コメリ書房 加茂店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact コメリ書房 加茂店

住所 :

Saiwaicho, Kamo, 〒959-1313 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.komerisyobo.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–9PM
Sunday 9AM–9PM
Monday 9AM–9PM
Tuesday 9AM–9PM
Wednesday 9AM–9PM
Thursday 9AM–9PM
Friday 9AM–9PM
街 : Niigata

Saiwaicho, Kamo, 〒959-1313 Niigata,Japan
w th on Google

There is a large selection. It looks like a seemingly innocent bookstore because it is a Komeri-chain, and it seems that he is putting emphasis on his book of hobbies and is quite unique. It is also convenient to have back numbers of NHK texts.
清水孝之 on Google

幅広い店内に書籍や雑誌や文具など、豊富な品揃えで、お客様のニーズに答えてるお店です。 自分は、主に!趣味の書籍の購入が、多いです〜 欲しい商品が、無い場合、インターネットなどでのお取り寄せもお願い出来て、とても良いお店だと思います。 皆さんも自分に有った、書籍を購入して自己のスキルupに繋げたり、息抜きに読書をしてリラックスしてください(^-^)/ 因みに!自分からのオススメの本でお笑い芸人の矢部太郎さん作の大家さんと僕を是非一度読んでみてください(*´∀`)
It is a shop that responds to customer's needs in a wide variety of stores, such as books, magazines and stationery, with an extensive selection of items. I am the Lord! There are many purchases of hobby books ~ If you do not have the item you want, you can also order us on the internet etc. I think that it is a very nice shop. Everyone, please purchase books and connect themselves to their own skills up or relax by taking a break to relax (^ - ^) / Incidentally! Please read the owner of Taro Yabe who is a comedian of yourselves and the owner of Mr. Taro Yabe by all means once (* '∀ `)
ひねの on Google

かつてはレンタルショップでしたが、本屋に変わり、使いやすくなりました。 この近所には本や文房具が売ってるお店が少なく、重宝しています。流石に大手の大型書店ほどではありませんが、小説、絵本、マンガ、ライトノベルから参考書までと幅広いジャンルの本が置いてあります。 ポイントカードがありますが、還元率は1%、100円ごとに1ポイントで100ポイントで100円分の割引券と交換してくれるので、それほどお得ではありません。 駐車場も十分確保してあり、車で来ても困りません
It used to be a rental shop, but it has changed to a bookstore, making it easier to use. There are few shops selling books and stationery in this neighborhood, which is very useful. There are books in a wide range of genres, from novels, picture books, manga, light novels to reference books, though not as much as major large bookstores. There is a point card, but the return rate is 1%, and 1 point for every 100 yen will be exchanged for 100 yen worth of discount coupons, so it is not very profitable. There is plenty of parking space so you don't have to worry if you come by car.
江戸川キロル on Google

I think the product lineup is good. It is convenient because there is a computer for searching products in the store.
Mさん on Google

現在、加茂市では貴重な本屋さん。 やっぱり中身を確かめて買えるのはありがたいです。 売場面積も結構あるので、利用価値は高いと思います。
Currently a valuable bookstore in Kamo City. After all, I am grateful to be able to check the contents and buy. There is quite a lot of sales floor space, so I think it has high utility value.
a y on Google

駐車場に大きな落とし穴がありました 除雪でできたものと思いますが暗かったので気づかずはまってしまいました 車からガリっという音がしたのでどこか傷が付いてしまったと思います 店員さんも穴には気づいていて何も対応していなかったようです せめて穴の周りに囲いでも置いて配慮しておいてほしかったです でもAmazonで売り切れていた雑誌が買えたのでこれからも地元にあってほしい書店です
There was a big pit in the parking lot I think it was made by removing snow, but it was dark so I didn't notice it and got stuck. There was a rattling noise from the car, so I think it got scratched somewhere. It seems that the clerk also noticed the hole and did not respond to anything I wanted you to at least put it in an enclosure around the hole and consider it. But I was able to buy a magazine that was sold out on Amazon, so I hope it will continue to be in the local area.
紺色 on Google

店員さん、店内でお客様とすれ違う際は挨拶しましょう。 レジで店員さん同士がワイワイと話しているのは印象が良くないですよ。 「ありがとうございました」を言い終わる前に私語を始めるのは失礼ですよ。 本の種類が充実しているほうだと感じるだけに、とても残念に思いました。
Clerk, let's say hello when you pass by a customer in the store. It's not a good impression that the clerk talks to each other at the cash register. It's rude to start your own language before you finish saying "Thank you". I was very disappointed because I felt that the variety of books was substantial.
塩田直美 on Google

I don't have a big bookstore nearby, so when I go to Komeri Shobo once in a while, I'm excited about books ?

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