
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 明星咖喱

住所 :

Sagamyojocho, Ukyo Ward, 〒616-8337 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://instagram.com/myojo_curry_kyoto%3Fr%3Dnametag
街 : Kyoto

Sagamyojocho, Ukyo Ward, 〒616-8337 Kyoto,Japan
monks music on Google

There is a high degree of freedom, such as a large amount of rice and a small amount of refills. Two-color curry topped with eggs. You enjoyed just the right amount.
天羽雅音 on Google

車折神社の観光ついでに見かけて入ってみたらかなりレベル高いカレー屋で驚いた。 カレーは味わい深いし飲み物も色々あるし、 小洒落たカフェのような店内の雰囲気も良い。
When I went sightseeing at Kurumazaki Shrine, I was surprised at the high-level curry shop. Curry is delicious and there are various drinks, The atmosphere inside the store is like a stylish cafe.
藤原敏哉 on Google

There are 3 or more kinds of spice curry, and the contents change, so when a new menu comes out, I want to eat it.
祐希相沢 on Google

When I noticed, I found that a new store was opened ... It is a spice curry shop. This is my first visit, but I took my parents with me. As everyone says, spice curry shop, though I'm not good at spicy food, isn't it interesting anymore? The shop owner has a soft scent of spices and a clean interior. It was very intriguing that the scaffolding boards used by Tobi were arranged all over the interior wall of the store. And above all, I'm really happy that my parents were very satisfied, and I'm just grateful to the owner.
i s on Google

オーナーが手掛けた内装はおしゃれで清潔感あります。 カウンターとテーブル席があり、家族連れでも来やすく、お店の前に車を停めることもできます。 カレーはサラっとしたテイストのカレーで具材がたくさん、栄養価もたっぷりで美味しい。 いつも3種類から選ぶことができるのも楽しいです。
The interior designed by the owner is fashionable and clean. There are counters and table seats, so it's easy for families to come and you can park your car in front of the shop. The curry is a curry with a smooth taste, has a lot of ingredients, and is nutritious and delicious. It's fun to always be able to choose from three types.
RI RI on Google

前に1度行って美味しかったので先日また伺いました。 前回か2種で今回は3種あいがけをいただきました。 どの種類も美味しかったです。 家からは少し離れているので頻繁には行けないのが残念です。 近くに行った際はまた行きたいと思います!
I went there once before and it was delicious so I visited again the other day. Last time or 2 kinds, this time I got 3 kinds of swords. All kinds were delicious. It's a pity that I can't go often because I'm a little far from my house. I would like to go again when I go nearby!
よしひろ on Google

明星咖喱 嵐山にあるスパイスカレー店です。 お店は明るく、綺麗でお洒落なカフェの様です。この日は妻と二人とも、二種あいがけ 1050円を注文。カレーは二人とも、ほうれん草キーマと豚バラポークわ注文。 私は亭主関白をみせ、半熟たまご 100円をトッピング。ご飯の大盛りも無料です。 店主が辛味が得意ではなく、辛味が少なく優しい味のスパイスカレーです。 豚バラポークら酸味があります。 とても美味しく、お勧めのスパイスカレー店です。店の前には駐車場があり、二台駐車可能です。近隣にもコインパーキングあり、車でも行きやすいです。
Meisei 咖喱 It is a spice curry shop in Arashiyama. The shop is bright, beautiful and fashionable like a cafe. On this day, my wife and I both ordered 1050 yen for two kinds of sashimi. Both curries ordered spinach keema and pork rose pork. I showed the owner, Sekishiro, and topped it with a soft-boiled egg for 100 yen. A large serving of rice is also free. The owner is not good at spicy taste, it is a spice curry with less spicy taste and gentle taste. It has a sour taste such as pork rose pork. It is a very delicious and recommended spice curry shop. There is a parking lot in front of the store, and two cars can be parked. There is coin parking nearby, so it's easy to reach by car.
とことこ on Google

芋ケンピを買いに行く動線上においしそうなお店はないかな…と地図を見ていて見つけたお店。 お店の前に駐車場もあり、めったに行かない右京区でランチを食べて帰るのもアリ!と車を走らせました。 カフェ風なインテリアはかわいくて、居心地よい。 選べるカレーから、3種のあいがけにタンドリーチキン200円もトッピング。 ごはんは少なめ。 注文後に借りたお手洗いも清潔ピカピカでうれしい。 待つことしばし…チキンを焼く音が聞こえ、誰かにごはんを作ってもらうのって、外食だけだな~と秋ならではの物思い。 さあ、私のカレーができあがりました! とにかく盛り付けが丁寧で美しい。 お店の方の所作や言葉遣いもきれい、かつ雑談もされる絶妙なバランス。 カレーは辛さ控えめながら3種のそれぞれのおいしさを堪能でき、チキンはジューシー。 あっという間にごちそうさまでした。
I wondered if there was a shop that looked delicious on the line of going to buy Kenpi Imo ... I found a shop by looking at the map. There is also a parking lot in front of the shop, so it's ant to eat lunch and go home in Ukyo Ward, which you rarely go to! I ran the car. The cafe-like interior is cute and cozy. From the curry you can choose, tandoori chicken 200 yen is also topped with 3 kinds of sashimi. There is little rice. I am glad that the restroom I borrowed after ordering is clean and shiny. Waiting for a while ... I heard the sound of roasting chicken, and it was only eating out to have someone cook rice. Now my curry is ready! Anyway, the presentation is polite and beautiful. The shop's behavior and wording are beautiful, and the balance is perfect for chatting. You can enjoy the deliciousness of each of the three types of curry while keeping the spiciness modest, and the chicken is juicy. It was a feast in no time.

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