
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 正田整形外科クリニック

住所 :

Sakuragicho, Kumagaya, 〒360-0036 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Webサイト : http://www.shoda-orthoclinic.com/
街 : Saitama

Sakuragicho, Kumagaya, 〒360-0036 Saitama,Japan
け“ゴリさん” on Google

GW明けにお世話になりました。連休明けは混み合っていましたが、翌週にはそれほど混んでなかったかな。 先生はとても丁寧で優しく処置して頂いたので感謝しかありません。 混み合っている時間帯は駐車場に止められないことがあると思います。
Thank you for your help after GW. It was crowded after the Golden Week holidays, but I wonder if it wasn't so crowded the next week. I am grateful that the teacher treated me very politely and kindly. You may not be able to park in the parking lot during busy hours.
ヌックンガパオライス on Google

今日9/8(水)も診察で訪問。相変わらずじじいとばばあのおしゃべりが気になる、うるさい?⚡何とかしてほしい。それ以外は問題ない。 ゴルフ場で捻挫したので、口コミ見て訪問。受付、看護士、先生もきびきび大変優しく丁寧です。 ただ、待っているリハビリ待ちのじじい達が、コロナで騒がれているにも関わらず世間話をでかい声で、旅行の話やワクチンの話や、している。密になってますよーじじいと言いたい。病院側も指導してほしい。
Visited today on 9/8 (Wednesday) for a medical examination. I'm still worried about the chattering of old people and babies, noisy ?⚡ I want you to do something about it. Other than that, there is no problem. I was sprained at the golf course, so I visited after seeing the word of mouth. The receptionist, nurses and teachers are also very kind and polite. However, the old men who are waiting for rehabilitation are talking about travel and vaccines in a loud voice despite the noise in Corona. I want to say that it's getting denser. I also want the hospital to give guidance.
rika t. on Google

来院してる分にはとても対応もいいのですが、電話対応は本当に雑です。別の日に問い合わせた時と違うことを言いますし、結局それによりひと手間もふた手間も増えて、本当に困りました。 電話を着る時も、自分の要件が終わったらすぐに「失礼します、ガチャ!」っと間も無く切られました。 本当に不快でした。
The correspondence is very good for the visit, but the telephone correspondence is really rough. I say something different from when I made an inquiry on another day, and in the end, it took a lot of time and effort, and I was really in trouble. Even when I got on the phone, as soon as my requirements were over, I was cut off shortly after saying "Excuse me, Gacha!". It was really unpleasant.
白樺 on Google

The clinic is clean, and the staff and teachers listen to the consultations. The explanation of the examination is easy to understand, and it is easy to make a treatment schedule.
雅桜トレーナー on Google

I'm a good teacher. However, I've been here since I was in elementary school, but please forgive me for adults over 20 with a tone like a child's partner ?
A S on Google

リハビリ、皮膚科、2階の眼科いろんな症状でお世話になっています。 先生は目を見て穏やかに診断してくれるし皮膚に関しては薬以外の対処法をしっかり説明してくれます。 受付の人たちも看護婦さんたちも、やさしくてハキハキしてるし、とても素敵なクリニックです。子どものころからずっと通ってます。
I am indebted to various symptoms such as rehabilitation, dermatology, and ophthalmology on the second floor. The teacher will give you a gentle diagnosis by looking at your eyes and will explain how to deal with skin other than medicine. The receptionists and the nurses are kind and cheerful, and it's a very nice clinic. I've been going there since I was a kid.
伊藤真紀 on Google

The teacher, the nurse, and the receptionist were kind. It was impressive that the teacher was smiling. I didn't make a reservation, but it took less than an hour from the reception to get the medicine, so my two-year-old daughter couldn't get tired of waiting.
Miranda Keisy on Google

The doctor is very kind and the stuff too. I really liked this clinic and i highly recommend it. I’m a foreigner and i had a great service!

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