秋殿南古墳 - Sakurai

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 秋殿南古墳

住所 :

Sakurai, 〒633-0052 Nara,Japan

Postal code : 633-0052
街 : Nara

Sakurai, 〒633-0052 Nara,Japan
今阪友和 on Google

山口高広 on Google

石室がみられる。良い Googleマップの案内を信頼して行くとたどり着かない。ひとつ手前の角
There is a stone chamber. good If you trust the information on Google Maps, you can't get there. The front corner
まほろばの国に住む“わうっちー”おじいちゃん on Google

Because I had a bad leg, I just pulled up the entrance of the old burial mound. I'm sorry!
enkyo on Google

There is a spear, but it goes out with the sign of the person. I am impressed by the large stone chamber.
木村實 on Google

It was an old burial mound that looked like a bush, and I didn't even know where to climb.
haseyanto1 on Google

石室入り口は狭いが 石室内部奥は高さ3m以上有る コウモリが10匹はいる
The stone room entrance is narrow, but the inside of the stone room has a height of 3m or more. There are 10 bats.
K on Google

The Ishimuro burial mound on the south side of Mt. Tomi. Is it related to the Tomi clan (Nagas Nehiko)? It seems that no formal excavation survey has been conducted only by surveying, but it seems that the construction date is considered to have been built around the beginning of the 7th century from the viewpoint of the stone chamber composition. It was around the time when the Yamato kingship was completed.
stargazer on Google

A burial mound with a side of 24m and a height of about 5m, which is believed to have been built in the early 7th century. It is an old burial mound with a double-sleeve side-hole type stone chamber with a total length of about 11 m, and it is possible to enter the inside of the stone chamber. There is also an explanation board for the tumulus, and there is an opening on the left slope about 5m ahead of the explanation board. I was able to enter the stone room relatively easily with a slight bend. The stone chamber of the huge masonry is magnificent, and it is recommended because you can see it with less effort. The approach to the tumulus is from the road to the guest house hometown to the guest house. If you go further along the farm road next to the guest house, you will see an explanation board for the tumulus. It is recommended to take a walk from autumn to early spring when there are few mosquitoes and grass. There may be a bat.

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