Saiseikai Kawaguchi General Hospital - Kawaguchi

2.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Saiseikai Kawaguchi General Hospital

住所 :

5 Chome-11-5 Nishikawaguchi, Kawaguchi, Saitama 332-8558, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 332-8558
Webサイト :

5 Chome-11-5 Nishikawaguchi, Kawaguchi, Saitama 332-8558, Japan
M on Google

いつも他院で入院や手術、治療をしていましたが今回はこちらにお世話になりました。 結果全てにおいてとても良い病院でした。 評価が低いことに驚きますが… いつもお世話になっている病院より全て上回っていて感激したくらいです。 医師、麻酔科医、看護師、ほかの方々 皆さん患者にたいしてとても丁寧です。 大げさに言うとここはホテルか、と思うほどの対応です。 食事も美味しかったです。 今回受けた手術治療以外の通院もこちらに転院したいくらいです。
I was always hospitalized, operated on, and treated at another hospital, but this time I was taken care of. It was a very good hospital in all the results. I'm surprised that the rating is low, but ... I was impressed that all the hospitals I was indebted to were better than me. Doctors, anesthesiologists, nurses and others Everyone is very polite to the patient. To exaggerate, it's a response that makes me think that this is a hotel. The food was delicious. I would like to transfer to another hospital other than the surgical treatment I received this time.
鈴木玲子 on Google

ここの産婦人科は4時間で予約外の患者を2人しかみれない能力のドクターしかいない。 4時間待たされて、それでも自分の前に待っている予約外の患者が3人いたので、みてもらうことなく帰宅して病院をかえることにした。 4時間以上待ってまでみてもらいたいほどの経歴のドクターなんて1人もいない。なんなら、都内のもっと小規模の2次の病院ですら、もっといい経歴のドクター達がそろってる。 初診予約という制度があり、そちらを利用しようとしたら、12月28日の時点で空いてる1月の火曜日の枠は、1月25日の朝9時の枠1つとのこと。2月の枠は1月になってからしかとれないそうだ。 妊婦検診の初診、再診、経産婦の検診、婦人科を網羅していたら制度上待つのは仕方がない、時間のある人はどうぞというスタンスなんだろう。 あと何分であなたの番といえないのはどこの病院も同じ。ただ4時間待たされて、なお自分の番が来ないのはどうかしてる。 都内の超有名病院ですら、4時間越えで診察室までたどり着けないなんてのはありえない。 制度の問題含め、ドクターの能力が足りてないだけだろ。4時間待たせてなお予約外が3人。能力がないんだから最初から受け入れるな。
The obstetrics and gynecology department here has only a doctor who can see only two unreserved patients in four hours. After waiting for 4 hours, there were 3 unreserved patients waiting in front of me, so I decided to go home and change hospitals without seeing them. No doctor has a career that I would like you to wait for more than four hours. After all, even smaller secondary hospitals in Tokyo have doctors with better backgrounds. There is a system called the first consultation reservation, and if you try to use it, the frame on Tuesday in January that is open as of December 28 is one frame at 9 am on January 25. It seems that the February frame can only be taken in January. If it covers the initial examination of pregnant women, re-examination, examination of multiparous women, and gynecology, it is unavoidable to wait in the system, and if you have time, please do it. It's the same in every hospital that it's not your turn in a few minutes. I'm just waiting for 4 hours and I'm wondering why my turn hasn't come yet. Even a very famous hospital in Tokyo cannot reach the examination room in more than 4 hours. The doctor's ability is not enough, including the problem of the system. There are 3 people out of the reservation even after waiting for 4 hours. Don't accept it from the beginning because you don't have the ability.
Ayaka. I on Google

他クリニックから招待状を貰って行きましたが、待ち時間7時間半。 初診だったので早めの時間にしようと9時に行き、診察の順番が来たのは16時半!! 途中、受付の方にあとどのくらいですか?と聞いたところ「あと少しお待ち下さい」の一言。 他に待ってる人も居る中、 診察もしていないのに、裏で話し声笑い声めちゃくちゃ聞こえてました… 待たされる事は承知してましたが、こんなにも待たされるとは‥かなりびっくりです。 丸一日潰れました。 予約入れても待ち時間4、5時間は当たり前。 その後、出産で入院した時に腕に点滴をしたのですが、かなり下手くそです。 刺し直すのは別にいいけど、1回針を抜いてから刺し直しせず、針を刺したまま血管を探しててめちゃくちゃ痛かった。 痛い思いしたのに、刺さらないとか言って他の人にやってもらってましたが… 案の定ひどいアザみたいになってずっと痛みもあって最悪。 点滴もまともに打てないとは… 退院の際も事務の方がお支払いの件で病室まわってましたが、 かなり上から目線で話し方も態度も悪すぎです。
I got an invitation from another clinic, but the waiting time was 7 and a half hours. Since it was my first visit, I went to 9 o'clock to make it earlier, and it was 16:30 when it was my turn to see the doctor! !! How much is left for the receptionist on the way? When I heard that, a word of "Please wait a little longer". While there are other people waiting, Even though I hadn't been examined, I could hear the voice laughing and laughing behind the scenes ... I knew that I would have to wait, but I was quite surprised to have to wait so long. It was crushed for a whole day. Even if you make a reservation, waiting time of 4 to 5 hours is natural. After that, when I was hospitalized for childbirth, I had an IV drip on my arm, but it's pretty bad. It's okay to re-stab it, but I didn't re-stab it after pulling out the needle once, and it was really painful to look for a blood vessel with the needle stuck. I thought it hurts, but I asked another person to do it, saying that I wouldn't stab it ... Sure enough, it looks like a terrible bruise and it's always painful and the worst. I can't even drip it properly ... Even when I was discharged from the hospital, the office worker went around the hospital room for payment, The way of speaking and attitude is too bad from the very top.
まるまる on Google

