Sanemu Meat Shop - Higashiomi

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sanemu Meat Shop

住所 :

511-4 Nomuracho, Higashiomi, Shiga 527-0047, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87879
Postal code : 527-0047

511-4 Nomuracho, Higashiomi, Shiga 527-0047, Japan
若年寄たけちゃん on Google

知る人ぞ知る、さいぼしのお店。 定員さんは親切に説明してくれます。
People who know know the Saiboshi store. Capacity will kindly explain.
魚肉太郎 on Google

Good and kind to the clerk. A good store that may not be forcibly bought
直樹福島 on Google

Kappa, hot water of hormones, it is delicious. Recommended for alcoholic snacks.
funyao funyako on Google

すっごい怪しくて入りづらいけど、チャンジャが美味いです。 元々マックスバリュや伝五郎のあたりにあった肉屋さんが移転したとかなんとか。 お店の奥さんは韓国の方かな? 隣に焼肉して食べれる所があるみたいです。
It's really suspicious and hard to enter, but Changja is delicious. Somehow the butchers that were originally around Maxvalu and Dengoro have moved. Is the store's wife Korean? There seems to be a place where you can eat yakiniku next door.
もも&まる。 on Google

お酒好きの方の味方ミカタ、 お肉も鮮度が抜群です、 マニア的なお肉なら 最高です!チャンジャも旨い サイボシも旨し、お酒の友選びに、私の一押し店がまたできむした。
Mikata, an ally of liquor lovers The freshness of the meat is also outstanding, For maniac meat it's the best! Changer is also delicious I also liked Saiboshi, and my favorite shop was opened again to select a friend for sake.
venom K on Google

お店の裏で薫製してる牛肉のバラ肉…カッパが最高に酒に合います!少し口に入れただけで薫製の香りと牛肉の脂の味が凄く広がっておいしです。 薫製したてが食べたい人は水曜の夕方に行くと温かいカッパを買えますよ!
Beef roses smoked at the back of the shop ... Kappa goes great with sake! Just put it in your mouth and it will spread the flavor of smoked and beef fat. If you want to eat freshly smoked food, you can buy a warm kappa on Wednesday evening!
taichi 。 on Google

何を買っても間違いなしの文句なし!! 仕事中「さいぼし」という見慣れない看板に惹かれ思わず立ち寄りました。 「馬刺し」 「さいぼし」 「かっぱ」 それぞれ1,000円位を購入しました。 「馬刺し」文句なしに最高!! 家族で奪い合い堪能しました! 「さいぼし」 お酒のアテに最高に合いました!! お店の方に通常は生姜醤油ですが取り敢えずそのままでと勧められました 間違いなかったです!!ww 「かっぱ」 これまた最高にお酒のお供!! 呑んべえに1番おすすめ!! 脂にサンドされた赤身のブロックをスライスしてる時点で体温で脂が溶け出します 口の中に入れた瞬間に口いっぱいに甘い脂が溶け出し思わず焼酎を一口、二口と!! 思わず飲みすぎてしましますw こちらは2ヶ月くらい?日持ちします。 他にも色々見慣れない部位がありました 通販してくれたら嬉しいのですが… 大阪から下道3時間かけて買いに行こうかな?ww
No matter what you buy, there is no doubt! !! During work, I was attracted to the unfamiliar signboard "Saiboshi" and stopped by. "Basashi" "Saiboshi" "Kappa" I bought about 1,000 yen each. "Basashi" is the best without complaint! !! I enjoyed competing with my family! "Saiboshi" It was the best match for sake! !! The shop usually recommended ginger soy sauce, but for the time being, it was recommended to leave it as it is. There was no doubt! !! ww "Kappa" This is also the best companion for sake! !! Most recommended for drinking! !! When slicing a red block sandwiched with fat, the fat melts at body temperature The moment you put it in your mouth, the sweet fat melts into your mouth and you can take a bite or two of shochu! !! I will drink too much w Is this about 2 months? Will last for a long time. There were many other unfamiliar parts I'd be happy if you could mail order ... Shall we go to buy from Osaka over 3 hours down the road? ww
Zukky Harry on Google

It was great to have a beef stew or grilled, soaked in water and thawed as I was told. It is softer and easier to handle than beef tendon. Beef tendon and hamburger will be served from now on. Thank you for the frozen delivery (up to 2 kg possible)! !! Please drop in again.

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