惣菜みやはら 西新井本店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 惣菜みやはら 西新井本店

住所 :

Sekibara, Adachi City, 〒123-0852 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8889
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday 10AM–6PM
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM
街 : Tokyo

Sekibara, Adachi City, 〒123-0852 Tokyo,Japan
Kienheim HO on Google

It's a store full of super-discount side dishes made at the store, such as 35 yen croquette. There is also a cheap vegetable shop nearby, and most of the items are available at these two shops. Fried and grilled foods are surprisingly cheap, so inexperienced people should go there once. By the way, this 35-yen croquette style store (mainly cheap side dish development) has this style store in Kitasenju (Ponmachi-dori) and Nippori (Yanaka Ginza), but I wonder if it is affiliated.
野郎風船 on Google

基本のお惣菜の他に、日替わりで商品が並びます。 コロッケが1ケ税別30円と格安です。 1000円でかなりのお惣菜が買えます。 ご馳走さまでした。
In addition to basic side dishes, products are arranged daily. The croquette is cheap at 1 yen plus 30 yen. You can buy a considerable side dish for 1000 yen. It was a feast.
よう子(ようこ) on Google

焼鳥や揚げ物などとても安く、あと一品足りないときなどよくお世話になっています。 食事どきはひっきりなしにお客さんがやってきて、次々補充されるので出来立てが買えます。
Yakitori and fried foods are very cheap, and I often take care of them when I need more. The customers come to the restaurant every time, and they are replenished one after another, so you can buy fresh food.
かずきゅん on Google

It is an ally of the common people. Fried chicken and stewed pork are good, but I feel that the daily menu side dish is cheaper and more affordable.
森和 on Google

下町の味、おかずが足りない時や作るのが面倒なときに助かる。 コロッケや肉団子が1個¥37税込とお財布にもやさしい。
It helps when you don't have enough side dishes or when it's difficult to make the taste of downtown. One croquette and meatballs is ¥ 37 including tax, which is easy on your wallet.
探偵偽 on Google

7年ぶりに来た。 熱い価格。 ゲソや角煮も欲しかった。 エビナゲットがめちゃくちゃうまかった。
I came for the first time in 7 years. Hot price. I also wanted geso and kakuni. The shrimp nugget was messed up.
Koma Koma on Google

十条銀座商店街にあるお店の本店、スペースが広い分ラインナップも豊富 定番のコロッケやエビナゲットは安価で美味しく、オススメですよ。 車やバイクで行かれる際は目の前の通りは一方通行な上、商店街は16:30から18:30まで車両通行禁止との表示が有ります、お気の付けの程を。
The main store in the Jujo Ginza shopping district has a large lineup due to its large space. The classic croquettes and shrimp nuggets are cheap and delicious, so I recommend them. When you go by car or motorbike, the street in front of you is one-way, and there is a sign saying that vehicles are not allowed in the shopping district from 16:30 to 18:30, so please be careful.
shiromin on Google

揚げ物・串焼きメインのお惣菜屋サン。 安いです! 混雑時は壁に沿って並びます。 お店の方がテキパキと注文を取りながら、袋入れしてくれます。 個人的に唐揚げ・コロッケ・皮焼・ぼんじりがオススメ♪ 揚げ物は冷めてても、何もつけずで美味しかったです。 焼鳥も串にみっちり刺さってます。 支払は現金のみ。 駐車場はありませんが、すぐ近くにコインパ有。
A side dish shop that mainly serves fried food and skewers. It's cheap! When it is crowded, it will line up along the wall. The shop will take the order and put it in the bag. I personally recommend fried chicken, croquette, grilled chicken, and chicken ♪ Even if the fried food was cold, it was delicious without adding anything. Yakitori is also stuck on the skewers. Payment is cash only. There is no parking lot, but there is a coin pa in the immediate vicinity.

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