
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 住研工業㈱

住所 :

Saiwaicho, Kesennuma, 〒988-0026 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.juken-kougyou.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Thursday 8:30AM–5:30PM
Friday 8:30AM–5:30PM
街 : Miyagi

Saiwaicho, Kesennuma, 〒988-0026 Miyagi,Japan
マロングラッセ on Google

I applied to move in from the 17th, but it seems that I will pay the rent and brokerage fee for one month.
チョコバナナ on Google

入居中は親切な対応をして頂きました。 また、お世話になる機会があれば是非お願いしたいと思います。
Thank you for your kind support during the move-in. Also, I would like to ask if you have the opportunity to take care of me.
choco One on Google

アパート探しが初めてで、とても不安でお店に行って見たのですが、 担当してくれた方がとても親切に分かりやすく対応してくれて、 こちらの管理アパートに申込をさせて頂きました。
It was my first time looking for an apartment, and I was very anxious when I went to the store to see it. The person in charge was very kind and easy to understand. I applied for this managed apartment.
mickey mouse on Google

沢山の物件をご紹介いただきました。 とてもご丁寧に最後までご対応いただき、感謝しております。おかげで良い物件を見つけることができました。
We had you introduce a lot of properties. Thank you very much for your polite response to the end. Thanks to you, I was able to find a good property.
ホヤウーマン on Google

There were many things I didn't understand when I moved for the first time, but I was able to find a room with peace of mind by having my parents consult with me.
nagisuke 1005 on Google

When I moved in, there were some conditions and I couldn't decide on a place to live, so it was very helpful to find various properties. I am very happy with my current home.
BS bbproject on Google

気仙沼でいちばん管理戸数が多い会社のようで、安心してお部屋の契約が出来ました。LIXIL ERA不動産ショップにも加盟30年以上ということも聞いて、さらに信用出来るお店だと思います。
It seems to be the company with the largest number of managed units in Kesennuma, so I was able to make a contract for a room with confidence. I heard that it has been a member of the LIXIL ERA real estate shop for more than 30 years, so I think it is a more reliable shop.
お1人様キャンパー on Google

管理されている賃貸住宅でお世話になっております。 物件も定期的にな清掃も入り共用部分がきれいでよいのですが、時期になるとセキレイの巣が出来、建物の入口が鳥の糞だらけになってしまいますので、毎年早めの対処をおねがいできればと思っております。
We are indebted to the managed rental housing. The property may be cleaned regularly and the common areas may be clean, but when the time comes, a nest of wagtails will be formed and the entrance of the building will be full of bird droppings, so if you can take early measures every year, please. We think.

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