サイクルファクトリーロイヤル - Shiki District

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

自転車販売、自転車修理、おしゃれ自転車 | サイクルファクトリーロイヤル | 磯城郡田原本町 - Cycle-f.com


自転車販売、自転車修理、おしゃれ自転車 | サイクルファクトリーロイヤル | 磯城郡田原本町 - Cycle-f.com

 TEL  0744-32-5885   FAX 0744-32-5886
 メールアドレス [email protected]



Contact サイクルファクトリーロイヤル

住所 :

Sakate, Tawaramoto, Shiki District, 〒636-0247 Nara,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Postal code : 636-0247
Webサイト : http://www.cycle-f.com/
街 : Nara

Sakate, Tawaramoto, Shiki District, 〒636-0247 Nara,Japan
Hiroto Shimano on Google

技術も確かで安心してお任せ出来るお店です。 家の近くにも自転車屋さんはありますが、遠くまで来たかいがありました。 点検もバッチリでした。
It is a shop where you can leave it to us with confidence in the technology. There is a bicycle shop near my house, but I had to come a long way. The inspection was perfect.
和田有加 on Google

初めてお邪魔しました。 いろんな種類の自転車があり、見ているだけでも楽しかったです(*ˊᵕˋ*) 私は体力に自信がないので電動アシスト自転車が気になりました!
I visited you for the first time. There are various types of bicycles, and it was fun just looking at them (* ˊᵕˋ *) I'm not confident in my physical strength, so I was interested in electrically power assisted bicycles!
Shinji Terauchi on Google

とてもお洒落な折り畳み自転車をかうことができました。家族にも好評です。早速子ども達と近くの道の駅まで行きました。登りがとても快適に登ることができ、子どもたちが小さなタイヤなのにどうしてそんなに速いのか不思議がってました。娘が自分のものにしようと画策をしています。 今後アクセサリーなどをつけて、更に使いやすくしていきたいです。
I was able to buy a very fashionable folding bike. It is also popular with families. I went to the nearby roadside station with my children. The climb was very comfortable and I was wondering why the kids were so fast with their small tires. My daughter is planning to make it her own. I would like to add accessories to make it even easier to use in the future.
こさき on Google

There was a cute bicycle
勝浩諌山 on Google

いくらたらこ on Google

I bought a wimo coozy. I made an inquiry just before the store closed the day before, but he responded politely and let me go to see it the next day. He carefully taught me what I didn't know how to use, what I needed to do, and the good points of this bicycle, and I was very pleased with the decision to purchase! It's a big purchase, but I'm very satisfied. After-sales services such as inspections are also substantial, and I think you can leave it to us with confidence. The owner was a very friendly person and talked about various things, and it was fun and quick from entering the store to purchasing. I look forward to working with you.
和田有加 on Google

めっちゃ小さな折りたたみ自転車発見しました! コンパクトさにびっくり! 奥にあるのと比べても一目瞭然(笑) 女性の私でも楽々持てました! これ欲しい!! DAHON Dove Plus
I found a very small folding bike! I was surprised at the compactness! It's obvious even if you compare it to the one in the back (laughs) Even I, a female, could easily have it! I want this! !! DAHON Dove Plus
尾上豪 on Google

The sound of the brake of the mamachari was terrible and disturbed. We had you respond promptly, and the sound of the brake stopped. I received a bicycle repair today, but I found a lot of nice bicycles, so I would like to buy one at this shop next time.

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