感とシャコの風味が際だっていて、美味しかったなあ、大満足です そして茶碗蒸しもたっぷり具沢山で、しっかり出汁も利いていて、旅の疲れもほっこり癒してくれました、お勧めです 今回は車で訪れましたので、次回はお酒も合わせて楽しみたいですね、また来ます!
Speaking of Okayama, I want to eat my favorite mantis shrimp! I want to eat it anyway! !! A few years ago, a friend from Okayama took me to this place, Mr. Sushien ♪ I haven't forgotten it for a long time, and I finally visited after visiting Kagawa's udon noodles, aiming for a calm chance of corona. Anyway, the sushi is beautiful 8 pieces of nigiri, mantis shrimp vinegar, chawanmushi, all delicious! Moreover, it is a foul for Okayama citizens to say that this is really reasonable ... I envy them. Both sushi and mantis shrimp vinegar had a crisp texture and the flavor of mantis shrimp, and they were delicious. I'm very satisfied. And it has plenty of chawanmushi, the soup stock is good, and it heals the tiredness of the trip, so I recommend it. I visited by car this time, so next time I would like to enjoy drinking together, I will come again!
桃太郎 on Google

児島線沿いにあります、よく通るので以前から店は知っていましたが機会がなく今回が初訪問です。 駐車場は店舗の裏にあります。 他店舗の駐車場と同じ敷地にあるので「ビル専用駐車場」となっているスペースに駐めます。 店内はカウンターと個室の座敷があります。 予約していたからか二人だったからかは分かりませんが座敷に案内されました。 今回食べたのは「にぎり定食(トロ入り)1540円」と「後楽(並)1600円」です。 回らない寿司屋さんは高いイメージですが、丼物や定食等お手頃な値段のものも多いです。 にぎり定食(トロ入り)・・・寿司8貫、小鉢、お吸い物、デザートです。 おそらくにぎり定食(並)にトロがプラスされているのだと思います。 さすがに本職の寿司だけあってどれも美味しく、特にトロはネタも大きく満足度が高いです。 後楽(並)・・・握り寿司6貫+巻物、天ぷら、お吸い物です。 握り寿司は定食の物より一回り大きく感じました。 天ぷらは野菜と海老が2尾です。 この2種類はどちらもオススメですので、トロが食べたいか天ぷらを食べたいかで選べば良いと思います。 グルメサイトのクーポン利用で「柚子シャーベット」「黒みつきなこアイス」がサービスになり、こちらも美味しかったです。 大将とは接する事が無かったですが、女性店員さんの接客はとても良かったです。 また行きたいと思える店でした。
It's located along the Kojima line, so I've known the store for a long time because I often go there, but I haven't had a chance and this is my first visit. The parking lot is behind the store. Since it is on the same site as the parking lots of other stores, it can be parked in a space that is a "building-only parking lot". There is a counter and a private room in the store. I don't know if it was because I had a reservation or because I was two people, but I was guided to the tatami room. I ate "Nigiri set meal (with Toro) 1540 yen" and "Koraku (normal) 1600 yen". A sushi restaurant that doesn't turn around has a high image, but many of them are reasonably priced, such as rice bowls and set meals. Onigiri set meal (with Toro): 8 pieces of sushi, small bowl, soup, dessert. I think that Toro is probably added to the rice ball set meal (normal). As expected, all of them are delicious because they are only professional sushi, and especially Toro has a lot of material and is highly satisfying. Koraku (normal): 6 pieces of nigiri sushi + scrolls, tempura, soup. I felt that nigiri sushi was one size larger than the set meal. Tempura has two vegetables and two shrimp. Both of these two types are recommended, so you can choose whether you want to eat Toro or tempura. By using the coupon on the gourmet site, "Yuzu sorbet" and "Kuromitsuki Nako ice cream" became services, which were also delicious. I didn't have any contact with the general, but the female clerk's customer service was very good. It was a shop that I wanted to go to again.

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