Sanwa Fujigaoka - Yokohama

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sanwa Fujigaoka

住所 :

1-2 Moegino, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 227-0044, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 227-0044
Webサイト :

1-2 Moegino, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 227-0044, Japan
Masato Mitsui on Google

至極近いので、10月9日現在、3回程買い物に行きました。写真に関しては私有地店舗の為に「撮影許可」を取らなければならないので手続き上、撮りませんでしたが、無許可での私有地店舗でスマホで撮影してる方々もいらっしゃいましたが。無許可で勝手に撮ったらいけませんね。 開店直後で物凄く混んでかなりの密状態です。そして他の方々も言ってる通り、「導線」かなり悪いです。通路が狭い。あちこちで、ぶつかったりしていました。特にカートはジャマ、ヒンシュクもんです。もし、火災等の場合、かなりのパニックや混乱が起きそうです。確かに品数豊富で商品豊富です。パン、お惣菜、弁当も豊富。ビーガン対応もしてます。日によってセールをイロイロしてるので、財布の紐がゆるくなりそう。近隣のスーパーやドラッグストアは脅威でしょうね。周辺施設で手に入らない商品も有るので、きっと生き残れるでしょう。青葉台、藤が丘、両方から、246沿いで駐車場も有るので、とても便利です。支払いが現金とクレジットカードのみ(併設テナントを除いて)で、ポイントカードは現金支払いのみなので、他の支払い方法も加えて欲しいと思います。今はコロナの影響で21時閉店ですがもう少し遅くまで営業してけれると良いですね。あと出来ればATMとか有ればかなりgoodですかね。
It's very close, so as of October 9, I went shopping about 3 times. As for the photos, I didn't take them because I had to get a "permit to shoot" for the private land store, but there were some people who took pictures with their smartphones at the private land stores without permission. You shouldn't take pictures without permission. Immediately after the store opened, it was extremely crowded and it was in a very dense state. And, as others have said, the "conductor" is pretty bad. The passage is narrow. I was bumping around here and there. Especially the carts are Jama and Hinshuk. If there is a fire, there is likely to be considerable panic and confusion. Certainly, there are a wide variety of products and products. Bread, side dishes, and lunch boxes are also abundant. We also support vegans. The sale is sloppy depending on the day, so the purse string is likely to loosen. Neighboring supermarkets and drug stores would be a threat. There are some products that are not available at the surrounding facilities, so you will surely survive. There are parking lots along 246 from both Aobadai and Fujigaoka, so it is very convenient. Payment is by cash and credit card only (excluding tenants), and point cards are only payment by cash, so I would like you to add other payment methods as well. The store is closed at 21:00 due to the influence of Corona, but it would be nice if it could be open until a little later. If possible, it would be pretty good if there was an ATM.
練馬の高橋さん on Google

開店して1週間。 近所なのでほぼ毎日買い物に行っていますが、ビバホームの跡地なので面積はそこそこ大きめという事もあり品揃えは良い方ではないでしょうか。 レジ台数は多いですが、それに対してサッカー台はちょっと少なく感じました。 しかし、駐車場が酷いです。 意図的に近隣道路を渋滞に巻き込ませて迷惑をかけようとしているのでは?と感じられるほどです。 まず、国道側からの入場は不可。 そのため一度側道に入り信号のない道路を左折し、またすぐ次の信号のある交差点を左折して入場口に向かいますが、1車線しかなく歩行者もいるので交差点で詰まる上、対向車側も信号を右折で入ろうとしてくるので両方向で渋滞が発生。 出口も住宅地側(青葉台方面・左折出庫のみ)に出る事ができる順路があるのは2階駐車場のみで、その出口は19時半過ぎに閉まります。 藤が丘方面に出る為には、また国道の側道へ出されるので再び渋滞の原因に。 なぜビバホームの時と同様に国道から直接入れる様にしなかったのでしょう? (ちなみに警備員さんに聞いたら屋上駐車場に停めていて青葉台方面に出たい場合は順路逆走してもOKだそうです) あと、出口の順路もおかしい上に狭く、いくつかある合流ポイントのカーブミラーの視認性は悪く危険です。 駐車場内に警備員はいないので逆走車も結構多かったですが、これはまだ開店直後だから皆さん不慣れなだけかもしれません。。 不満点は多い駐車場ですが、「〇円以上お買い上げで1時間無料」みたいな方式ではなく完全無料なのだけは良かったです。 個人的には正直な事をいうと、開店を心待ちにしていましたが車移動が多い者としては作らないでほしかったです。。 ※駐車場について追記。 2F駐車場で車までカートを押して行きトランクへ積込んでいる最中、カートから手を離したらスーーーーっと転がっていき通路の向こう側の車まで一直線。 幸い車がいなかったので良かったですが、歩いている分には気にならないけど傾斜が意外とついている様ですのでお気を付けください。
It's been a week since the store opened. Since it is a neighborhood, I go shopping almost every day, but since it is the site of Viva Home, the area is rather large, so I think the product lineup is good. The number of cashiers is large, but I felt that the number of baggers was a little small. However, the parking lot is terrible. Isn't it intentionally trying to get the neighboring roads into a traffic jam and cause trouble? I can feel it. First of all, admission from the national highway side is not possible. Therefore, once you enter the frontage road, turn left on the road without traffic lights, then immediately turn left at the intersection with the next traffic light and head toward the entrance, but since there is only one lane and there are pedestrians, it will be jammed at the intersection and on the side of the oncoming vehicle. However, as I was about to turn right at the traffic light, traffic jams occurred in both directions. The exit is only on the 2nd floor parking lot, and the exit closes after 19:30. In order to go to the direction of Fujigaoka, it will be taken to the side road of the national highway again, so it will cause traffic jam again. Why didn't you try to enter directly from the national highway as you did at Viva Home? (By the way, when I asked the guards, if you parked in the rooftop parking lot and want to go out to Aobadai, you can run in the opposite direction.) Also, the route of the exit is strange and narrow, and the visibility of the curved mirrors at some confluence points is poor and dangerous. Since there are no guards in the parking lot, there were quite a lot of reverse-way cars, but since this is just after the store opens, everyone may just be unfamiliar. .. There are many dissatisfaction points with the parking lot, but it was good that it was completely free, not a method like "1 hour free for purchases of 〇 yen or more". To be honest, I was looking forward to the opening of the store, but I didn't want it to be made as a person who travels a lot by car. .. * Added about parking lot. While pushing the cart to the car on the 2nd floor and loading it in the trunk, when you take your hand off the cart, it rolls and goes straight to the car on the other side of the aisle. Fortunately, I'm glad I didn't have a car, but I don't care about walking, but it seems that the slope is unexpectedly steep, so please be careful.
Googleユーザー on Google

