Rokakuso - Nagano

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Rokakuso

住所 :

95-3 Shinshushinmachi Kamijo, Nagano, 381-2404, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 381-2404
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–9PM
Sunday 11AM–9PM
Monday 11AM–9PM
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday 11AM–9PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 11AM–9PM

95-3 Shinshushinmachi Kamijo, Nagano, 381-2404, Japan
山下貴祐 on Google

美味しさ満点の炭火本格ジンギスカンが手軽に楽しめます。 土曜日に立ち寄りましたが待たされることなく席に座れました。お肉はサホーク(食用に改良された羊肉)、ラム(仔羊)、上肉(大人の羊肉)の三種類。それぞれ味が違って楽しめます。羊肉のクセが嫌な人ならサホーク、好きな人なら上肉。私は上肉がオススメです。タレで味がついていて絶妙に旨い!です。 ニンニク生姜の効いた後付けタレは醤油をちょっと入れて、と店員さんから教えてもらえます。醤油を入れ過ぎないように!ちょっとで十分です。 建物は古めで、エアコンはないようでしたがテラス席からは犀川が見え、風が通ってなかなかの風情でした。店横に駐車場、道の向かいに第2駐車場があり止める所に困らないのも助かるお店です。
You can easily enjoy full-scale charcoal fire Genghis Khan. ‥ I dropped in on Saturday but could sit without waiting. There are three types of meat: sahawk (edible mutton), lamb (lamb), and top (adult lamb). You can enjoy the different tastes. If you don't like mutton's habit, sahawk. I recommend the top meat. The sauce is tasty and delicious. is. The clerk tells me that the sauce with garlic and ginger is a little bit of soy sauce. Do not put too much soy sauce! A little is enough. The building was old and didn't seem to have an air conditioner, but from the terrace seats we could see Saikawa, and the wind was flowing, and it was a nice atmosphere. There is a parking lot next to the store and a second parking lot across the road, so it's a good idea to have no trouble stopping.
KJ Karistoph on Google

I stopped by Shinshu Genghis Khan again. While I was on a business trip, I dared to drop in at Shinshu Shinmachi by car with a colleague, and although it was a shop where I felt a little Showa, the meat was delicious. The ramen after that was normal but delicious ? It's not good if you want perfection, but if you want to taste Shinshu Genghis Khan, it's an ant. I want to go again.
橋本玲奈 on Google

マトン、ジンギスカンが苦手な人に是非試してみてほしいお店。 味付けが絶妙で、羊特有の臭みがないので食べられます。特にサフォーク。
This is a shop that people who are not good at mutton and Genghis Khan should definitely try. The seasoning is exquisite and there is no odor peculiar to sheep, so you can eat it. Especially Suffolk.
hirofumi kawai on Google

テラス席で、ろうかく湖をながめながら炭火でいただくジンギスカンは、雰囲気も良くさらに美味しいですね。オリジナルのタレに醤油を少々。他には無い味です。 少し高いですが、サフォークはオススメかなと思います。
Genghis Khan, which is served on the terrace over a charcoal fire while looking at the lake, has a nice atmosphere and is even more delicious. Add a little soy sauce to the original sauce. It has a unique taste. It's a little expensive, but I think Suffolk is recommended.
nota 16 on Google

信州新町といえばジンギスカン。 美味しいジンギスカンが味わえます。 開店直後に入ったため、テラス席を確保。秋の良い風を浴びながら、美味しくお食事できました。 平日に行くとランチセットがあります。 サホークは赤み多め、特上ラムは程よく脂が乗った感じです。 私は特上ラムがお気に入りです。 少し値段がお高めなのと、人によっては注文してからの待ち時間が長く感じると思いますので、星4つにさせていただきましたが、一度は行って損しないお店だと思います。
Shinshu Shinmachi is Genghis Khan. You can enjoy delicious Genghis Khan. Since we entered immediately after the store opened, we secured a terrace seat. I was able to eat deliciously while taking in the good autumn breeze. There is a lunch set on weekdays. The sahawk has a lot of redness, and the special lamb has a moderate amount of fat. I like special lamb. The price is a little high, and some people may feel that the waiting time after ordering is long, so I decided to give it 4 stars, but I think that it is a shop that you can go to once and not lose.
taka mi on Google