出産で3度お世話になりました。 初診は確かに待ちますが2人目3人目の時は 初診扱いでも予約のキャンセルが出てすぐ診てもらえたり 予約外の中でも1番になる為に8:00から並んで対策をしたので毎度何時間も待たされずに済みました。 NICUがあり上の子2人は黄疸になっても 同じ病院内で対応してもらえて助かりました。 「落ち着いていてとても素敵な出産でした。」とお手紙をいただいたこともあります。 コロナ禍出産で立ち会いなし、面会なしで不安なときも終始助産師の人が側にいて励ましてくれました。 ただ経膣分娩と帝王切開の方を同室にされるのは困りました。 帝王切開は術後寒いこともあるようで 「寒い寒い」という患者さんを横に 「暑い」と思いながらアイスノンとうちわをパタパタしながら耐えたのは正直しんどかったなって。笑 他のレビューの方で点滴の失敗について書かれていましたが、私も点滴は入りませんでした。 ただ普段はすんなり入る針がその時は針が曲がるほど入らないのです、これは看護師さんの腕前というか「身体が拒絶している!」と自分でもわかりました。失敗と言えばそれまでですが自分の身体だけど毎日変化していて、ましてや出産では通常考えられないことがたくさん起こります。 内出血くらい、とは言いませんが出産を無事迎えて我が子と元気に会えたことに私は感謝します。
I was taken care of three times by giving birth. I'm sure I'll wait for the first visit, but when it's the second or third person Even if it is treated as the first visit, you can get a consultation immediately after canceling the reservation I didn't have to wait for hours every time because I took measures in line from 8:00 to be number one even outside the reservation. Even if there is NICU and the two older children have jaundice It was helpful to have them respond in the same hospital. I once received a letter saying, "It was a calm and very nice birth." Even when I was worried because I had a baby with a corona, and I was worried without a visit, a midwife was always there to encourage me. However, it was a problem to have vaginal delivery and Caesarean section in the same room. Caesarean section may be cold after surgery Beside the patient who says "cold cold" To be honest, it was a pain to endure while fluttering the ice pack and the uchiwa while thinking that it was "hot". Lol Another review wrote about the failure of the IV, but I didn't get it either. However, the needle that normally fits in smoothly does not fit so much that the needle bends at that time, and I realized that this is the skill of a nurse, or "the body is rejecting it!". Speaking of failure, it's up to that point, but my body is changing every day, let alone a lot of things that I can't usually think of in childbirth. I don't say it's about internal bleeding, but I'm grateful that I was able to meet my child well after giving birth.
ぷっちー on Google

