
3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 豆の樹

住所 :

Sakaisakae, Isesaki, 〒370-0122 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
街 : Gunma

Sakaisakae, Isesaki, 〒370-0122 Gunma,Japan
柿沼栞 on Google

t7777 NOBU777 on Google

うまい!営業時間:昼11時~15時まで。定休日は火曜日です。裏の焼き肉屋と繋がっていて、夜は焼き肉屋からでもスパゲッティや珈琲を注文できるそーです! (  ̄▽ ̄) 早目に行けば、ランチメニューは珈琲とサラダがつくそーです! 是非、本を持って出掛けよう!
good! Opening hours: 11: 00-15: 00 noon. Regular holiday is Tuesday. It is connected to the back yakiniku restaurant, and at night you can order spaghetti and salmon from the yakiniku restaurant! ( ̄ ▽  ̄) If you go early, the lunch menu is made with salmon and salad! Let's go out with a book!
Yuna on Google

If you want to eat spaghetti with green perilla. Last time I didn't have mushrooms. Did the recipe change? Did you forget it?
獄長ウイグル on Google

“What is it?” To a customer with a familiar mouth suddenly. On the way home, I want to praise her appearance. Nori is a fir The interior of the shop is uncomfortable. I prefer a slightly more elegant coffee shop.
†マリア† on Google

It's a very cozy and antique atmosphere. A traditional coffee shop that makes you feel the Showa era. Pasta and coffee are all delicious, and since Mama is a wonderful person, she wants to visit her again. By the way, I especially like the handmade cheesecake from this shop.
せっきージノスケ on Google

以前友人と3人で店舗に行った時アイスコーヒーで口の中に異物が混入 出すとゴキの足。アイスコーヒーをよく見ると1cm程度のゴキが柔らかくなってました。もちろんママに言いましたが、いつ入ったのかしら?交換しましょうか?と言われたのでお断りしました。ママが父親と同級生だったので怒る事も出来ず、それ以来二度と行ってません。柔らかくホロホロになったゴキ 意外と味は変わりませんw
When I went to a store with a friend before, when a foreign substance got mixed in my mouth with iced coffee, it was a cockroach's leg. If you look closely at the iced coffee, the cockroaches of about 1 cm have become soft. Of course I told my mom, but when did I get in? Shall I exchange it? I refused because I was told. I couldn't get angry because my mom was a classmate with my father, and I haven't been there again since then. The cockroach that became soft and fluffy The taste does not change unexpectedly w
まんまるぱんだ on Google

かなり時間が経ったので身バレもしないと思うので書きます 奥さんがとにかく馴れ馴れしく話しかけて来る 喫茶店に来る人ってゆっくりと楽しみたいタイプが多いと思うのですが… まるで夜のお店のようなテンション とにかく下品 さらに同じ話を何度も繰り返したり自分の家族のアルバムまで見せられるという なんですかこれ… さらにあんみつを注文したにも関わらずテーブルに来たものはクリームあんみつ クリームが苦手だからあんみつにしたのに、と奥さんに伝えると「せっかく作ったから食べて」とばっさり 仕方なく苦手なクリームを我慢してあんみつを食べたのですが、なんとお会計はクリームあんみつの値段(あんみつより高い)を請求 食べたかったものと違うものを出され、苦手でもせっかく作ったからとお客の意思を無視して無理やり食べさせたあげく値段はしっかり請求 普通にこれ詐欺ですよね? あり得ないです
It's been a long time, so I don't think I'll get caught, so I'll write it. My wife just talks to me I think that many people who come to coffee shops want to enjoy themselves slowly ... Tension like a shop at night Anyway vulgar In addition, you can repeat the same story over and over and even show your family's album What is this ... Even though I ordered anmitsu, the one that came to the table was cream anmitsu When I told my wife that I made anmitsu because I'm not good at cream, I just said, "I made it so much, so eat it." I had no choice but to put up with the cream I was not good at and ate anmitsu, but the bill was charged for the price of cream anmitsu (higher than anmitsu). I was given something different from what I wanted to eat, and even if I was not good at making it, I ignored the customer's intention and forced me to eat it. This is usually a scam, isn't it? Impossible
松澤浩司 on Google

ヴィーナスがいる喫茶店。元気なママさん、明るい娘さんがやられています。さらに、原寸大のミロのヴィーナス像まで。 今年でオープンして43年。群馬県内ではもっとも歴史がある喫茶店かもしれません。店内は、レトロそのもの。まるで昭和の喫茶店を絵に描いたみたいな雰囲気です。今でこそ伊勢崎市ですが、旧佐波郡境町の地に、43年前にこんな喫茶店が誕生していたとは驚きです。 私がお店を知ったばかりの頃は、ケーキセットをいただいていましたが、いつしかランチに訪問し、スパゲティセットをいただくのが常になりました。 私のおすすめスパゲティは、マーレー。大きなエビ、食べごたえあるイカ、アサリなどの魚介がたっぷり入ったトマト系のパスタです。ボリュームもあるし、モチモチの麺も美味い! 一番最近はペスカトーレをいただきました。これも具材は同じく魚介ですが、スープたっぷり。マーレーよりも辛味が強いのですが、寒い季節にはこれも悪くないです。 スパゲティにはミニサラダ 、ドリンクが付いて1000円前後でいただけます。 コーヒーは、今風な専門店のものとは違いますが、昭和の喫茶店のような懐かしい味のコーヒー。淹れたてを出していただけるのはうれしい。 ヴィーナス像だけでなく、ママさんが世界のあちこちで購入されてきたと思われる美術品、工芸品が所狭しと陳列されています。ちょっとした美術館のようです。 店内は、喫煙可です。私は喫煙者ですから、ありがたいことですが、非喫煙者が増えた今の時代にあっては、ゆるくでも分煙にした方が利用者が増えそうな気がしてます。駐車場は店の横に焼肉屋さんと共用のスペースがあります。 ママさんも娘さんも気さくな方で、初めての訪問でも居心地よく過ごせると思います。 2019/10/25 他 訪問
A coffee shop with Venus. Cheerful mom and cheerful daughter are being done. Furthermore, even the full-scale Milo Venus statue. 43 years since opening this year. It may be the oldest coffee shop in Gunma Prefecture. The store is retro. It feels like drawing a Showa coffee shop. It is now Isesaki City, but it is surprising that this coffee shop was born 43 years ago in Sakai-cho, the former Sami-gun. When I just knew the store, I had a cake set, but it was always time to visit for lunch and get a spaghetti set. My recommended spaghetti is Murray. A tomato-based pasta with plenty of seafood such as large shrimps, squid, and clams. There is volume, and the noodles are delicious! Most recently, I received Pescatore. The ingredients are also seafood, but plenty of soup. It is more pungent than Murray, but this is not bad in cold weather. Spaghetti is available for around 1000 yen with a mini salad and drink. The coffee is different from that of a modern specialty store, but it has a nostalgic taste like a coffee shop in Showa. I'm glad that you can get a freshly brewed. Not only the Venus statue, but also the arts and crafts that Mama has purchased around the world are displayed. It looks like a little museum. Smoking is allowed inside the store. I am a smoker, so thank you, but in the present era when the number of non-smokers has increased, I feel that the number of users is likely to increase even if it is loose. There is a shared parking space next to the store with the yakiniku restaurant. Both moms and daughters are friendly and I think they will be able to spend their first visit comfortably. 2019/10/25 Other visit

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