野菜は安いものが多いですし、店員さんも親切で丁寧な方が多いです。 電子決済を導入していないが故に成り立っている安さなのかなとも思います。
Many vegetables are cheap, and many of the staff are kind and polite. I think it's cheap because we haven't introduced electronic payment.
Yoo on Google

The sales floor area is large, and the product lineup is wide and convenient. The price is also cheap. There are many customers and it is lively. There is also a large liquor corner, but personally I would be happy if there were a few more types of champagne.
H ARIKA on Google

野菜や果物が 安いです。 国産じゃないですが 松茸(画像有)も有りました。 オープンを避けた 土曜に 行きましたが(ロピ○より) 人が多く無く お弁当が安く 炊き込み御飯とブリ照りと 野菜(カボチャ煮・キンピラ等)も 入ってました。 それで498円なんです。 冷凍は、安くない印象です。 ポイントカード(卽発行)が アプリで無かったり 支払い(Edy)に スマホ処理で無いのが 残念かな…。
Vegetables and fruits are cheap. It's not domestic There was also Matsutake mushroom (with image). Avoid opening on Saturday I went (from Lopi ○) There are not many people and the lunch box is cheap Cooked rice, yellowtail and vegetables (simmered pumpkin, kinpira, etc.) It was in. That's 498 yen. Freezing is not cheap. Point card (issued by 卽) Not in the app For payment (Edy) It ’s not smartphone processing I'm sorry ...
M. NAKAMURA on Google

昨年末に訪れました。お正月用食材が 豊富で価格も他のスーパーに比べ安価。特にお肉、お魚は安かったと思います。パンやお惣菜も行きつけのスーパーには無い物があり気になっています。お野菜等は他店と比べさほど差は無い様におもいますが、広告の品は安いと思います。もう少し近ければ利用頻度は多くなると思いますが 立地的に車でないと難しいです。駐車場は無料ですが、入口と出口、青葉台方面と藤が丘方面違いますので 注意が必要!
I visited at the end of last year. There are plenty of New Year's ingredients and the price is cheaper than other supermarkets. I think the meat and fish were especially cheap. I'm curious about bread and side dishes that aren't in my favorite supermarket. I think that vegetables etc. are not so different from other stores, but the advertisement items are cheap. I think that the frequency of use will increase if it is a little closer, but it is difficult unless it is a car in terms of location. The parking lot is free, but be careful as the entrance and exit, and the direction of Aobadai and Fujigaoka are different!
Anthony Thompson on Google

great place to eat
YW Fang on Google

I visited it on Oct. 2nd and 3rd since it has become available on October 1st. I think it would be the strongest competitor for the Tokyo store near the Fujigaoka station. I found Sanwa (三和)has more seafoods and fruits with good price that are very attractive to me. There are also many nice cakes. If I live here longer,I estimate that it would be the favorite supermarket. By the way, it is easy for parking the bicycles, baby drillers and cars.

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