このレビューは今回の治療で関わった事務、整形外来、各検査技師、整形外科病棟スタッフ、麻酔科医、オペ室看護師、ソーシャルワーカーに限るので他科については分かりません。 椎間板ヘルニア、脊柱菅狭窄症の治療の為入院していました。 元々は近医から紹介を受けたのでかかることにしましたが、レビューを見るととても低い評価だったので入院するか悩んでいました。 心配で周りの医療関係者におすすめの病院を聞いたところ(私は元、妻は現役の医療従事者)皆がここの病院を勧められました。 実際に整形外科の頸椎、脊椎、腰椎の治療実績に関しては埼玉県ではトップクラスです。 皆の勧めもあって入院してみることにしました。 外来受診、入院してみての感想ですが他の方のレビューと異なりとても良かったです。 良い点、悪い点を簡単にまとめてみます。 良い点 事務、整形外来、各検査技師、整形外科医、オペ室、病棟看護師、薬剤師、理学療法士、看護補助、ソーシャルワーカーの対応はとても良く感じました。 みんな聞いたことにはしっかりと応えてくれますしとても親切です。 自分だけでなく他の患者さんへの対応なども見ていましたが優しく声をかけていたりとても親切にしていました。 1回目の手術が終わった後に血腫ができてしまいその日に再手術になりました。 腰と脚に未だかつて経験した事の無いような痛みに汗と涙が止まりませんでした。 意識が朦朧としていた中でもオペ室の看護師が身体を擦ったり優しい言葉をかけてくれたのを覚えています。 術後は病棟看護師が頻繁に様子を見に来てくれて、優しく声をかけてくれたり世話をしてもらったりと、とても嬉しかったです。本当に良くしてくれるので退院に向けて頑張ろう!って思えました。 執刀医、病棟医師はとても優しく質問したことに対して丁寧に分かりやすく説明してくれました。技術は信頼しています。 薬剤師は親身に話を聞いてくれて薬の飲み合わせなども患者に合わせてしっかりと聞いてくれます。看護師に言えば来てくれるので、薬で分からないことがあれば相談にのってくれます。 看護補助の方達はいつも忙しいのに笑顔で挨拶をしてくれて元気を分けてくれます!患者が快適に過ごせる様に頑張ってくれています。 病院食は温かい状態で提供され美味しかったです。 2週間入院していて美味しくなかったのは3品くらいです。 男性だと少し量が少ないかもしれませんが、看護師に言えば量を増やしてもらうことも可能なので相談してみてください。 それでも足りない方は売店へ 病棟のチームワークがとても良く感じました。入院生活も快適でした。 悪い点 外来での待ち時間は長めかもしれません。 やる気がないのか覇気がないような方が若干数名います。夕方になってくると疲れてくるのも分かりますが、顔や態度に出すのは我慢してください。 若い看護師の患者さんに対してのタメ口が目立ちます。新卒で、患者さんに対してタメ口とか意味がわかりません。男性看護師の患者対応は最低です。患者さんには倍以上の人生を送っている人生の先輩方もいます。学校で何を学んできたのか疑問に思います。人を見下したや横柄な看護師と言われかねません。 これは本当に無駄なトラブルになりかねないので看護部が徹底して注意するところです。 浴室のサッシにカビ汚れが目立ち衛生感に欠けます。週一くらいは清掃員の方に普段の清掃とは別にカビ取りをしてもらった方がいいと思います。 大部屋のトイレのトイレットペーパーの位置が遠すぎます。 健康な状態でも遠いのにオペ後でコルセットしている状態だと巻き取るのにとても苦労します。 これは設計した人がアホすぎます。 コロナ禍で面会禁止は仕方のない事ですが、少し外の空気を吸う場所は作ってもらいたいです。長期入院だと気が滅入ります。 とこんな感じです。 悪い部分も多々ありますが、病院が改善しようと思えばすぐにでも改善できると思うので期待を込めて星4です。星3以下になる様な病院ではないです。今まで職場や子供の病院などでたくさんの大きな病院をみてきましたが、高級ホテルではないので完璧な病院などありません。規模が大きく人が多い病院ほどトラブルが起きる確率はその分上がる気がします。 看護師が疲れたり忙しくて雑な対応をすれば患者さんもイライラするとは思いますし、患者さんも具合が悪くてイライラするのも分かりますが、少し冷静になってください。 経験上何の欠点もない病院はほぼないです。 例えば医師は良いけど看護師が微妙だったり。 その逆もあります。 医者も看護師も良いのに病院のシステムや設備が微妙だったり。 大事なのは治療が自分の満足のいく結果にならなかったとしても、それでも納得して後悔しない病院選びだと思います。 肝心の治療の効果はオペ前の足の痺れ痛みはだいぶ改善されました。私は本当にここの病院で治療することにして良かったと思っていますし、助けてくれた皆様に感謝しています。 また調子が悪くなったら診てもらいたいです。 入院中暇すぎていらないことまで書いている気がしますが、最後まで読んでくださりありがとうございます♪ 入院を悩んでいる方の参考になれば幸いです。
This review is limited to clerical work, orthopedic outpatients, orthopedic technicians, orthopedic ward staff, anesthesiologists, operating room nurses, and social workers involved in this treatment, so I do not know about other departments. He was hospitalized for treatment of herniated disc and spinal canal stenosis. Originally, I was referred by a nearby doctor, so I decided to take it, but when I looked at the reviews, it was a very low rating, so I was worried about whether to be hospitalized. When I was worried and asked the medical staff around me for a recommended hospital (I was a former, my wife was an active medical worker), everyone recommended this hospital. In fact, it is one of the top class in Saitama prefecture in terms of orthopedic treatment results for the cervical spine, spine, and lumbar spine. I decided to be hospitalized at the recommendation of everyone. It was an impression of going to an outpatient clinic and being hospitalized, but unlike the reviews of other people, it was very good. I will briefly summarize the good points and bad points. good point The correspondence of clerical work, orthopedic outpatient department, each inspection engineer, orthopedic surgeon, operation room, ward nurse, pharmacist, physiotherapist, nursing assistant, and social worker felt very good. Everyone responds firmly to what I hear and is very kind. I was looking at dealing with other patients as well as myself, but I was kind and kind to them. After the first operation, hematoma developed and I had to re-operate on that day. I couldn't stop sweating and tearing in the pain I had never experienced in my lower back and legs. I remember the nurse in the operation room rubbing my body and giving gentle words even though my consciousness was stunned. After the operation, the ward nurses often came to see the situation, and I was very happy to hear from them and take care of them. It will really improve, so let's do our best for discharge! I thought. The surgeon and ward doctor explained the questions very kindly and in an easy-to-understand manner. I trust the technology. The pharmacist listens to the patient and listens to the patient, such as taking medicine. If you ask a nurse, he / she will come to you, so if you have any questions about the medicine, he / she will consult with you. Nursing assistants are always busy, but they greet me with a smile and give me energy! I am doing my best so that the patient can spend