Royal Eight - Osaka

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Royal Eight

住所 :

1 Chome-1-3 Umeda, Kita Ward, Osaka, 530-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 530-0001

1 Chome-1-3 Umeda, Kita Ward, Osaka, 530-0001, Japan
Hayashi Lindo on Google

ランチ利用 大阪駅ビル3ビルB2 少食の喫煙者向き。 なつかしや、NHKラジオのAM放送が流れてます。 サラリーマンは3分で食べ終わってます。 写真みるとそれなりに美味しそうだけど少ないよ。 カレーは甘い!!でもうまい。甘口カレー好きにはたまらない味。 コロッケも甘いのでコロッケカレーはダブルで甘口が楽しめました。
Lunch use Osaka Station Building 3 Building B2 For small smokers. Nostalgia, NHK radio AM broadcast is playing. The office worker finished eating in 3 minutes. It looks delicious as it is, but there are few. Curry is sweet! ! It ’s good. An unbearable taste for sweet curry lovers. Because croquette is sweet, croquette curry was double and enjoyed sweet.
mickey 789 on Google

懐かしいわあ、○○年ぶりに来た! 20代の時に3ビルで働いていたんやけど、ようランチ食べに来ていたんよー、この店に。 最近よくこの1~4ビルに来るんやけど、いつもこの店が気になっていながら、店の名前忘れたのと、外から見たイメージが違うように思って素通りしとったんよ。 この辺りはB1とB2、2ビルと3ビルが似てるから迷うんよ、久しぶりに来たら… でも今日は分かった! 入ると誰にでも毎度!パターンやったけど、俺には嬉しかった! 食事はめちゃくちゃ美味しい訳ではないんやけど、懐かしさがこみ上げ、涙は出んかったけど、感慨深いものがあったわ! お父さんと息子さんでやってるこのお店。 以前と変わらない元気な接客で、しかもこの値段なら、ビジネスマンのランチにはピッタリやわ! また来よう! 尚、写真は「ロイヤル」…この店の名前の一部を取ったランチ。 一番人気かな?
I miss you, it's been XX years! When I was in my twenties, I used to work in 3 building, but I came to eat lunch, at this store. I often come to these 1 to 4 buildings lately, but while I was always worried about this store, I forgot the name of the store and thought that the image seen from the outside was different, so I passed by. B1 and B2, and 2 and 3 buildings are similar here, so I'm wondering if it's been a while ... But I understand today! Every time you enter, everybody! I did a pattern, but I was happy! The food wasn't very delicious, but I felt nostalgia and tears, but I was deeply moved! This shop is run by father and son. Energetic customer service is the same as before, and at this price, it's perfect for a businessman's lunch! Let's come again! The photo is "Royal" ... A lunch that takes part of the name of this restaurant. Is it the most popular?
もも on Google

昔ながらの定番オムライスが食べたくて立ち寄りました。 チェーン店にはない気さくな対応や昭和な雰囲気と素朴な味がとても気に入りました! 他のメニューも気になるのでまた行きたいです。 喫煙率が高めっぽいので煙草嫌いな方にはおすすめしません。
I stopped by to eat the old-fashioned classic omelet rice. I really like the friendly response, the Showa atmosphere and the simple taste that chain stores don't have! I'm curious about other menus, so I'd like to go there again. It seems that the smoking rate is high, so it is not recommended for those who dislike smoking.
あゆみ on Google

この雰囲気が大好き! 喫煙者様もマナーを守ってくれてる印象。 味は、少なくとも第3ビル内で行列を成している洋食屋さんより遙かに旨い。 特にタルタルソースは絶品。 タルタルソースだけ買いたい。
I love this atmosphere! Impression that smokers follow manners. The taste is much better than at least a Western restaurant in the third building. Especially the tartar sauce is exquisite. I want to buy only tartar sauce.
吉田昌弘 on Google

大阪駅前ビルに務めるビジネスマン(喫煙者)のオアシス! 今の時代にこれだけ堂々と喫煙できる飲食店があったとは、、、 (私はかなり前に止めましたが) 昭和の香りいっぱいの洋食屋さん?いったところでしょうか。 流石に大阪駅前ビルの地下だけあってランチタイムは混雑、当然のように6席の大テーブルに相席での案内。 各種定食・ピラフ・カレー・スパゲティ・サンドイッチに飲み物と、幅広いメニューで、何にしようか?迷いましたが、盛合せ定食メニューから「エイト」をオーダー。 トンカツ・ハンバーグ・エビフライ・生野菜・スパゲティの盛合せにご飯とスープが付いて750円。 味もコスパも最高でした! ご飯にちょっと付いている福神漬けにも「昭和」を感じたランチタイムでした。
An oasis of businessmen (smokers) in the Osaka Ekimae Building! There was a restaurant that can smoke so much in the present age ,,,, (I stopped quite a while ago) Western food shop full of Showa smell? Where was it? There is only a basement of the Osaka Ekimae Building, so lunchtime is crowded, and, as a matter of course, the information is presented in a large table with six seats. What to do with a variety of set meals, pilaf, curry, spaghetti, sandwiches, drinks and an extensive menu? I got lost, but ordered "eight" from the set meal menu. Rice and soup are on the assorted of Tonkatsu, hamburg, shrimp fry, fresh vegetables, spaghetti, and it is 750 yen. The taste and cospa were great too! It was lunch time that I felt "Showa" even in Fukujin pickles with a little bit of rice.
S Juu on Google

料理の手作り感が嬉しい。そして美味しい。 店内は昭和な雰囲気で落ち着きます。(照明薄暗いですが…) 定食や軽食のメニューが豊富でリーズナブル、コスパの高いお店です。 色々なメニューを試してみたい。
I am happy with the handmade feeling of the food. And it's delicious. The inside of the store is calm with a Showa era atmosphere. (The lighting is dim ...) It is a reasonably priced restaurant with a wide selection of set meals and light meals, and has a high cost performance. I want to try various menus.
しんたしんた on Google

A Western-style coffee shop in the Showa era in the Osaka station square building. It is delicious no matter what you eat, such as a set meal of each fried assortment, curry, spaghetti, etc. I think it's more delicious and cospa than a Western-style restaurant with a line.
k h on Google

◎日替わり750円 チキンステーキ、メンチカツ、エビフライ全部盛りと書かれているので、期待して注文。 何でしょう、このボリュームのなさ。 すべてが小さすぎます。 *喫煙可能店です。知らずに入ると大変な喫煙臭に身体、持ち物すべてが侵されます。
◎ Daily 750 yen It says that chicken steak, minced meat cutlet, and fried shrimp are all served, so expect it and order. What is this lack of volume? Everything is too small. * Smoking is allowed. If you enter without knowing it, your body and all your belongings will be affected by the odor of smoking.

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