Sarutsubono Falls

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sarutsubono Falls

住所 :

Shinonsen, Mikata District, 〒669-6941 Hyogo,Japan

Webサイト :
街 : Hyogo

Shinonsen, Mikata District, 〒669-6941 Hyogo,Japan
naoki kobayashi on Google

駐車場?から5分で滝に到着します。 猿壺の滝への進入口はビックリします。 見た目に歩いていけるとは思えないです。 でも、ちゃんと行けるので安心してください。長靴は必須アイテムです、夏場でも長袖シャツ羽織るほうが寒くなくてすみます。 水量はソコソコあるので撮影も楽しめるでしょう。 個人的には、よくここに滝があることを見つけたなと思いました。 また、ここへ来る道中にも滝がいくつかあります。 そちらも楽しめると思いますよ。
You will reach the waterfall in 5 minutes from the parking lot ?. The entrance to Sarutsubono Falls is amazing. I don't think I can walk on it. But please be assured that you can go properly. Boots are a must-have item, so wearing a long-sleeved shirt will keep you cool even in the summer. The amount of water is so sloppy that you can enjoy shooting. Personally, I often found that there was a waterfall here. There are also several waterfalls along the way to here. I think you can enjoy that too.
あおちゃん on Google

兵庫県新温泉町にある猿壺の滝です。 駐車場は約10台は停めれます。 舗装道路から森の中に入り沢をジャブジャブ渡って徒歩約5分で猿壺の滝を見る事が出来ます。 朝早く行くと霧が出ている時が有り非常に綺麗でした。 滝まで必ず水の中に入ったり泥の上を歩くので水没しても良い靴で来てください。 うちはクロックスで行きましたが夏でも水が非常に冷たくて寒かったです。 また、アブがたまに居ますので短パンは避けた方が良いです。虫除けも忘れずに。 アクセス方法ですが新温泉町の湯村温泉から来る場合ですが、カーナビで猿壺の滝は出てこない場合、岸田簡易郵便局を目指して来てください。郵便局からあとは真っ直ぐ山に登っていきます。 道幅は車1台分の幅しか有りません。対向車が来た場合、離合ポイントまでバックか幅寄せが必要。運転が苦手な方は辞めたほうが無難です。
Sarutsubono Falls in Shinonsen Town, Hyogo Prefecture. About 10 cars can be parked in the parking lot. You can see Sarutsubono Falls in about 5 minutes on foot from the paved road into the woods and crossing the swamp. When I went early in the morning, there was a fog and it was very beautiful. Be sure to wear shoes that you can submerge as you will always get into the water or walk on the mud to the waterfall. We went by Crocs, but the water was very cold and cold even in the summer. Also, you should avoid shorts as there are occasional abu. Don't forget to repel insects. As for the access method, if you come from Yumura Onsen in Shinonsen Town, but if the car navigation system does not show Sarutsubono Falls, please head for the Kishida Post Office. From the post office, we will climb straight up the mountain. The width of the road is only the width of one car. When an oncoming vehicle arrives, it is necessary to back up or move to the separation point. Those who are not good at driving should quit.
west m on Google

20年ぶりくらいに再訪。 滝までの道は記憶してたほど悪くは無いが、長靴があった方が普通の人は良いかも。 滝は綺麗です。 10t車通るとの書き込みがありますが、通ります。 上に大規模な大根畑があり、時期になれば収穫したものを積んだ大きなトラックが、普通車でギリギリすれ違うような道を走りますが、地元の方々の生活の為ですので、仕方ないと諦めましょう。
Revisited for the first time in 20 years. The road to the waterfall is not as bad as I remembered, but it may be better for ordinary people to have boots. The waterfall is beautiful. There is a note saying that a 10t car will pass, but it will pass. There is a large radish field above, and when the time comes, a large truck loaded with harvested radish runs on a road that just barely passes by a normal car, but it is for the lives of the locals, so it can not be helped. Let's give up.
# cozy on Google

国道から30分ほど山へ入るのですが、途中のガードレールが落石により驚く程に曲がっていたり完全に破損している様子を見ると少し怖くなりました 道幅は少し狭いですが、対向車が来ないか気を付けていれば大丈夫な感じです 道中に小さな滝が沢山あり時間があれば見て回りたかったなぁ・・・ 滝の入口を越えてすぐに駐車場があり利便性も良かったです 他の方の書き込みを見て途中のホームセンターでクロックスタイプのサンダルを購入して向いました 岩場やぬかるみ等あるのでビーチサンダルは不向きかと思います クロックスタイプでかかとのバンドをするのがオススメ 7月の猛暑日に行ったのですがとても水が冷たく長時間足をつけていられないくらい 今回は時間帯が悪かったせいか滝は少し残念でした・・ 光の当たり方でかなり景観が変わる感じがしましたので、またリベンジしたいと思います(^_^)v
I entered the mountain for about 30 minutes from the national highway, but I was a little scared to see that the guardrail on the way was surprisingly bent or completely damaged due to falling rocks. The road is a little narrow, but it's okay if you're careful if oncoming vehicles come. There are many small waterfalls along the way and I wanted to see them if I had time ... There was a parking lot right after the entrance of the waterfall and it was convenient. I bought Crocs type sandals at a home improvement store on the way after seeing other people's writings and headed for it. I think beach sandals are not suitable because there are rocks and mud. It is recommended to wear a heel band with Crocs type I went on a hot day in July, but the water was so cold that I couldn't keep my feet on for a long time. The waterfall was a little disappointing this time, probably because the time was bad ... I felt that the landscape changed considerably depending on how the light hits, so I would like to revenge again (^ _ ^) v
ひらのやすお on Google

