Seirei Memorial Hospital - Hitachi

2.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Seirei Memorial Hospital

住所 :

841 Momiyacho, Hitachi, Ibaraki 319-1235, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 319-1235
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–4:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–4:30PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–4:30PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–4:30PM
Thursday 8:30AM–4:30PM
Friday 8:30AM–4:30PM

841 Momiyacho, Hitachi, Ibaraki 319-1235, Japan
ガーネット on Google

朝の受付10時で、全て終了したのが12時40分、待ち過ぎ めまいが気になりCT検査、結果異常なし、何が原因なのか?どこからきてるのか?わからないまま、 先生は、患者に対する説明が、おおざっぱ過ぎると思います。 なんで?忙しいからか?
Reception at 10 o'clock in the morning, all finished at 12:40, waiting too much I'm worried about dizziness, CT examination, no abnormal results, what is the cause? Where are you from? Without knowing The teacher thinks the explanation to the patient is too rough. why? Is it because you are busy?
みにーまうす on Google

予約制に不満 3ヶ月先の予定は読めません。 予約なしでも行けると言われましたが、診察できるか分かりませんと言われた。
Dissatisfied with reservation system I can't read the schedule for 3 months ahead. I was told that I could go without a reservation, but I wasn't sure if I could see him.
ペコペコビー on Google

吐き気と頭痛で受診しました。 一応CTは撮ってくれたけど異常無しと言うだけだったので、このままで大丈夫なのでしょうか?と問うと鼻で笑いながら「薬出しとく?」ですって。 感じ悪い態度悪い最悪の病院。 二度と行くもんか
I had a medical examination with nausea and headache. For the time being, he took a CT, but he just said that there was no abnormality, so is it okay as it is? When I asked him, he laughed with his nose and said, "Do you want to take medicine?" The worst hospital with a bad attitude. Will I go again?
h16c on Google

あまり評価が良くないですね。 なんででしょう? うちの母が脊柱管狭窄症の手術をしました。 もう何十年も耐え難い激痛と痺れに苦しんでいて他の病院に通ってましたが全く良くならず。 セカンドオピニオンで診ていただいたらあと少し遅かったら歩けなくなるということで手術をしました。 長年悩んでいた痛みと痺れが無くなったと喜んでます。 これが結果で病院の評価ではないでしょうか? 治せない医者はただの人。 そんな医者が多すぎるなか、結果の出せる数少ない病院だと思います。 看護師さんやスタッフにもとても好感がもてました。 感謝しかありません。
The evaluation is not so good. Why? My mother had an operation for spinal stenosis. I have been suffering from unbearable severe pain and numbness for decades, and I went to another hospital, but it didn't improve at all. If I had a second opinion, I couldn't walk if I was a little late. I am pleased that the pain and numbness that I have been suffering for many years are gone. Is this the result of a hospital evaluation? The only doctor who can't cure is a person. With so many doctors, I think this is one of the few hospitals that can produce results. The nurses and staff were very impressed. There is only appreciation.
れぼ on Google

評価星1もいらないんじゃないでしょうか。 自分がされて嫌な事を平気でする様な人間に身内を預けたく無いのが本音です。 こちらが謝っているのに対し、鼻で嘲笑う看護師と医師には反吐がでます。
I think you don't even need a rating of 1. I really don't want to leave my relatives to someone who doesn't care about what I don't like. While this apologizes, nurses and doctors who mock with their noses have anti-vomiting.

もう20数年、ここに移転する前から通院しているが年々施設の対応が悪くなる。 診察する医師の数も足りないと思う。 予約が全く取れない、そしてこちらの希望を聞こうとしない、それじゃ予約なしになりますねとあしらわれる、昔はもっとあたたかい病院だったんだけどね。今は業務的で市役所と変わらない愛想のないスタッフばかり。 近くに同レベルの脳神経外科があったら転院したい。
I have been going to the hospital for more than 20 years before I moved here, but the facilities are getting worse year by year. I don't think there are enough doctors to see. I couldn't make a reservation at all, and I didn't ask for my wishes, so I was told that I wouldn't have a reservation. It used to be a warmer hospital. Right now, all the staff are business-oriented and unfriendly like the city hall. If there is a neurosurgery of the same level nearby, I would like to transfer to another hospital.
Leafy (Leafyleafy) on Google

硬膜内血腫で家族が手術を受けました。 救急車が次々と来るため、医師から話を聞くためにかなり待たされましたが、冬の時期ですし、コロナ禍ですし、仕方がないように思いました。説明は個室でプライバシーは完全に守られていると思いました。 手術自体は時間通り無事手術していただけました。 救急病院として、地元で必要な手術にすぐ対応していただけるのは有難いです。 また、コロナ禍で面会はできませんでしたが、問い合わせには親切にお答えいただきました。
The family underwent surgery for intradural hematoma. Ambulances were coming one after another, so I had to wait a long time to hear from the doctor, but it was winter, and it was a corona illness, so I thought it couldn't be helped. I thought that the explanation was a private room and privacy was completely protected. The surgery itself was successful on time. As an emergency hospital, we are grateful that you can immediately respond to the surgery required locally. Also, although I was not able to visit due to Corona, he kindly answered the inquiry.
Stephanie West on Google

Terrible, I went in because of headache neck and shoulder pain that was so bad I couldn’t drive. The doctor said maybe because you fell. They Scheduled me an MRI a month from today. If I still have blinding pain a month from today that is a very serious situation. It is silly to make me go through torture for a month just to see what’s wrong. I move soon and Could not do the MRI next month so I was sent home with no answers having to pay 1000¥ for nothing. Literally nothing I just waited to speak with a doctor. And all the doctor told me was maybe my severe pain was because of a fall. Useless hospital.

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