(株)スマイエ 大宮店

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact (株)スマイエ 大宮店

住所 :

Sakuragicho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0854 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : http://sumaie-omiya.com/
街 : Saitama

Sakuragicho, Omiya Ward, 〒330-0854 Saitama,Japan
美神瑠[ミシェル]のへや on Google

友達の引っ越しに付き添ったのですが、とても対応が良かったです! 担当になった嶋田さんが、新人だったのですがすごく紳士的で、ここを選んでよかったと思いました! 課長の菅さんも色々と相談にも乗っていただけて、助かりました? ありがとうございました!
I accompanied my friend's move, and the response was very good! Mr. Shimada, who was in charge, was a newcomer, but he was a very gentleman, and I was glad I chose this place! Mr. Suga, the section chief, was also able to consult with us in various ways, which was helpful ? thank you very much!
指田優 on Google

今回少し急ぎの部屋探しだったのですが迅速に対応していただきなんとか希望の日にちに引っ越すことができました! 限られた時間での部屋探しでしたが沢山物件を出していただいて気に入った部屋が見つかりました。ありがとうございました。
I was looking for a room in a hurry this time, but I managed to move to the desired date because of the prompt response! I was looking for a room for a limited time, but I found a room that I liked after having many properties put out. Thank you very much.
ちゃんrina on Google

最初から最後までご丁寧に対応いただきました!とてもいい部屋が見つかって満足です(^^) ありがとうございました!!
Thank you for your polite response from the beginning to the end! I am happy to find a very nice room (^^) thank you! !!
加山結女 on Google

初めての物件探しで分からないことだらけでしたが、物件の見方を丁寧に教えてくださいました。 おかげさまでとても良い部屋を見つけることができました! また機会があればスマイエさんにお願いしたいです!
There were many things I didn't understand when I was looking for a property for the first time, but he kindly taught me how to view the property. Thanks to you, I was able to find a very good room! If I have another chance, I would like to ask Mr. Sumaie!
S H (さるりす) on Google

When I said that I like having fun because I can see various properties, the person in charge thought that it would be entertaining and served me! I'm glad I was able to find a property that suits me! Thank you!
せきねまこと on Google

He kindly taught me about choosing a property, and thanks to that, I was able to find a property happily. We cooperated in finding a property for almost a month, but we were always able to respond quickly and respond quickly, and we were able to find a property that we were satisfied with.
関森雅弥 on Google

今までで一番と言ってもいいくらい、とても親切に対応していただきました。 質問にもすぐに対応していただき大変助かりました。もし、また引越しするようなことがあれば利用させていただきたいと思います。
He was so kind to me that I could say that it was the best I have ever had. It was very helpful for me to respond to my questions immediately. If I move again, I would like to use it.
hitomi m on Google

予約無しの飛び込みで伺いましたが、とても丁寧に対応してくださいました。担当の嶋田様の第一印象がとても良く、難しい条件でしたがうまく物件を探してくださいました。 内見に行ったのは夕方遅い時間で電気も通っていなかったため暗く、物件を詳しく見ることはできませんでした。しかし申し込み後、室内の状態を詳しく見たり採寸したりするために再度内見できますよとのご提案をいただき、わざわざ後日車を出してくださいました。鍵の引き渡しの前にも改めて物件に行ってくださり、クリーニングについてのこちらの要望がきちんと反映されているこかどうかを確認してくださりました。申し込み後にもいくつか問い合わせをしましたが、その都度迅速に管理会社さんに確認してくださりました。今後また賃貸を探す機会があれば、再度スマイエさんにお世話になれればと考えています。 連絡方法については電話やメールに加えLINEも可能とのことなので、便利かもしれません。
I visited without a reservation, but they responded very politely. Mr. Shimada, who was in charge, had a very good first impression, and although it was a difficult condition, he searched for a property well. I went to see the property late in the evening and it was dark because there was no electricity, so I couldn't see the property in detail. However, after applying, I received a suggestion that I could take a look inside again to see the condition of the room in detail and measure it, and took the trouble to put out the car at a later date. Before handing over the keys, he went to the property again to check if this request for cleaning was properly reflected. I made some inquiries after applying, but each time I quickly confirmed with the management company. If I have a chance to look for a rent again in the future, I would like to take care of Mr. Sumaie again. As for the contact method, it may be convenient because it is possible to use LINE in addition to telephone and email.

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