Sakaguchinaikapibuka Clinic - Hannan

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sakaguchinaikapibuka Clinic

住所 :

3505-2 Hakotsukuri, Hannan, Osaka 599-0232, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87899
Postal code : 599-0232
Webサイト :

3505-2 Hakotsukuri, Hannan, Osaka 599-0232, Japan
mansikka mansikka on Google

I have been indebted several times, but I can not like teachers in internal medicine and dermatology. I will never go there again. Although I have no choice but to attach one star, the true spirit is star 0.
M2 on Google

I had a high fever in the morning and waited for an hour when I visited the doctor. I was told that I wasn't flu without testing, and I wasn't treated, and I went to the throat department if my throat hurt. In the evening, she was diagnosed with influenza at the throat department. If I was treated properly in internal medicine, I did not suffer for a day.
_ doidon on Google

先生もスタッフの方もとても親切です。内科は男性のやさしい先生、皮膚科はやさしい女性の先生です。 ささいな皮膚の悩み(治療の必要ないくらい)でも親身になって聞いてくれて、丁寧に対応していただけます。つまらぬことと悩み、時間を無駄にするより、プロフェッショナルな先生に診断してもらう方が安心しますし 気持ちもすっきりしますよ。
The teachers and staff are very kind. Internal medicine is a gentle female teacher, and dermatology is a gentle female teacher. Even if you have minor skin problems (there is no need for treatment), you will be able to listen to them carefully and respond carefully. It's better to have a professional teacher diagnose you than to get bogged down, worried, and wasted time. I feel refreshed.
co co on Google

受け付けの人が無愛想すぎる。 こちらが「こんにちは」と挨拶しているのに、それを無視して一言目から「保険証!」とだけ。 患者に対する口の利き方ではない。 せめて「保険証ありますか?」ぐらい言えませんかね。 皮膚科の医師もこちらの言うこと全否定。 質問しても「そんなことわかりません」と。 もう二度といきません。
The receptionist is too unfriendly. For here is greeted with "Hello", just ignore it from the word first with the "insurance card!". It is not a way of speaking to the patient. Can you at least say "Do you have a health insurance card?" The dermatologist also totally denied what he said. When I asked him, he said, "I don't understand that." I won't go again.
maru tiyo on Google

皮膚科を何度か受診しました。 予約さえ入れればそんなには待たないです。先生も詳しく説明してくれます。ただ、皮膚科は午前中だけなので、週に1、2回でも午後診があればとても助かるのですが…阪南市は皮膚科があまりないので。
I visited the dermatologist several times. You can wait so long as you make a reservation. The teacher will also explain it in detail. However, since dermatology is only in the morning, it would be very helpful if I had an afternoon examination once or twice a week... Hannan City does not have many dermatologists.
琴麗華 on Google

心不全で、内服治療してましたが6ヵ月以上も同じ薬で全然症状が変わらない。階段昇るのや坂道で息がしんどい。大体、1➰2ヵ月位で少しは症状が改善すると思う。母が、他の病院で見てもらいたいから紹介状を依頼したらやんわり拒否されたと言う。 6ヵ月以上しても、治らないから今後も治らないだろう。
I had been treated with oral medication for heart failure, but the symptoms did not change at all with the same drug for more than 6 months. It's hard to breathe up the stairs and on the slopes. I think that the symptoms will improve a little in about 1➰2 months. My mother said that she asked for a letter of introduction because she wanted to see it at another hospital, but she was vetoed. Even if it's more than 6 months, it won't heal, so it won't heal in the future.
yukie 511 on Google

皮膚科を受診しました。 とても丁寧に分かりやすく説明してくれて、納得のいく診療を受けることができました。 尋ねたかったことや話したかったこともちゃんと聞いてくれて、いい先生&いい看護師さんだと思います。 受付嬢は事務的ですが、余計なお世話がないというか、必要十分で私は特に不満はありませんでした。
I visited a dermatologist. The explanation was very polite and easy to understand, and I was able to receive a satisfactory medical treatment. I heard what I wanted to ask and wanted to talk about, and I think it is a good teacher and a good nurse. The receptionist was clerical, but I didn't have any dissatisfaction because I didn't have any extra care.

今日、初めて診察してもらいましたが、受付の方も看護師さんも先生も良い方でした! 男の先生なら、脇の上の患部を見せるのがちょっと恥ずかしいなぁと思っていましたが、女の先生で安心して見せる事が出来ました! 和気あいあいと話せたり出来たのでよかったです! 以前行った皮膚科の先生がめちゃくちゃ、対応が悪かったので、それから皮膚科に行く事が出来ませんでした! でも、今回は、患部の部分が気になったので、勇気を出して行って、良い先生に出会えてよかったと思います! 結構、人が多いのでかなり待たされますが、早く診察したい方は早めに行かれた方がいいと思います! 私は、2時間待たされましたが、待ってよかったと思いました! ちょっと家から遠いですが、行って良かったと思いました( ˆᴗˆ )
I had a medical examination for the first time today, but the receptionist, nurse and teacher were all good! I thought it was a bit embarrassing to show the affected area on the side of a male teacher, but I was able to show it safely with a female teacher! I was glad that I could talk and talk with each other! The dermatologist I went to was a mess and the response was so bad that I couldn't go to dermatology! But this time, I was worried about the affected part, so I'm glad I went with courage and met a good teacher! Quite a lot of people wait a lot, but if you want to consult sooner, I think you should go earlier! I waited for two hours and was glad I did! It's a bit far from home, but I'm glad I went (()

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