Sanyofureai Park - Akaiwa

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sanyofureai Park

住所 :

1368 Shozaki, Akaiwa, Okayama 709-0832, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 709-0832
Webサイト :
Description : Tranquil, undulating park with a Shinto shrine, lakes & paths, plus leafy arbors & BBQ pits.

1368 Shozaki, Akaiwa, Okayama 709-0832, Japan
haruchi on Google

広い敷地内にプールや運動場、遊具がある遊び場などの施設があります。 休みの日は、小学生と保育園の子どもたちと、よく利用しています。 車椅子の人でも利用できる公衆トイレ、自販機も設置してあります。
There are facilities such as pool, playground, playground with playground equipment in large site. On holiday days, I often use it with elementary school students and children at a nursery school. There are also public toilets and vending machines that can be used by people in wheelchairs.
T Mitsunaga on Google

It is located on a slope and has a different charm from ordinary parks. The playset was beautiful and the children were having fun playing.
02 ymst on Google

広くて遊びやすい公園です!遊具の数はそれほど多くありませんが、敷地が広いので色々な遊びができるかと思います。 プールの施設もあり、夏場はそちらへ行っても良いかもしれません!
It's a large and easy-to-play park! The number of playset is not so many, but I think that you can play various things because the site is large. There is also a pool facility, so you may go there in the summer!
2016 T.M on Google

赤磐市郊外の公園です。 敷地全体は広い方だと思います。 体育館やグランドもあり市民に活用されているようです。 児童公園自体は大きなローラー滑り台複合遊具と 石製の滑り台がメインとなります。 遊具自体はそれほど立派ではないので 未就学の子でなんとか遊べるかな、という感じ、 それ以上だとボールや遊び道具があった方が良いです。
It is a park on the outskirts of Akaiwa City. I think the entire site is large. There is also a gymnasium and a ground, and it seems that it is being used by the citizens. The children's park itself is a large roller slide compound playground Mainly stone slides. Because the playset itself is not so good I feel like I can play with a preschooler, If it is more than that, it is better to have a ball and play equipment.
いえっさ on Google

12月の平日。 寒空のなか、子供を連れて行ってみたら誰も人がいませんでした。 夕方頃には散歩やランニングをしている人がチラホラといった感じでした。
Weekdays in December. In the cold weather, when I took my child with me, no one was there. Around the evening, people taking a walk or running felt like a flickering.
July on Google

山の中にある公園でハイキングコースもあります。 砂場や少し長めのローラー滑り台と、急斜面の石の滑り台があります。 まん延防止措置期間に岡山市内の公園が閉鎖された中でこちらの公園は開いていました。 遊具の種類は少ないですが、子供が遊ぶには十分の広さです。 ただ、中高生が障害物を前転などして飛び越える「パルクール」?のようなことをして走り回っていて、小さな子供が多いので危ないなと思いました。
There are also hiking trails in the park in the mountains. There are sandboxes, slightly longer roller slides, and steep stone slides. This park was open while the park in Okayama city was closed during the spread prevention measures period. There are few types of playset, but it is large enough for children to play. However, is it "parkour" where junior and senior high school students jump over obstacles by rolling forward? I was running around doing something like this, and I thought it was dangerous because there were many small children.
Tuấn Anh Lê on Google

good place
Takayuki Shuku on Google

You can do BBQ here.

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