Saishoji - Nara

3/5 に基づく 4 レビュー

Contact Saishoji

住所 :

115 Byakugojicho, Nara, 630-8302, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 630-8302

115 Byakugojicho, Nara, 630-8302, Japan
しゅう(しゅう) on Google

西口八永子 on Google

ぱたりろ on Google

白毫山西勝寺 浄土宗本願寺派 阿弥陀如来 本堂、鐘楼、書院、庫裏 門。本堂内部には朱塗りの柱や蟇股の彫刻などがあって、もと多武峰(妙楽寺)にあった食堂を移したと伝えられている。境内には五輪塔や石塔の断片が散見され当寺の古い歴史を思わせる。
Urnayama Saikatsuji Temple, Jodo-shu Honganji School, Amida Nyorai Main Hall, Bell Tower, Shoin, Kuri Gate. Inside the main hall, there are vermilion pillars and sculptures of the crotch, and it is said that the dining room that was originally in Tonomine (Myorakuji) was moved. Fragments of the Gorinto and stone towers are scattered in the precincts, reminiscent of the old history of the temple.
中内啓介 on Google

I didn't have a temple to talk to when my father died, so when I called him, he was willing to accept the legal name. When I consulted with the priest that he didn't have much money, he even told me that this time it would be free. As expected, free of charge is not good, so it is a small amount, but I gave it to you. I would like to consult with you next time.

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