タイラファーム <ぶどう園>

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact タイラファーム <ぶどう園>

住所 :

Sakaguchi, Makinohara, 〒421-0411 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : https://taira-farm.com/
街 : Shizuoka

Sakaguchi, Makinohara, 〒421-0411 Shizuoka,Japan
米山千穂 on Google

Muscat It was very delicious, it seemed difficult to deal with because there were many customers. I want to go there again, but I wonder if there will be no more when it is introduced on TV~
R樹 on Google

公式ホームページで2019年8月12日からぶどう狩り出来ます って大々的に出ているので8月13日お盆休みに親戚と一緒に行ってみると発育不良で全く取れませんとか言われた 来週ぐらいから取れるかもしれないとか… 公式ページ詐欺に会いました最悪です
Grapes can be picked on the official website from August 12, 2019 I was told that when I went with my relatives during the Bon holiday on August 13th, I could not take it at all due to poor growth Maybe you can get it from next week ... I met the official page fraud
ハムカツ太郎 on Google

お姉さんに何のやる気も感じません もう一度行きたいとは思えないです どうしてもこちらのものが欲しいときは、通販をおすすめします モノは美味しそうでしたが、よさげなものは全て予約済でした 足を運ぶとかなり残念な気持ちになります
I don't feel motivated by your sister I don't want to go again If you really want this item, we recommend mail order Things seemed delicious, but all the nice things were reserved I feel pretty disappointed when I go there
H M on Google

The grapes were delicious from early August to early September for a limited time. I want to go again. There are two types, a large purple Fuji Minoru variety and Shine Muscat that can be eaten as it is. It seems that this year's grapes grow well. Grape hunting was the third year. I feel that it is not well known yet. I personally recommend the large grain Fuji Minoru. Please give it a try!

とっても大きなぶどうが買えて良かったです。お店の人も皆さん親切で 丁寧にいろいろ教えてくださり 安心して収穫できました。 県外にぶどうを送りましたが すごい綺麗で大変喜んでいました。毎年 美味しいぶどうを買いに行かせて頂いてます。また買いに行きますね!
It was good to buy a very large grape. The shop staff were all kind and kindly taught me various things, and I was able to harvest with confidence. I sent the grapes out of the prefecture and they were so beautiful and I was very happy. I go to buy delicious grapes every year. I'll go buy again!
木村奈智子(Nacco) on Google

美味しい葡萄?を買うことができます♡ 子供も葡萄?を自分の手で切って取ることができるので、いつも嬉しそうです!! 毎年楽しみにしてます♡
You can buy delicious grapes ? ♡ Children can always cut and pick grapes ? with their own hands, so they always look happy! !! I'm looking forward to it every year ♡
Masayuki Ooishi on Google

Grape hunting is all kind and the best! ️ (* ≧ ∀ ≦ *) ✋ Delicious ?
大石佳代 on Google

初めてのぶどう狩り?楽しか った! 子供達もいい思い出になりました☺美味しい&大きな?でした
First grape hunting ? Only fun It was! The kids also had good memories ☺ It was delicious & big ?

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