株式会社 大光ペイント - Ichikawa

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社 大光ペイント

住所 :

Sekigashima, Ichikawa, 〒272-0105 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 272-0105
Webサイト : https://www.taikou-paint.com/
街 : Chiba

Sekigashima, Ichikawa, 〒272-0105 Chiba,Japan
秀雄河野 on Google

It's polite. Thank you for listening to various requests
田中節子 on Google

工務店やホームセンターに見積もりしてもお値段がどうしても高めですが、大光ペイントさんは塗装専門店だから、余計な金額は、一切取られないので、お値段かなりにお得に。 仕上がりは、大変奇麗で、仕事もとても丁寧にやってくれました。 自信を持ってお勧めしたい塗装専門店です。
Even if you estimate it to a construction shop or home improvement store, the price is definitely high, but since Daiko Paint is a painting specialty store, you can not take any extra money, so the price is quite good. The finish was very beautiful and the work was done very carefully. It is a painting specialty store that I would like to recommend with confidence.
森田義則 on Google

屋根、外壁の塗装を依頼しましたが、契約前の細かい説明や作業前の御近所への配慮に感心しました。 工事ついてはテキパキとした丁寧な作業で安心して任せることができ、仕上りは勿論ですが細かいところまで作業して頂き感謝しています。 料金も大手ハウスメーカー経由と比較しても大変節約出来たと思います。 今後も長くお付き合いしたい地元の業者さんです。
I asked for the painting of the roof and outer walls, but I was impressed with the detailed explanation before the contract and the consideration for the neighborhood before the work. I am grateful that I can leave the construction work to me with peace of mind because of the careful and careful work, and I am grateful for the detailed work as well as the finish. I think we were able to save a lot of money compared to going through a major house maker. It is a local trader who wants to keep in touch with me for a long time.
やまだまなみ on Google

I asked for the outer wall and roof. I got a quote from three other companies, but Mr. Daiko Paint offered me the most polite, the same quality, and the cheapest price. I was able to let you know the progress and leave it to me with confidence. It was a company I would like to recommend to the people around me. I would also like to ask for the next outer wall.
Zenya Hirayama (zeny) on Google

I had you paint the whole outer wall of the house. It has been a long time since it was built, and there were cracks in the outer wall, but now the cracks have been repaired and the finish is beautiful. Thank you very much.
さえこ on Google

トイレと庭の柵の交換をお願いしました。 事前に見積もりなど細かく説明していただけたので、安心してお願いできました。 当日は丁寧かつスムーズに作業していただき、とても満足です!事前に言われていた所要時間よりも早く終わらせてくださいました。 また機会があればお願いしたいと思います。
I asked you to replace the toilet and garden fence. I was able to give you a detailed explanation such as an estimate in advance, so I was able to ask with confidence. I am very happy that you worked politely and smoothly on the day! He finished it earlier than the time required in advance. I would like to ask if there is another opportunity.
江原美紀 on Google

From mid-January, we asked for exterior wall painting work and roof re-roofing work. He explained each process carefully, so I was able to leave it to him with confidence. He took a detailed picture of the finished product and explained it. It is a very reassuring trader. I would like to ask if there is anything else.
かねこ on Google

昨年11月に、屋根、車庫シャッターとウッドデッキの補修と塗装をお願いしました。 とてもきれいな仕上がりに満足しています。 また見積もり時には、塗料ごとに詳しい説明をいただき選択の自由度もありました。 また機会がありましたら宜しくお願いします。
Last November, I asked for the repair and painting of the roof, garage shutters and wooden deck. I am satisfied with the very beautiful finish. At the time of estimation, we received detailed explanations for each paint, giving us the freedom to choose. If you have another chance, thank you.

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