周辺では最古のジンギスカン屋とπ先&大先輩とともに昼ジャストミートで入店したッス。 羊肉だけに… やや混み始めそうだった為に、座敷に案内され、一歩二歩散歩って漢字に誤字を入れつつ フム、踏む…何か座敷、後付けっぽく無い?と思いつつも即座に着座。 肉料理屋さん定番コールの 『とりあえず生中?』を我慢しつつ、 我慢しつつ ↑ここ大事!CoCoのコールも大事!! 文字通り 玄関前に掲示してあった看板 メニューの(サホーク定食)を。 大先輩は(ラム定食)を、 π先は(特上ラム定食)を注文し 待つこと 階下トイレまで1往復?? まず 『炭火』『肉』 しばらくし『ご飯・味噌汁・サラダ』が 提供されました はやっ(@ ̄□ ̄@;)!! 兎?にも角煮?も← 折角、 三種の肉があるので、 自分の『肉』を二人にシェアし 味比べを リスペクトtoミスター味っ子と、 ばかりにやってみtア… … ん? Σ(・ω・ノ)ノ? 自分、貧乏舌なので 何食べても …旨いッス( ´∀`)b 『食後は炭火引き下げ後コーヒー提供』 しかし カカシ 少し、いただいた 未確定な味覚的な感想を簡素に するならスルーと聞き流して戴ければ ・ラム定食 旨味 良 甘味 良 ・特上ラム定食 旨味 良 甘味 最良 ・サホーク定食 旨味 最良 甘味 良 ラム肉の野性臭もなく 厚切り過ぎない食べやすいスライス幅 あっさり系な秘伝タレの後味良く (*゚∀゚)*。_。)*゚∀゚)*。_。) 古の時代に新春放送されてた ミスター隠し芸的なミュージシャンばりに チューボー的文才の 僕が云うならば 「星、3つです」 って漢字を感じました … 流石 此の風光明媚な地に 店を昭和43年から構え のちに座敷も増築しただけあるッス✨ ま、 べた褒めしてても嘘臭くなるので 正月休み明けに因み 書き初め夜露詩句とばかりに 墨滴 マイナスポイントを1つ ご飯がススム君的な定食なのに ご飯がすくない的な不満が あったり無かったりラジバンダLee コスパ的には近隣の道の駅で 冷凍サホークが誤差みたいな値段であったので、やや高めの定食金額に見えるが lunch割GJ部 ともあれ 僕的な総評を錬成式にすると 解答としては 解凍済羊肉 ✖️? 硝子➗らずに見る⛰️?画な風景 胃call再来店 でした。 美味しかったッス(o・ω・o)
In the surrounding area, I entered the restaurant with the oldest Genghis Khan restaurant and pi and seniors at lunchtime. Only for lamb ... As it seemed to start to get a little crowded, I was guided to the tatami room, took a step and two steps, and put a typographical error in the Chinese characters. Hmm, step on ... Isn't there something like a tatami room or a retrofit? While thinking, I immediately sit down. Meat restaurant classic call While putting up with "for the time being ?" Be patient ↑ Important here! CoCo calls are also important! !! literally The signboard posted in front of the entrance (Sahawk set meal) on the menu. Large seniors (rum set meal), π destination ordered (special lamb set meal) waiting 1 round trip to the downstairs toilet ?? first "Charcoal fire" "meat" After a while, "rice, miso soup, salad" Provided Hayaya (@  ̄ □  ̄ @;)! !! Rabbit ? and Kakuni ? ← At the same time, Because there are three kinds of meat Share your "meat" with two people Taste comparison Respect to Mister Ajikko, Just try it ... … Yeah? Σ (・ ω ・ ノ) ノ ? I'm a poor tongue No matter what you eat … Delicious ss (´∀ `) b "After meals, coffee will be served after the charcoal fire is reduced" However Kakashi I got a little Simplify uncertain taste impressions If you do, if you listen to it as through ・ Lamb set meal Good taste Good sweetness Good ・ Special lamb set meal Umami Good sweetness Best ・ Sahawk set meal Umami Best sweetness Good No wild odor of lamb meat Easy-to-eat slice width that is not too thick A light and secret sauce with a good aftertaste (* ゜ ∀ ゜) * ._.) * ゜ ∀ ゜) * ._.) It was broadcast in the new year in the old days For Mr. Hidden Musician Chubo-like literary talent If I say "Three stars" I felt the Chinese character … As expected In this scenic land Opened the store from 1968 Later, there was only an extension of the tatami room ✨ Devil, Even if you praise it, it will make you lie. In connection with the end of the New Year holidays At the beginning of writing, just like the night dew poem Ink drops One minus point Even though the rice is a set meal like Susumu I'm dissatisfied with the lack of rice With or without Radibanda Lee In terms of cost performance, at a nearby roadside station The price of frozen sahawk was like an error, so it looks like a slightly higher set meal price. lunch discount GJ club Anyway When I make my general comment a training ceremony The answer is Defrosted lamb ✖️? Glass ➗ See without ⛰️? Picturesque landscape Stomach call return visit was. It was delicious (o ・ ω ・ o)
Jayelon Lasseigne on Google

Went today for lunch and got the ラム定食 (Lamb set). Everything was delicious, the people are friendly, and the view is wonderful! Highly recommend!
Ayaka Notake on Google

Super! Went for lunch and tried Suffolk, Tokuzyō lamb, and Lamb, and personally enjoyed the Tokuzyō the best.

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