comfortably. The hospital food was served warm and delicious. I was hospitalized for 2 weeks and only 3 items were not delicious. For men, the amount may be a little small, but if you ask a nurse, you can increase the amount, so please consult with us. If you still don't have enough, go to the shop The teamwork in the ward felt very good. The hospitalization life was also comfortable. Bad points The waiting time in the outpatient department may be long. There are a few people who are not motivated or unwilling. You can see that it gets tired in the evening, but please be patient with your face and attitude. The tame mouth for young nurse patients is conspicuous. I'm a new graduate and I don't understand what it means to patients. Patient care for male nurses is the worst. Some patients have more than doubled their lives. I wonder what I have learned at school. You can be called a nurse who looks down on people or is arrogant. This can be a real waste of trouble, so the Nursing Department should be careful. Mold stains are noticeable on the bathroom sash and lack hygiene. I think it's better to have a cleaning staff remove mold about once a week in addition to the usual cleaning. The position of the toilet paper in the toilet in the large room is too far. Even if it is in a healthy state, it is very difficult to wind it up if it is in a corset after the operation even though it is far away. This is too stupid for the person who designed it. It is unavoidable to prohibit visits due to the corona, but I would like you to create a place where you can breathe in the outside air. Long-term hospitalization is depressing. It looks like this. There are many bad points, but if the hospital wants to improve it, I think it can be improved immediately, so I hope it will be 4 stars. It is not a hospital with 3 stars or less. I have seen many large hospitals at work and children's hospitals, but since it is not a luxury hotel, there is no perfect hospital. I feel that the larger the hospital and the more people there are, the higher the probability of trouble occurring. I think that the patient will be frustrated if the nurse is tired or busy and makes a rough response, and I understand that the patient is also sick and frustrated, but please be a little calm. In my experience, few hospitals have no drawbacks. For example, doctors are good, but nurses are subtle. The reverse is also true. Doctors and nurses are good, but hospital systems and equipment are delicate. I think the important thing is to choose a hospital that you will not regret even if the treatment does not give you a satisfactory result. The effect of the essential treatment was that the numbness and pain in the legs before the operation was greatly improved. I'm really glad I decided to treat at this hospital and I'm grateful to everyone who helped me. If I feel sick again, I would like to see you. I feel like I'm writing that I'm not too free during hospitalization, but thank you for reading to the end ♪ I hope it will be helpful for those who are suffering from hospitalization.
subas kandel on Google

The reservation system is too bad.
Drew Gallagher on Google

A clinic doctor recommended me this place to get advice on a possible surgery. I came in at 10:30, filled out my paperwork, and got to the waiting area by 11. After waiting 2 hours, I had seen multiple patients in the same section who had come in after me get seen by the doctor I was waiting for. After asking the staff and being told it would take at least another hour to see someone, but that I couldn't leave to get a bite in the meantime (I was not going to need bloodwork done). I told them waiting that long would make me late for work, and they told me I would have to wait regardless. At this point, I needed to leave and get ready for work. To reiterate, I came in at 11, the doctor was seeing people who came in at 11:30 while they said it would take another hour to get to me. Don't waste your time, go somewhere else if at all possible.
MH Ta on Google

The reservation system here is terrible. They tell you something different on the phone then in person. The nurses in the maternity ward are great 5 stars However the negative 10 stars for the 産婦人科Gynecology section. Nurses in the 産婦人科 are rude or lazy idle yet claim to be busy. They speak to people even foreigners with fluent Japanese with bad attitude this section has stolen over 12 hours of my life and counting over the past year. There is one nurse I suggest should be fired if anyone at the hospital reads this do contact me.

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