Ryumeikan - Saitama

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ryumeikan

住所 :

1 Chome-18-17 Tsuji, Minami Ward, Saitama, 336-0026, Japan

Postal code : 336-0026
Webサイト : https://twitter.com/ryu_meikan

1 Chome-18-17 Tsuji, Minami Ward, Saitama, 336-0026, Japan
沙羅芭夏代 on Google

I ordered the Lunch Menu Mapodon + half ramen. The ramen is smooth, like traditional Chinese noodles. What surprised me was Mapo-don. It looks really spicy, unlike what it looks like. And it was garlic, and it tasted quite punchy, and after eating, it remained for a while. I think it's different from general mapo tofu, but this was one that I found quite delicious.
蘇武裕人 on Google

仲間に教えてもらった戸田店の姉妹店。 やっぱり、町中華はいいねぇ。見た目からの期待を裏切らない味です。 俺は醤油チャーシュー麺を注文。濃いめのシンプルなスープに、中太のちぢれ麺がよく合います。チャーシューは5枚。バラ肉で、口の中でとろけるほどのやわらかな食感。噛めば肉の旨味が口の中に広がります。 続いては、こだわりの餃子。こちらの店は手作りにこだわっていて、モチモチの皮に包まれたアンは、なかなかのクオリティでした。 やはり、セントラルキッチンで大量に作られた物とは違い、その店での手作りはとても美味しいです。 他に、野菜たっぷりタンメン、チャーハン、塩ラーメンを家族が注文しましたが、どれも甲乙付けがたいクオリティで、次回何にしようかと悩んでしまいます。(笑) 〆に、やはり手作りの杏仁豆腐をいただきましたが、これもあなどれません。 金曜日の19時30分頃に伺いましたが、客席はほぼ満席なのに、厨房は二人だけだったので、注文から提供までに時間がかかりました。ただ、一つ一つ丁寧に作っているのが肌で感じられたので、仕方ないですね?
Sister store of Toda store taught by a friend. After all, town Chinese is good. This taste doesn't disappoint. I ordered soy sauce pork noodles. Medium thick noodles go well with thick, simple soups. 5 pieces of pork. A soft texture that melts in your mouth. If you chew, the taste of meat will spread in your mouth. Next is the special dumplings. This store was particular about handmade, and Ann wrapped in the skin of the sticky was quite quality. After all, unlike the ones made in large quantities in the central kitchen, handmade in that store is very delicious. In addition, my family ordered tanmen, fried rice, and salted ramen with plenty of vegetables. (Lol) I was given a handmade apricot tofu, but this is not bad. I visited around 19:30 on Friday, but the audience was almost full, but there were only two people in the kitchen, so it took time from ordering to delivery. However, it is inevitable that I made it carefully one by one because it was felt on my skin.
じゃがいもカレー on Google

知らずに入ったら似たメニューを目にする 店員さんに聞いてみた やはりバイパスの姉妹店の様だ! 以前から食べてみたかったメガ盛り3玉食べてみた 味噌ネギチャーシューの凄い盛になったのがきた どんぶりからして凄い大きさ 食べてみる ネギは辛く麺は太麺 チャーシュー5枚で柔らかい 味噌は美味しくスープも飲み干す かなり旨かった!
If you enter without knowing it, you will see a similar menu. I asked the clerk, it looks like a sister store of Bypass! I've tried eating 3 mega-sized balls that I've always wanted to eat. The miso green onion char siu has become a great serving. It's a great size from the bowl. The green onion is spicy and the noodles are thick noodles. The miso is soft with 5 char siu. It was delicious and the soup was drunk. It was quite delicious!
しんや on Google

I ate a set of fried rice and half ramen. Very satisfied with the volume. It tasted nostalgic for the Showa era. Some people come to drink at night. I wonder if I will drink a glass while reading the manga and go home.
matumoto koutarou on Google

2度目の来店1度目は1枚目のエビチャーハン。 本日は麻婆丼と半ラーメンのセット。 味濃いめなので次からは薄めでお願いしようかな。
Second visit The first time is the first shrimp fried rice. Today is a set of mapo tofu and half ramen. It has a strong taste, so I'd like to ask you to dilute it next time.
イズちゃんねる on Google

街の中華屋さんでしたw 凄くアットホーム感があって、常連さんには居心地良いと思います。 メニューはたくさんあり、トッピングも出来るみたいです。味にこだわり、麺やタレ、スープなど店で仕込みしてるみたいです! 激辛メニューが色々あり、辛い物好きな人は一度行って見ても良いかも。
It was a Chinese restaurant in the city w It feels very at home and I think it's comfortable for regulars. There are many menus, and it seems that toppings are also possible. It seems that they are particular about the taste and prepare noodles, sauces, soups, etc. at the store! There are various spicy menus, and if you like spicy food, you may want to go there once.
サンサン on Google

I visited for lunch for the first time in 3 years. The parking lot becomes small and fills up quickly depending on the time. I feel that the taste is less than it used to be.
ayayaたまのしん on Google

It has a nostalgic taste. Gomoku Ankake Yakisoba was very delicious.

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