Senboku Motor Driving School - Daisen

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Senboku Motor Driving School

住所 :

Owada-89 Tochiya, Daisen, Akita 014-0801, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 014-0801
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:10AM–5:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9:10AM–7:30PM
Tuesday 9:10AM–7:30PM
Wednesday 9:10AM–7:30PM
Thursday 9:10AM–7:30PM
Friday 9:10AM–7:30PM

Owada-89 Tochiya, Daisen, Akita 014-0801, Japan
drivingschool senboku on Google

We sincerely accept your comments and will work to improve it in the future.
TVきょんきょん on Google

先生みんな話しやすくてとても楽しかったです! 特にお世話になった清水川先生❗大好きです❗
All the teachers were easy to talk to and it was a lot of fun! Mr. Shimizukawa who was especially indebted ❗ I love you ❗
龍我斉藤 on Google

ハッキリ言って星1も付けたくないです。 まず受付の態度が、悪すぎる 挨拶しても返さない。 人の事情も無視。 言いたい放題の事務。 人間性を疑う自動車学校
I do n’t want to add star 1 clearly. First of all, the attitude of reception is too bad Do not return even if you say hello. Ignores human circumstances. All you want to say. Driving school that doubts humanity
しんさだ on Google

The teachers' teaching methods and the receptionist women's reception were good, and I was able to successfully get a large special license income. thank you for helping me.
lo lo on Google

The teaching attitude at the time of skill is too bad, I will talk with my real name. First of all, it is an instructor named Shimizu. I was an instructor when I first got on the car, but I was taught to myself quickly with the attitude that I always felt angry while touching my nails. When I make a mistake because of a very bad explanation, I sigh and get angry unwillingly. Clearly it is not attitude towards students. The instructor Suda is also mostly. I do not even mention it much, but if you do make a mistake even a little, I will only say disgusting that "I can never receive a graduation in such a place". At the end of the phrase, I slept at least two times in the front passenger seat. I wonder if it will protect my life in emergency, I am very anxious.
k.鷹 on Google

Guidance is too harsh. The real names of the instructors are Shimizugawa, Suda, and Kusanagi. I'm paying a lot of money here, so tell me carefully. The instructor named Mr. Hitoshi is the most polite and interesting ?
さとうやえこ on Google

本日、普通二輪の卒検を受けて無事卒業出来ました。 先生方、受付や事務の皆様、本当にありがとうございました。 家族に内緒で通っていたこともあり、自分の駄目さ加減に諦めようと思ったりもしましたが、先生方の丁寧な指導で卒業出来ました。 受付の方々の対応もとても親切で相談しやすく助かりました。 とても良い教習所だと思います。
Today I was able to successfully graduate from a regular motorcycle graduation. Thank you very much to the teachers, receptionists and clerks. Since I had attended my family secretly, I thought that I would give up on my badness, but I was able to graduate with the careful guidance of the teachers. The receptionists were very kind and helpful and it was helpful. I think it is a very good school.
堀江 on Google

数ヵ月前この学校で学び免許を取得した者です。 1年ほど前に投稿されている口コミがあんまりなので記させてください。 結論から言うと、とても良い自動車学校だと思います。 厳しい教官ほど教え方が上手く、若い教官ほど褒め方が上手いと感じました。 優しい方が大半を占めていた印象です。 受付の方の対応も非常に親切でした。 たくさん教官がいれば人間性も様々なのはどの施設もそうです。 これから運転を習おうとしている人に1つ言えることは、少し気に入らないことを言われただけですぐカッとなったり、どうしようもなく不安になる人はそもそも運転に向いていないということです
A few months ago I studied at this school and got a license. There aren't many reviews that were posted about a year ago, so please let me know. In conclusion, I think it's a very good driving school. I felt that the stricter the instructor, the better the teaching method, and the younger the instructor, the better the compliment. The impression is that the majority of them are gentle. The receptionist was very kind. If there are a lot of instructors, every facility has different humanity. One thing that can be said to those who are trying to learn driving from now on is that people who are uncomfortable and uncomfortable immediately after being told that they do not like it are not suitable for driving in the first place.

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