皆さんクチコミして下さっているように、狭く危険な道をかなりの距離車で移動する事になります。安全運転で向かえるように、ゆとりをもって空気感を楽しみながら進んで下さい 今回訪れるのは2度目でした。正午過ぎくらいでしょうか?いつも携帯のカメラしか使っていませんが加工もしておりません 時間が合えば美しい滝と光のコラボが迎えてくれます。 車の運転は大変ですが無事駐車場まで着くことが出来ればそこからは簡単に滝まで行けます。 足が水につからないようにたどり着く事も出来ますが、せっかくならば水に入った方がキレイな写真が写せますよ♪︎ 深さはそれ程ではないのでズボンの裾を少しロールアップするだけでOKです まるで妖精でも飛んできそう 舞台のような滝で楽しい雰囲気でした。 広くはないので他の方と仲良く順番で楽しめるように時間もゆっくりの設定が良いです。 2021/10/30 再び訪れました(*^^*) 光芒が見たくて朝一番に入りましたが、実際に光が射し込んだのは9時頃を過ぎていたかと思います。 皆さん朝霧で撮影しておられるのかと思いきや、光の角度から考えても水しぶきだったようですね(  ̄▽ ̄) なので木々の生い茂る時期は若干光を遮られてしまう事と、風の強い時や水量が多い時の方が神秘的な演出になるのかも知れませんね! 個人的な今の時期のオススメは10時~11時過ぎくらいでしょうか、斜めに射し込む光がキレイです 紅葉は今からですね。もしかすると落葉した後の方が光は通りやすいのかも? 皆さんも美しい景色に巡り合えますように祈っております(*´∀`*)♪︎ 今回の動画も投稿しておきましたので、是非旅の参考にして下さい♪︎
As everyone has reviewed, you will be driving a considerable distance on narrow and dangerous roads. Please proceed while enjoying the atmosphere with plenty of space so that you can drive safely. This was my second visit. Is it around noon? I always use only my mobile camera, but I haven't processed it. If the time is right, a beautiful waterfall and a collaboration of light will welcome you. Driving a car is difficult, but if you can reach the parking lot safely, you can easily reach the waterfall from there. You can get there so that your feet don't get in the water, but if you're in the water, you'll be able to take beautiful pictures ♪ ︎ The depth is not that much, so you can just roll up the hem of your pants a little. It's almost like a fairy will fly It was a fun atmosphere with a waterfall like a stage. It's not wide, so it's a good idea to set the time slowly so that you can enjoy it in order with other people. 2021/10/30 Visited again (* ^^ *) I entered the first place in the morning because I wanted to see the light beam, but I think that the light actually struck after about 9 o'clock. I thought that everyone was shooting in the morning mist, but it seems that it was a splash even from the angle of light ( ̄ ▽  ̄) Therefore, when the trees are overgrown, the light is blocked a little, and when the wind is strong or the amount of water is large, it may be a mysterious production! My personal recommendation at this time is around 10:00 to 11:00, and the light that shines diagonally is beautiful. The autumn leaves are about to begin. Maybe it's easier for the light to pass after the leaves have fallen? I pray that everyone can come across beautiful scenery (* ´∀ ` *) ♪ ︎ I also posted this video, so please use it as a reference for your trip ♪ ︎
h 03hide on Google

「#インスタ」でも有名な「猿壺の滝」ですが・・・道が狭くてすれ違いも厳しいですし、バイクが来ると危ないので本当に注意して走行してくださいm( )m 駐車場らしき空き地が100m先にありましたし、道路から滝まで2:30でしょうか?私は渓谷を歩いて行きましたが、やはり長靴かトレッキングシューズは最低限必要でしょうか^^; 滝は高さはありませんが横に長く、こちらも色々なアングルから撮影できます。今回、私は正面とサイドからですが、光や時間帯で何時間でも撮影したい場所だと感じました。次回、行く体力があれば行きたいと思います? 「ありがとうございました^^」 09/29 数枚追加
"Sarutsubo no Taki" is also famous for "# Insta", but ... the road is narrow and it is difficult to pass each other, and it is dangerous if a motorcycle comes, so please drive with caution m () m A vacant lot that seems to be a parking lot Was 100m away, and is it 2:30 from the road to the waterfall? I walked through the valley, but do I still need boots or trekking shoes at a minimum ^^; The waterfall is not tall, but it is long sideways, and you can also shoot from various angles. This time, from the front and side, I felt that it was a place where I wanted to shoot for hours in the light and time of day. Would you like to go next time if you have the physical strength to go? "Thank you ^^" 09/29 Added several
Alvin Khoo on Google

Slightly long drive, but the sights are worth it
Jordy Meow (Japon Secret) on Google

Really nice waterfall but really difficult to reach by car. It would be nice if there was a path to go a bit further.

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